this space between us keeps getting bigger.
Monday, June 28, 2010 @ 11:44 PM
old stuff in italics
I've been waiting so long, praying for something to come along and sweep me off my feet. And I kept thinking I had it, that I'd found it in someone but then they'd go and leave me on my own. And well, every time that happened a part of me shut off, gave up, let go. And when I just about had enough I found you. Now I understand the things they'd all say. That when you find that someone you come alive, and everyday it's as though your heart's on fire. You give me a reason to believe in love.
We hold onto each other with the tightest of grips, so afraid that time will run out, that as it does we'll soon be completely out of reach from one other. But it's alright, because no matter what that bond will always be there. We'll always have each other. No matter how many miles, no matter how hard it will be to hold on we'll still be.. us. Because cliche or no cliche, friends are forever. For all of time.
To be truly happy one must accept the circumstances which they live in. You must understand that this is what's been so graciously given to you, things that you could lose in but the blink of an eye. You must accept what you have, what you do not have. And learn to share the things others lack. Like love, hope, words of strength. To be happy one must do everything they can to make sure the people around them are happy aswell. To be happy you must live, and to truly live you must love as much as possible, and be thankful for everything in this world because everything is beautiful and beauty deserves love. And love means happiness, always.
Life is too harsh. We lose the ones who mean the most, yet keep those who only ever give us pain. .
Do you ever miss someone you know you can never ever have back in your life? It's like, they're so close you can almost touch them, but in reality you know you'll never be able to reach them again. It's crazy, you were once their world and now, you can barely hold a conversation without falling silent. Reminiscing when you would talk for days on end. You used to know so much about them but now, you don't even know who they are at all. You used to be best friends but now, you're nothing but acquaintances. It's crazy, it's not fair. But I guess that's life.
It's funny how things change. One day you're friends, the next day you're strangers. Time passes and you wonder what you ever did to deserve such a thing. But then, just as you start to lose hope, they're back. Just as you forget how much they meant to you, the good times you've had. And it's like everything's back to normal. Suddenly you're smiling again, suddenly you remember why they were so important, why life was so dull without that person in your life. It's like in the blink of an eye you have your best friend back. And you couldn't be happier.
I miss how life used to be. Nothing to worry about, no-one to ever put you down. I wanna rewind back to the days when nothing mattered, when life was all fun and games. Nothing hurt, no-one cried. The world is full of hurt, anguish, pain and suffering; and here I am after all this time, hoping, praying, wishing for you.
Ps. hi best friend :) you're the best, hehe
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