*i went downstairs right..
*and i turn on the light
*and on the lounge.. is this random kid sleeping :S :

Labels: studystudy

I'm so bored right now.. feels like I should be doing something important, or productive or whatever but meh. Instead I'll blog :L So yesterday, I went city with Amy, searching for asians (ahahhaha) but we failed to see any (LOL yeah.) It was fun though :) All the walking felt so bad, but so good at the same time (Y) Andddd I wore my new..............
SANDALS! Hahahahahah yayyyyy. One thing off my list (Y) And yeee they were on sale :] $22 from like...however much they were originally LOL. $40-something? Chyeeeah bro (H) I love them :)
Like everything there was 5 bucks each LOL. Except the nail polishesss. The purple one from sportsgirl was like, meant to be $4.95, but I didn't realise they had that further 50% off all sale stuff on so it was $2.50 YAYYY LOL hehehehhe. And it's a super pretty colour too :) And I got the other 3 from Myerrr. Cost like 10 bucks :). Go me. LOL. I love the bunches of bangles HAHA Such good value :'). Anyyyyway moving on from my cheapness :L I've been using like the same bag for everything I do / everywhere I go (Y) But I'm to lazy to take a pic now ahahah shhhh.
Labels: bored, everyday, fashionz, holidays