made me laugh for 20 minutes straight
Saturday, August 29, 2009 @ 9:30 PM

Labels: nina really needs a life
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009 @ 5:47 PM


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good times
Monday, August 24, 2009 @ 11:27 PM
i look weird with eyeliner on LOLOL but i like this pic haha :)
......and that is all.
byebye xo
Labels: photographic memoriez
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i know what i want, what i need.
Sunday, August 23, 2009 @ 3:57 PM
Bored haha. And you know what, JUST FOR YOU GUYYYYS. Another 10. hahahaha cos I stopped at 10 last time :P
11. I used to be really quiet. Like I used to be really reserved and shy, and I wouldn't talk much. And yeah. Now.. I am totally not (...most of the time). I hate getting comments on my report that say "Nina needs to participate more in class discussions" or "Nina is a quiet, conscientious student" LOL. To that I say psshhhh. Like in pass I used to not talk and now I talk too much LOL haha, andy was like "you used to not talk at all and now you don't stop" hahahahah. I'm so cool :)
12. I get really insecure. I compare myself to others, and I do get pretty self-conscious, though I don't really show it. I guess it's only human. I mean no-one's perfect right?
13. If you made me chose between shorts and jeans, and dresses and skirts, I'd choose dresses and skirts. Idk why, I just don't feel like I look good in shorts/jeans? LOL. I dunnoo. I feel pretty in dresses hahaha :). I guess that makes me pretty girly.. But I guess the fact that I haven't ever, and don't really ever plan on (unless on like my wedding and when I'm older? LOL) wearing make-up makes up for it (Hahahha pun :). Like omg, heard that year sevens wear eyeliner.. wtf.
14. Definitely a romantic. I love love :) I like cheese and corn! LOL. I want a love like The Notebook 8). Yeah I'm a dreamer aren't I :L.
15. Pet peeve #1 - untucked shirts LOL. Seriously, I don't like it hahaha. It looks so...untidy. Yuck. Haha :L Not saying that a guy has to like fully tuck his shirt in and look like a douchebag (ps. look up douche. it's funny), just like, yknow, I like it when guys tuck it in but sorta, loosely? Haha, yeah I'm weird xD. I hate it when the untuckedness pokes out from under jumpers too.
16. I talk to myself a lot.. Like when I regret doing something or other, and I walk away I go "omg wth why didn't you _____", and when someone is around or something I quickly switch to thinking to myself while like smiling on the outside LOL
17. I'd muchh prefer english/art/music to maths/science. I (unlike most people) don't like the idea of having like only 1 right answer, and no other solutions except that one. I'd rather believe that you know, part of the answer is how you interpret the question. And so really, there is no 'wrong' answer, only ones that are more..convinced? than others. Haha did that even make sense :S. Well, yeah. Guess that's why I like (and therefore am slightly better at :L) english, and not maths. :L
18. I think it's always the thought that counts. Like, for presents or whatever, I'd rather a simple, sweet card with a message in it or a scrapbook (which I got on my birthday tyyy lucy trantran ^^) as opposed to like, a big, expensive, flashy present. The gift is in the giver, always. :)
19. With me it's always the smallest things. It's the simple, small things that make my day, or the smallest gestures/actions make me smile. But then, often it's the tiniest, most seemingly insignificant things that upset me most. Because I'm weird like that.
20. I think too much into the future. I'm scared about leaving school, about other people leaving, about what I'm gonna do when I go to uni, about what I'm gonna be when I'm older. About whether I'm still going to have certain people in my life lets say 2, 3 years from now. I get really sad alot, because I'm always thinking about losing you. Silly huh? haha
There you go lizzie xD and robertt you poo LOL
Might edit later.. put stuff on.. yeah. gotta shower now so yeah xD
Labels: nina really needs a life
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Thursday, August 20, 2009 @ 9:41 PM

Because you are totally dying to know more about me. /sarcasm
Not conceited at all,
1. I find it hard to look people in the eye. Well, not everyone. Just, some people.. haha. And I don't know why, it's so baddd though because it totally makes things awkward and stuff.
2. I have the weirdest dreams, and like I mean weird. Like last night, I had this dream that someone threw this really giant and painful ball of paper at me, and I opened it up and it said I love you on it. I mean wtf. LOL. So yeah, always the strangest dreams. That is when I can actually remember them.
3. I always forget what I'm talking about mid-sentence. Or like, I would like fully have this thing in my head that I'm about to talk about, then I go to open my mouth and say something and I totally forget what I'm gonna say. HAHA yeah I'm suhtoopid
4. I am definitely not a morning person. I wake up reluctantly, and then I'll probably be all pissy and irritable for an hour or 2 haha. But I'm not necessarily a night person.. I dunno what I am, my favourite time of the day is like afternoons-ish, like 2pm or something, so maybe I'm an arvo person. :L
5. I am good at remembering faces. But not-so at names. Like I can recognize people on the street, and think like "Omg, I totally served them at maccas", even if it was a month ago, even if I wasn't even the one who served them. Yeah I'm weird like that :]
6. When I was a kid I always wanted that job handing out the newspapers to all the houses in the neighbourhood. And getting to blow that horn thing LOL.
7. I always think I have so much to say, that I could just go on and on talking about deep and meaningful things to people. But when it gets down to it, I'm pretty much lost for words.. or well, I can't bring myself to say much at all. It's teerrible, because I never end up getting to say the things I set out to say, and so never get to do the things I want. I guess that's why I have Xanga.
8. I hate confrontation. So I guess it kind of ties into the last thing: I don't like to confront or question anyone, so in the end I hold back what I'm feeling, so much that I am soo drowning in emotions that I silently break down in tears or some crap. Well not anymore, but oh I used to.
9. I don't know what love means. I've been trying to figure it out lately, and the only thing I found was that there's different types of it. Doesn't really help though, I still don't know what the hell it is. I mean there's all the cheesy cliches, but behind all that, what's the meaninggg. Arr.
10. I'm always hungry.. And for the rare times that I'm not hungry, if I'm bored, I'll go and look for something to eat LOL. I'm pleasantly surprised I'm not morbidly obese yet. ^^
Now we can be friends. Ngaw.
Hahahahhaa damnn I'm so bored. Btw yeah, in the end I gave up at 10, so yeah, 10 things, ten.
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I think I'm in love
Sunday, August 16, 2009 @ 7:16 PM
Bored heh. So I am..blogging, haha. Double post (or, triple?! hahahahaaa) , hopefully. Anywhoo I'm gonna talk about my day, cos you know, that's what you do when you're bored :P Well like my mum was feeling sick so we didn't go church this morning. Woke up at like 10.. ate food.. then went liek shopping for my daddo's birthday on tuesday! Haha so anyways when we like got to the shops I went atm to take out like some money and I didn't expect much to be in my acc, cos you know, yeah, LOL. But like when I checked I had like an extra 100 more bucks than I expected :O So I took out like 50 bucks :]. Mm went looking around.. my mum ended up getting like a cutting-shavey-set-thing for my dad LOL. And guess what I gottttt. I got the sweetest pair of brogues EVERRR. They have heels :) They were $20 :). They are my one true love right now. :) Ahahahah. Hm well tbh like half the shoes/clothes I buy I don't really think about how or where I'd wear them.. I just buy for the sake of it LOL, I'm terrible, I know. haha. So yeah, idk if I'll ever wear them
Anyway. I'm gonna go eat dinner.
I'll add onto this later.
And blog on other blogs
Omg. I am defff in love. DBSKKKK I LURRVE YOU MARRY ME ♥♥♥ wahhhh. Seriously LOL, I have never been this obsessed with something asian before (unless you count people? xD). Like omgggg they're so hot D= it's beyond normal. THEY ARE ALL MY LOVES. Especially Hero and Micky..and MAXXX. Even though Max has long hair in Love In The Ice ._. ITS OK BABY, I'LL STILL LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT. :D
Bahahahhahah totally in love.
Anyway. -end fangirl rant-
Labels: daily, lovelovelove
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worth waiting for
Saturday, August 15, 2009 @ 6:39 PM
Labels: lulzkebabs
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Every moment that i treasure
Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 10:50 PM
1. That my class is very IMMATUREEE. ie. in science
2. That playing 44-home with my homies is love :)
3. That boys have d&m's in groups LOL
4. That boys throw balls hard. = jarring = unhappy nina :(
5. That I have the best most un-embarrassing friends ever /sarcasm :L
6. That it can take the smallest thing to totally bring you down
7. That I'm really gonna miss my pass class next yr. *sniffle
8. That no matter how much everyone thinks it so, I still have my doubts
9. That sometimes it just takes time.
10. That I am indeed impatient.
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Thursday, August 13, 2009 @ 10:11 PM

Haha hi!
Just felt like blogging :L Prob cos I'm blogging on xanga too, felt like multitasking :D
Sorry bloggerrr, but I think that I just (L) xanga more than you. :O
LOL. Idk hahah, prob cos I kinda get things off my chest and let it out and stuff there, and I can be all lovey-dovey or emooo or happy or whatever. And people get it? haha, idk. People subscribe too :D I love getting randoms's comments. LOL. 200 subs nearly :]
Bahahahah anyways, MOVING ON FROM XANGAA. I'm bored.. LOL. Maths test was ehhh, I made heaps of really dumb mistakes though, oh well.. hahaa. Well, yeah I don't really have much to blog about tbh, just felt like blogging something :D I'm so cool. Today was ok :) THAT RHYMES HAHAHA. But I stabbed myself with my badge too many times at work tday.. Like ow much :( And my butt hurts, I have this like green bruise on it LOL T_T Oh well heh
QUIZ TIME YAY stole it of mabel, HBD (she wont even read this LOL)
ahahah this is for you karen ily LOL :D
1) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?
Great starting question, getting right into it LOL. Umm it takes time I guess?
2) Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yeaah, but the heart is a strong thing :)
3) Are you a romantic?
I love love
4) Do you believe that you can change someone?
Mmm I'd like to think so hahaha
5) If you could get married anywhere, where would it be?
I dunno, in some really picturesque elegant church or something heh :D
6) Do you easily give in when you are fighting?
Depends how much I believe in my point of argument LOL
7) Do you have feelings for someone right now, whether they know or not?
Errr idk :L
8) Have you ever wished you could’ve had someone but you messed that up?
Hmm nah not really, I wished for someone but it alas it was not meant to be. No-one's fault of course :)
1. Male Friend: Hm I will say, jeff xie and steven, I'm not really close to guys though hahaha LOL. they barely count as guys anyway :D KIDDING
2. Female Friend: F4! And larry, amz, jannice, many others :]
3. Vacation: Hmm idk, last time I went overseas, in year 8 I MISS IT :(
4. Memory: Lotsssss. SCIENCE LESSONS IN YR 9 LAUGHING WITH AMY HAHA. Jump Rope for Heart, pass major (L). HOCKEY. Valentine's day this year, jeffrey c, LOL haha, good times. Musicaaal. Maths with arrioles in yr 9. Country Fair. Crying in rain last year, + brainstorming ways to move on ie. writing down names on board then rubbing them out violently HAHA LUCY. oh and GONE A-PEEING. LOL. haha, I have lots of memories. That's just the ones I can think of right now
1. Time of day: Hmm probably when I just woke up, and wanna go back to sleepies
2. Day of the week: Hmm.. yeah Saturday.. idk why, haha probably cos it's always boring and uneventful + work
3. Food: ....nina loves ALL food. except the yucky stuff, like eyes and liver and organs and yeah LOL
4. Memory: Hmm idk. I treasure them all tbh, good or bad. So yeah
1. Person you saw: My mum ? :L
2. Talked to on the phone: steven for like a minute LOL you tha bomb (Y)
3. Text: sister
4. Messaged over Facebook? ..Amy/Jannice? LOL
1. What are you doing right now? thisss
2. Wearing?: Hurlystone trackies + tee and cardi? haha :)
3. Better than yesterday? Mm meh xD
4. Did you see the person you like? Yeah, I saw you. yeah thas right YOUU READER/S. ;D love you's :D
5. What’s the weather? Night-like?
1. Is: Double science
2. Got any plans? School? :L
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: Hmm.. probably jap LOL, sorry jap people, I just totally have lost my interest in it HOW FREAKY WOULD IT BE IF MS HEWETT SAW THIS LOL. but she won't. :)
1. Number: hmm. 20 :D
2. Song: Lots and lotsss dear
3. Season: spring (L)
4. Cartoon: Arthur :D
1. Missing someone: Mmm nah
2. Mood: Tired xD
3. Wanting: YOU ;D
4. Listening to: Nothingg
True or False
I am a morning person: Veryy false
I am an only child: False
I am currently in my PJ’s: THEY WILL BE MY PJS, LOL
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: False
I can be paranoid at times: True
I currently regret something that I have done: False
I curse frequently: Tralse
I enjoy country music: Indifferent
I enjoy hip hop: Tralse
I enjoy techno/trance: False
I enjoy talking on the phone: Tralse, depends who
I have a hidden talent: True ;D
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: True, haha
I have all my grandparents: False
I have at least one brother and/or sister: True, I have 2 in fact
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor: LOL yeah..
I have changed a diaper: Narh
I have changed a lot over the past year: True, yes I have. I have grown :) Emotionally and crap
I have done something illegal: Falsee i think
I have had major/minor surgery: True, mm minor, got bone marrow out for a test when I was like 8.. to see if i had Leukemia? arrr, yeah, I have a scar :D I'LL SHOW YOU IF YOU ASK :D LOL
I have had my hair cut within the last 2 months: Truee
I have had the cops called on me: Falsettooo
Single or Taken: Singleee
Eye color: Brown?
Hair: Black, semi-ranga in the sun (Y) LOL
Height: Liek, 155 ...
Righty or lefty: LEFTIE
Can you make a dollar in change right now? I can make 2, in fact :)
anyway, NIGHTTTT
Labels: daily, nina really needs a life, xanga
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like you know whatever
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 @ 10:14 PM

"You see two people and you think they belong together, but nothing happens - the thought of losing so much control over personal happiness is unbearable. You love someone, you open yourself up to suffering, and that’s the sad truth. Maybe they’ll break your heart, maybe you’ll break their heart and never be able to look at yourself in the same way. Those are the risks. That’s the burden. Like wings, they have weight, we feel that weight on our backs, but they are a burden that lifts us. Burdens that allow us to fly." - Bones
Daily inspo. (Y)
(cause I'm too lazy to actually blog)
Oh I'm so going to fail maths tomorrow :(
Ahhh well, I studied quite a lot, (I'd like to think so) therefore hopefully I'll do ok *mouth twitch* :/
Mm, bye.
Daily inspo. (Y)
(cause I'm too lazy to actually blog)
Oh I'm so going to fail maths tomorrow :(
Ahhh well, I studied quite a lot, (I'd like to think so) therefore hopefully I'll do ok *mouth twitch* :/
Mm, bye.
Labels: daily life, in here
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just want to cry now
Monday, August 10, 2009 @ 9:24 PM
Sometimes I feel so full of love, it just comes spilling out. It's uncomfortable to see, I give it away so easily. But if I had someone I would do anything. I'd never, never, ever let you feel alone. I won't, I won't leave you, on your own.
But who am I to dream? Dreams are for fools who let you down.

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"Est-ce que tu m'aimes vraiment?" ngaw. :L
Sunday, August 9, 2009 @ 10:49 PM

Haha. So work wasn't that bad after all.
I'm slowly getting more and more shifts though hm..
Ah well, $$.
WELL. I have to go finish ag. Idk why I'm even blogging now there's like no point :L
TODAY I WENT SHOPPING AND DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING. Miracle, right? Haha. Man, I'm losing myself. Like all the things that I used to love don't..interest me anymore? Zz. I dunno why, but I'd like to get back to being myself now :( Garrh. Wtf is happening to meee. HELUPP. I hope I am not headed into another breakdown. Cos I can't handle those. The last time.. rawr the last time was awful. Don't want another. Save me. Yeah you.
Labels: in here
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happy 150th post nina (Y)
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @ 9:35 PM
Today was ehhh. Woke up at like 10:30. Went city at like 2 to return sister's book at UTS Library. Cute guy smiled at me at the pedestrian crossings :D. Was 15 minutes late for work. Karma then, stayed back 15 extra minutes unknowingly after work. Got home. Ate food. Now here, bored :L
I have to sleep early tonight, because i have work at 6 in the morning tomorrows. WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS ARRGH. :( Oh well I need the money. Seeing as I went over my cap badly... See it's $150 cap yeah? Well I have used $179.75... :| LOL. Oh wells, worth it, worth it :L. So, 6 hours of work in the morning tomorrow. Waking up at dawn, leaving the house when it's still dark out and being super duper uber cold. YAY. :) (totally a forced smile. but whatevers. I will be happy tomorrow morning. Even if I have to tape a smile on my face. LOL.) CAP RESTARTS TOMORROW. And also..... idk LOL. OMFG have to do ag too.. tomorrow. :)
In conclusion, YAY FOR TOMORROW.
Labels: everyday, random, workkk
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Thursday, August 6, 2009 @ 7:42 PM
(2) Straight/gay/bi?: Uhh straight
(3) Single? Yesirree
(4) Want to be: Yeah, happy :)
(5) Your birthday: March 20th !
(6) Age You Wish You Were: ....I like this one heh
(7) Your height: ..Like 154cm LOL :(
(9) The color of your eyes: Brown
(10) The color of your hair: Black with a Red/Purple/Ranga/Brown tinge D:
(11) Piercings? Earies
(12) Tattoos? Noope
D O Y O U . . .
(13) Smoke? No
(14) Do drugs? No
(15) Read the newspaper? Not really
(16) Pray? Yep
(17) Talk to strangers? Sometimes? :L
(18) Take walks in the rain? Depends I guess
(19) Drive? Nop
(20) Like to drive fast? Yeah, I live my life in the fast lane brah
H A V E Y O U E V E R . .
(21) Hurt yourself? Yes
(22) Been out of the country? No
(23) Been in love? Define love
(24) Done drugs? Not the illegal ones :)
(25) Gone skinny dipping? No
(26) Had a surgery? Yeah
(27) Ran away from home? No
(28) Played strip poker? No :L
(29) Gotten beaten up? No
(30) Been picked on? Yeah
(31) Been on stage? Yess
(32) Slept outdoors? Year 8 Camp anyone? :D
(33) Had a best friend? Yep
(34) Pulled an all-nighter? Not a full one
(35) If yes, what is your record? Like 3:30/4 LOL I fail I know
(36) Talked on the phone all night? Nope
(37) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex? ..No
(38) Slept all day? Nearly
(39) Killed someone? Nope
(40) Made out with a stranger? No.
(41) Had sex with a stranger? No.
(42) Kissed the same sex? On the cheek? LOL
(43) Done anything sexual with the same sex? ..No
(44) Been betrayed? In a way
(45) Broken the law? No
(46) Met a famous person? No
(47) Been on radio/TV ? Nope
(48) Been in a mosh-pit? SOCIAAL LOL
(49) Had a nervous breakdown? Yep
(50) Been criticized about your sexual performance? ...No
(51) Had a dream that kept coming back? Yeah
(52) Shoe brand? err... I love Billy (H)
(53) What are you normally wearing to school/work? Winter Uniform (Y)
(54) Wear hats? Only at work
(55) Judge other people by their clothing? No....t entirely
(56) Wear make-up? Never
(57) Favorite places to shop? Anywhere with sales 8)
(58) Favorite article of clothing? Manyy hahahha :)
(59) Are you trendy? I'd like to think I am but I'm quite lame too so I guess I'm normal :P
(60) Believe in life on other planets?: Nope
(61) Miracles?: Yeah
(62) Astrology? Nah but it's interesting to read :L
(63) Magic?: Nahh
(64) God?: Yeah
(65) Satan?: Yes
(67) Ghosts?: I guess
(68) Luck?: Yes
(69) Love at first sight?: I believe in love?
(70) Yin and Yang?: Yeahh
(71) Witches?: Nah
(72) Easter bunny?: Nope
(73) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yeaah
(74) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: Yep :)
(75) Do you wish on stars? Yes
L O V E and all that J A Z Z
(76) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: Yeah tbh LOL
(77) Do you remember your first love?: I'm not sure it was but for the sake of this then sure
(78) Still love him/her?: Not in that way?
(79) Do you consider love a mistake? Never ever
(80) What do you find romantic?: Chivalry 8)
(81) Turn-on? Manners :P kindness
(82) Turn-off? Apathy I guess
(83) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: Noope
(84) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: Hmm to be fair yeah, but I probably wouldn't ever cos I'm a chicken :L
(85) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: ..No, everyone is beautiful in their own way =)
(86) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? Dunno do I, I'm not a guy LOL.
(87) What is best about the opposite sex? I agree with Ebs heh. But I guess it's how they can make you smile in a way no-one else can :) (Yes I'm smiling LOL)
(88) What's the last present someone gave you? .....Honestly can't remember anything til way back then on my bday LOLL
(89) Are you in love? Love takes time :O
W H O W A S T H E L A S T P E R S O N . . .
(90) You laughed at? Mattie..idk why, FOR BEING GAY HA HA
(91) Make you cry? Someone?
(92) Hold your hand? Honestly cannot remember. :( LOL
(93) Tell you a joke? Err idk
(94) Tell you they loved you? NO ONE LOVES ME :'(
(95) Call you?: Sister
HAHA that was fun :)
Anyway. today was an a-ok day xD. We had double science and we like had prac the whole time, which is like a first cos it was actually fun :O LOL. We like had some experiment with banana and its DNA and we got to mash up bananas and mix in detergent and ethanol and stuff and yeah 8). Recess ... OH we were like talking about our ag assignment, AND WE TOTALLY HAVE SOMETHING NOW. It's gonna be awesome :D. Then geooo was... Oh geo comp thing. = uber boringg. But me and Amy were sharing answers. Because sharing is caring (a) heheh. Maths = zz. OH got free cake at lunch :) jap was boring, soccer in pass. It was fun I guess xD GOT HIT BY THE BALL MANY TIMES THOUGH :( Why do balls have to be so attracted to me? -sigh- HAH.
Mufti day tomorrows.. I dunno what to wear LOL. Jeans obviously xD
Hmmmmm. Well I better go and write up script thing for ag :P
Labels: everyday, nina really needs a life
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Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 11:14 PM

I feel like blogging :)
Hmm. Probably cos I'm like on a high. Because I finallyyyyyyyyyy finished english speech. LOL. Hopefully I'm not gonna do it on Wednesday though.. cos my throat is seriously like acting up and I'm all coughy coughy, and so therefore I will probably have numerous coughing fits whilst attempting my speech, because I'll be so nervous I won't be able to breathe so then I will start choking and coughing. (Y) LOL. Oh and I will be much much more comfortable doing my speech in front of 10O. Cos I love you guys like that :D heheh.
OMG I have to show you guys something HAHA. Well cos we're doing coaching in PASS atm, and yeah we're gonna (ME SHIRLS AND CEE :D) be doing ours tomorrow. So I decided to like you know get uber pro awards for uber pro's :) LOL. Ps. We're doing hockey (Y)

AHAHAHAHHAHAA. :D:D:D It's so prettyful and yeah ^^
I'm so gonna miss pass class next year :( PE is gonna be so gay without Shirls! And Ann! AND JEFF OMG LOLL. :(
Anyway. Hahahahahah can't get over that ^ xD
Hmmmm. I dunno what to talk about, haha :L
OMG Jeans for Genes Day on..Friday?
Jeans, obviously :)
hmm.... *thinks* haha ok NOT TELLING. LOL. Man are you bored yet reader/s? xD What a crappy blog :P
Ok I am bored, LOL. Going to bed bed now :)
Goodnight my dears ^^
Labels: everyday, nina really needs a life
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