Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @ 7:59 PM
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uh oh where's my uniform
Sunday, July 26, 2009 @ 8:51 PM
Finish reading english novel (LOL.)- Re-read english novel, then start speech.
- Finish speech. ha.
- Ag assignment.
- Organise PASS assignment.
Finish learning Love Hurts - Yiruma on piano. As in memorise :)Somehow find sheets to and learn Rescued - Jack's Mannequin on piano.(well i dont really know it all yet :P)- Learn other pretty pianoey songs (any suggestions?)
Learn more songs on guitar! (like I really need to stop learning Taylor Swift songs. They're all the same.)- Read sister's prelim Chemistry & Biology books
- Clean room. (finish cleaning room. haha)
Clean out wardrobe, get rid of clothes I know I don't and won't wear but still keep just for the sake of it.Get a haircut.- Do something drastic, make a change.
- Not get in too deep
- DIY hairdye. No-no. But it's faded/ing anyway so eh
- Bought clothing. And shoes. And bags. = Poor, = No-no.
- Singstar-ed. High School Musical Sing it (Y) bahah
- Not done jap. LOLS
- Gone out as many times as I did
- Drama-ed all day.. for many days :L
- LOL. yeah.. I shouldn't have loled as much too :P
oceans :)
"Sometimes it just takes patience for everything to happen. You won't get respect in just one day, you can't be in love with someone that you just met and you won't be able to forgive yourself in a second. I've learned that helping people is good, but helping someone too much won't let them grow. You grow by making mistakes, getting hurt, and learning from your regrets. Thoughts are there to help guide you to your decision. It's you that has to take that first step into the pathway of happiness. It's your doing that makes you who you are. Don't assume, get your facts straight. That is what messes up a lot of people. There's always the true story and reasoning behind everything. We are all different, but have one thing in common, we all want happiness. It is like we're all trying to fight for it, trying to get what we want and it makes us forget the whole reason why we wanted it in the first place. Nobody said life is going to be easy; life is what you make of it. Change for the better, don't change for someone else. Change for yourself. Don't be selfish. Don't limit yourself from doing things just because you don't think you can make it through. Remember - time isn't going to wait for you, so make the best of it."
"Sometimes it just takes patience for everything to happen. You won't get respect in just one day, you can't be in love with someone that you just met and you won't be able to forgive yourself in a second. I've learned that helping people is good, but helping someone too much won't let them grow. You grow by making mistakes, getting hurt, and learning from your regrets. Thoughts are there to help guide you to your decision. It's you that has to take that first step into the pathway of happiness. It's your doing that makes you who you are. Don't assume, get your facts straight. That is what messes up a lot of people. There's always the true story and reasoning behind everything. We are all different, but have one thing in common, we all want happiness. It is like we're all trying to fight for it, trying to get what we want and it makes us forget the whole reason why we wanted it in the first place. Nobody said life is going to be easy; life is what you make of it. Change for the better, don't change for someone else. Change for yourself. Don't be selfish. Don't limit yourself from doing things just because you don't think you can make it through. Remember - time isn't going to wait for you, so make the best of it."
Labels: nina really needs to get a move on LOL
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haven't done one of these in... a while :P
Thursday, July 23, 2009 @ 9:52 PM
Age?: 15
Height?: like.. 155cm
Weight?: 46 or something not really sure tbh LOL
Birthday?: 20th March 94
Birthplace?: Somewhere in the phils :L
Current Location?: Home
School/Grade?: Hurlystone, yr 10 repz
Zodiac Sign?: Pisces
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Dog
Righty or Lefty?: Lefty
Haircolor?: Blackkk. actually it's kinda got a reddy tinge..cos I dyed it.. LOL AND IT WAS FAIL
Eyecolor?: Uber dark brown
Skin Color?: Healthy Tan (H)
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: Mum, Dad, 2 older sisterrs
If So What Are They?: -
Favorite Relative?: Me :)
Least Favorite Relative?: ....blank :L
What's Your Heritage/Race?: Filo-o-fish
Political Affilation?: Errr, meh idc to be honest..LOL
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: Straight as a pin :]
Are You In A Relationship Now?: Course, with you ;D
If So, With Whom?: with myself :)
For How Long?: Forevers
Are You In Love?: yeah, his name is Zac Efron :P
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: define crush ROFL
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: ....er no
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: like 1 day old, I hope LOL!
Virgin?: Yessir
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: N/A
Was It Enjoyable?: ....noLOL
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: I hit a home run playing softball once when I was in primary school, so pretty far :P
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: IN THE HEART LOLL
Best Love Quote?: Can't decide :P
Your Friends
Best?: YOU. nah, well you know who you's are :)
How Many Do You Have?: A heap
More Guys Or Girls?: Girls
Love Them All?: Yup (L)
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: Yeah
Oldest?: I dunnos.. kinda lost contact with primary peeps. I'd say Aashy poo :)
Newest?: People from this year aka cc, noha, etc
Pen Pal?: Nonee
Friends And Words
Pen: err
Flower: Anything with a nice scent
Pink: Hey if a guy can pull it off good on him :P
Window: For every door that closes, a window opens :)
Heart: Lurrrve
Mother: Father LOL
Bread: Peanut butter and jelly :]
Insane: Crazy and Illogical
Sunglasses: Wayfarers
Pimp: Someone comes to mind but I won't say.
Cross: A line.
Lonely: I'm so loooonelyyy, I have noboddddyyy (8) :L
Car: VW beatle ROFL
Music: Teardrops on my guitar :L Expressing yourself, being heard.
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: idc LOL
Thongs or G-Strings?: Thongs....for my feetsies
Shorts or Pants?: Depends
Shoes or Barefeet?: Shoess
Books or Movies?: Depends
Night or Day?: Night. Sunset :)
Dark or Light?: Light
Mountains or Beach?: Beach
Snow or Sun?: Sun
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke
Guys or Girls?: Guys ;D
Swim or Surf?: Boogie Boarding >:D
For or Against
Relationships?: Indifferent
Gay Marriage?: Each to their own, I guess
Abortion?: Against
Suicide?: Against.. but it can't be blamed sometimes :/
War?: Sometimes it's needed I guess.. But usually tens, hundreds, thousands die for nothing.
Pants?: Against ;)
Clothes In General?: Against ;)
Penises?: for (Y)
Color?: Yellow, dark blue, cream
Number?: 20 :L
Holiday?: The ones at the end of the year/beginning :P
Season?: Spring and Autumn..And summer...and winter LOL.
Movie?: Transformers, Finding Nemo and omg, The Lion King
Book?: This Lullaby - Sarah Dessen
Magazine?: Don't read em much anymores. Used to buy like, InStyle, Frankie, Shop til You Drop :L
Food?: hahahhhaha pho LOL. Anything really :)
Drink?: Anything S=sweet
TV Show?: Manyy
Song?: Lots, anything with meaning.
Band?: Many
Computer Game?: Cooking mama 8)
Video Game?: ...^
Anime/Manga?: ...n/a
Shirt?: Yours ;D LOLSS
Pants?: Skinnies from Dotti, Levi's, Pipes by Lee.
Actor?: Probs Johnny Depp,
Actress?: Hmm. Drew Barrymore? Idk :L
Singer?: Guy from Secondhand Serenade :), Juliet Simms
Flower?: Something that smells sweet
Scent?: Flowers :P
Animal?: idkkk
Cookie?: White Choc and macadamia from Subway
The Future
Want To Go To College?: Yep
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Happy
Want To Get Married?: Yep
Want To Have Kids?: Yep
What Would Their Names Be?: Annabelle or Juliette
How Many?: 2, 3, 4 LOL idk.
Where Do You Want To Live?: Anywhere serene and homely
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: Anywhere beautiful, but then again it doesn't even matter where :)
How Do You Want To Die?: Peacefully..
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: Ears
Tattoos?: Nope
Smoke?: Never
Drink?: No
Do Drugs?: No
Skinny Dip?: ...no
Greatest Fear?: Bugs flying at your face and/or going in your mouth aka accidentally eating them in your sleep!!! -panics-
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Strawberry
Icecream? Cookies and cream
Go To Church?: Yeah
Religion?: Christian
Scars?: Oil burns from maccas.. Fry basket burn.. scars from nasty falls, etc
CDs Owned?: Some
Collections?: Used to collect 50-cent coins but I ended up spending them all LOL!
Naked?: err
Ever Eaten Sushi?: Yes yum
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: Nopes
Been On Stage?: Yep
Danced In The Rain?: Yeah K
issed Someone Of The Same Sex?: On the cheek?
Weirdest Dream?: All of them :L
Best Dream?: Some.
Saddest Dream?: Idk.
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: I dunno, being happy I suppose
Think You're Attractive?: Not in the slightest :L
Shoplifted?: No
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: doing WHAT, that is the question haha
Weirdest Makeout Place?: in the middle of church LOL not that it's happened, just naming the weirdest place :L
Like Thunderstorms?: Not at all :/
Favorite Shoes?: Heels :) i have a tonne
Favorite Quote?: And sometimes when your mind gets going, you just can't seem to get it to stop. It's like never-ending spinning, going around and around, thinking about those things you don't really want to know about yourself. But you can't get it to stop. The thoughts just clog your mind, your every movement. You can't do anything without thinking, and eventually, you just don't want to think anymore, but really, it's all you've got. (the font is different i know :L)
Weirdest Makeout Place?: in the middle of church LOL not that it's happened, just naming the weirdest place :L
Like Thunderstorms?: Not at all :/
Favorite Shoes?: Heels :) i have a tonne
Favorite Quote?: And sometimes when your mind gets going, you just can't seem to get it to stop. It's like never-ending spinning, going around and around, thinking about those things you don't really want to know about yourself. But you can't get it to stop. The thoughts just clog your mind, your every movement. You can't do anything without thinking, and eventually, you just don't want to think anymore, but really, it's all you've got. (the font is different i know :L)
Best Advice Given?: Life goes on I guess
Worst Advice Given?: Idk
Favorite Song Lyric?: Sell me out I'm yesterdays old news, phrases left on paper black ink bleeding through the pages where we made our history. Call me foolish I feel helpless.
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: Dunno
What Would you Like to Say to your Love Right Now?: I don't know who you are just yet, but when I do I swear I will never let you go :)
Glad This Is Over?: Not really, now I'm bored, and left to think about stuff this survey actually got my mind off. Ah well
Worst Advice Given?: Idk
Favorite Song Lyric?: Sell me out I'm yesterdays old news, phrases left on paper black ink bleeding through the pages where we made our history. Call me foolish I feel helpless.
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: Dunno
What Would you Like to Say to your Love Right Now?: I don't know who you are just yet, but when I do I swear I will never let you go :)
Glad This Is Over?: Not really, now I'm bored, and left to think about stuff this survey actually got my mind off. Ah well
1 comments: leave a comment

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 @ 10:29 PM
Anyways, omgsh watched Harry Potter HBP, and omggggg I reckon (apart from the total lack of awesome action-y battle scenes D:) IT WAS AWESOMEEEE LADS. :)
*chick rant time*
Yeah anyways, today I went Livo with my familayye. And I got these super awesome heels for $30 :] LOL they are a bit big though.... oh well :)
Also.... oh today, I have reached a milestone in my english assignment.
I FOUND MY NOVEL WOO! ahahah, I am so proud of myself. 8D LOLS. Now I just have to finish reading it... maybe read it again...start speech..finish speech..LOL. Arr stupid book --" Oh well I'll bs :)
I'm borrrred there's nothing to blog about :L
Hm well if you don't mind me ranting. I found out something recently, and it really got me thinking. Well, it got me pretty annoyed, and just, yeah. I mean It's not like it's completely unexpected or anything, tbh it's something I've known you to do, but it's just, it's not right and it's upsetting that you keep doing this same thing over and over again. Goshh dude. Do you ever learn? Do you know what you're doing? You need to stop. We've tried and tried to tell you that you're going too far and it's like.. it's like you're just not listening! I mean I've gotten over it, you did it to me and I got pretty upset but well yeah, I moved on with it. I gave you another chance to show me that you could be trusted. But you did it again. To someone who didn't deserve it at all How could you do that =/ Did you think that it would mean nothing to tell him? Why did you do it? Because you want him all to yourself? Because you like him? WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR FRIEND. Goshhh. -.-" Gah. Ok I better stop now before I go over the edge and say not-very-nice things.
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sorry for twitteresque posts.
12:47 AM
Why do we set ourselves up for so much pain? I guess that's what love is. It's taking that big leap into the unknown, it's knowing that you could get hurt but doing it anyway; it's not caring about the risks. And I think it all comes down to hope and faith. Hoping for the best, and believing that the best will come from that leap even though nobody else shares your view. I think that's what love is; that's what love is for me.
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Monday, July 20, 2009 @ 9:08 PM
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sweetest video ever.
Saturday, July 18, 2009 @ 10:13 PM
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i have work at 5, boo,
4:16 PM
Today I went and had a dose of retail therapy with my mum xD I gottt... Two dresses a cardi a jacket and a scarf :D bahah OH AND AND I GOT A PAIR OF BLACK LEVI'SSSS WOOOOOOT. :) ahahh, good times LOL. Anyways... then I went home and did nothing :) well.. I pianoed, then I guitared, then pianoed again and etc etc lolss. I FORGOT SO MANY SONGS I USED TO KNOW HOW TO PLAY :(
nts, must relearn (oh, yeah idk why they're in caps, bahah =)
And omg. You know what's a good songggg. In Another Life - Veronica's. Ahahah yeah it's one of their oldererr songs, you know the acoustic-un-techno/tb-y stage of their career haha :L.
Anyway, I'm bored. Work in like 25 mins.. I'M GOING TO DO A SURVEY! wewt. 8D
I have more than one xanga account.
I have a myspace.
I have a facebook.
I have a flickr account.
I have an account to some other blogging website.
I have at least one brother and one sister.
I have parents that care about me.
I have more than two pets.
I have a decent computer.
I have lyrics memorized for more than 20 songs.
I have been to a concert.
I have been to many, many concerts.
I have met my favorite band.
I have changed my style in the past few years.
I have changed friends in the past few years.
I have experimented with drugs.
I have done ecstasy.
I have actually never smoked weed.
I have been in love more than 2 times.
I have been in lust more than I can count.
I have hooked up with someone.
I have never had sex.
I have told my parents about my personal life.
I have wished to move away and start new.
I have listened to a song, thought of someone, and started to cry.
I have experienced things I never thought I would.
I have wondered what it'd be like to be someone else.
I have gone back to an ex.
I have pretended to like something to avoid hurting someone's feelings.
I have been mistaken for my mother.
I have been to Europe.
I have been to Hawaii.
I have been to Florida.
I have been to Australia.
I have been obsessed with someone/something.
I have been addicted to someone/something.
I have had a hard time letting someone go.
I have read an amazing book recently.
I have been inspired greatly.
I have the urge to try new things.
I have tried a little too hard to impress.
I have been a waitress.
I have been a store clerk.
I have babysat for money.
I have had a job I absolutely hated.
I have been told I'm beautiful.
I have been told I'm unique.
I have been told to never give up.
I have been told it gets better.
I have been told to treat others the way I want to be treated.
I have been told that I am ugly.
I have been told that I am fat.
I have gained self confidence over the years.
I have seen something very unpleasant. YOUR FACE LOL
I have worn hot pink out in public.
I have been embarassed to be with someone.
I have stayed on the computer all day.
I have searched for answers.
I have prayed before.
I have played online games.
I have pictures of friends in my room.
I have a nice car.
I have been more bored than I am now.
I get a lot of headaches.
I have had my eyebrow pierced.
I go to a university.
I'm a high school graduate.
I have an account on last.fm.
I have long fingers. i think? :S
I actually look decent with shoulder length hair.
It bugs me when people don't return my phone calls.
I'm only fluent in English.
It wouldn't bother me if my boyfriend thought that another girl is attractive.
I need a job.
My first job was at a fast food place. LOL!
I've been in lust.
I like most of New Found Glory's cover songs.
I'm Asian.
I've considered joining the military.
I've seen Pineapple Express and I think it's a stupid movie.
I used to have a crush on Nick Stokes from CSI: Las Vegas. ....LOLOL :$
I have a small butt.
I've taken swimming lessons.
My bra size is a D.
I wouldn't consider plastic surgery unless it was for medical reasons.
I get annoyed easily.
I like bagels with cream cheese.
I do volunteer work, not because of school requirements but because I like it.
I have been a tutor.
I have had at least six piercings so far.
I don't have a tattoo.
I enjoy sushi.
I wear flip flops, even in the winter.
I wear black rimmed glasses.
The sight of blood makes me queasy.
I drink a lot of water.
I own an iPod.
I've done over a thousand surveys. (most likely)
I'm a huge ice cream fanatic.
I'm in a relationship.
I've never been given a promise ring.
I worry too much.
I make my own layouts.
Roses are my favorite flower.
I brush my teeth twice a day.
I have been in the school marching band.
I'm a colorguard girl.
I don't really have a favorite band; there are too many to choose from!
My favorite movie is a romantic comedy.
I've been to Warped Tour.
My phone is currently on vibrate.
I record my own ringtones on my phone.
Orchids are my favorite flower.
I love making mixed CDs for no reason.
Vans are my favorite brand of shoes.
I can burp my ABC's.
I love driving on the freeway.
I admit when I'm at fault.
I'm currently unemployed.
My dad is an engineer.
I only have one sibling.
I don't have any brothers.
There are three computers in my house.
I drive a Toyota.
I always have a hair tie around my wrist.
I'm a brunette.
I've never dyed my hair.
I don't really fit into any stereotype.
I have a myspace.
I have a facebook.
I have a flickr account.
I have an account to some other blogging website.
I have at least one brother and one sister.
I have parents that care about me.
I have more than two pets.
I have a decent computer.
I have lyrics memorized for more than 20 songs.
I have been to a concert.
I have been to many, many concerts.
I have met my favorite band.
I have changed my style in the past few years.
I have changed friends in the past few years.
I have experimented with drugs.
I have done ecstasy.
I have actually never smoked weed.
I have been in love more than 2 times.
I have been in lust more than I can count.
I have hooked up with someone.
I have never had sex.
I have told my parents about my personal life.
I have wished to move away and start new.
I have listened to a song, thought of someone, and started to cry.
I have experienced things I never thought I would.
I have wondered what it'd be like to be someone else.
I have gone back to an ex.
I have pretended to like something to avoid hurting someone's feelings.
I have been mistaken for my mother.
I have been to Europe.
I have been to Hawaii.
I have been to Florida.
I have been to Australia.
I have been obsessed with someone/something.
I have been addicted to someone/something.
I have had a hard time letting someone go.
I have read an amazing book recently.
I have been inspired greatly.
I have the urge to try new things.
I have tried a little too hard to impress.
I have been a waitress.
I have been a store clerk.
I have babysat for money.
I have had a job I absolutely hated.
I have been told I'm beautiful.
I have been told I'm unique.
I have been told to never give up.
I have been told it gets better.
I have been told to treat others the way I want to be treated.
I have been told that I am ugly.
I have been told that I am fat.
I have gained self confidence over the years.
I have seen something very unpleasant. YOUR FACE LOL
I have worn hot pink out in public.
I have been embarassed to be with someone.
I have stayed on the computer all day.
I have searched for answers.
I have prayed before.
I have played online games.
I have pictures of friends in my room.
I have a nice car.
I have been more bored than I am now.
I get a lot of headaches.
I have had my eyebrow pierced.
I go to a university.
I'm a high school graduate.
I have an account on last.fm.
I have long fingers. i think? :S
I actually look decent with shoulder length hair.
It bugs me when people don't return my phone calls.
I'm only fluent in English.
It wouldn't bother me if my boyfriend thought that another girl is attractive.
I need a job.
My first job was at a fast food place. LOL!
I've been in lust.
I like most of New Found Glory's cover songs.
I'm Asian.
I've considered joining the military.
I've seen Pineapple Express and I think it's a stupid movie.
I used to have a crush on Nick Stokes from CSI: Las Vegas. ....LOLOL :$
I have a small butt.
I've taken swimming lessons.
My bra size is a D.
I wouldn't consider plastic surgery unless it was for medical reasons.
I get annoyed easily.
I like bagels with cream cheese.
I do volunteer work, not because of school requirements but because I like it.
I have been a tutor.
I have had at least six piercings so far.
I don't have a tattoo.
I enjoy sushi.
I wear flip flops, even in the winter.
I wear black rimmed glasses.
The sight of blood makes me queasy.
I drink a lot of water.
I own an iPod.
I've done over a thousand surveys. (most likely)
I'm a huge ice cream fanatic.
I'm in a relationship.
I've never been given a promise ring.
I worry too much.
I make my own layouts.
Roses are my favorite flower.
I brush my teeth twice a day.
I have been in the school marching band.
I'm a colorguard girl.
I don't really have a favorite band; there are too many to choose from!
My favorite movie is a romantic comedy.
I've been to Warped Tour.
My phone is currently on vibrate.
I record my own ringtones on my phone.
Orchids are my favorite flower.
I love making mixed CDs for no reason.
Vans are my favorite brand of shoes.
I can burp my ABC's.
I love driving on the freeway.
I admit when I'm at fault.
I'm currently unemployed.
My dad is an engineer.
I only have one sibling.
I don't have any brothers.
There are three computers in my house.
I drive a Toyota.
I always have a hair tie around my wrist.
I'm a brunette.
I've never dyed my hair.
I don't really fit into any stereotype.
BYEEEEEEE NOW!!! :) stupid work D=
Labels: nina really needs a life
3 comments: leave a comment

day fourrrr
Thursday, July 16, 2009 @ 6:43 PM
hey brew :) hhahahaha today was funnn!! Went city with Amz! LOLOL. And cityy, you know what that means....CAPITOLS! x 3. HAHAHAHHA. Well I will recount my whooole day, just cos I know you're all dying to hear it ^^.

/edit. totally forgot something. :P
Time Started: 11:02 brew.
Full Name: Nina Sofia Tiongco at your service
Nickname: erm.. ninz? neeeen? nina weaner? LOL
Single or Taken: kraft singles cheese
Gender: fe-male
Birthday: 20/03/1994 ^^
Sign: pisces
Siblings: two olderer sisters
Eye colour: like uber dark brown?
Shoe size: umm.. 7 or 7 and a half or maybe 8 .. depends on my mood :P LOL!
Height: idk, short :(
What are you wearing right now: singlet toppy thingo grey hoodie and ribbed leggings (yeah thats right, I'M WEARING LEGGINGS AS PANTS. SUE ME! >:D)
Where do you live: bow bowing :)
Righty or lefty: lefty
Who are your closest friends: umm. ann amz lucy michelle larrykins and maybe jeff xie :P LOL
Do you have a bf or gf?: nope
Did you send this to your crush?: nope
Fashion Stuff:
Your fave place to shop: umm.. bardot or dotti :)
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: no sir-ree
Colour: yellow :)
Number: 20
Boys Names that you like: JEFFREY. AHAH.
Girls Names that you like: annabelle, julianne, juliette ^^
Subject: english
Drink: oj or any other j really LOL
Alcoholic: non-alcoholic (A)
Sport: hockeyyy! and netoboru, AND OMG OZTAG LOL
Food: anything really :P
Months: probably january :]
Movie: Oceans 11/12/13
Juice: any!
Finger: idk? :S
Perfume: Daisy by Marc Jacobs
Favorite disney character: NEMO LOL does that count xD
Given anyone a bath: um...nope sorry
Smoked: no
Bungee Jumped: no...t yet! :D
Made yourself throw-up: noo
Been skinny dipping: no
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: yes LOL
Eaten a dog biscuit: mmm no
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yeah
Broken a bone: no -superman music plays- (H)
Been in a police car: nope
Came close to dying: not reallyy but sorta?
Been in a sauna: no
Been in a hot tub: nope LOL
Been in the ocean: yep
Fallen asleep in school: all the time brew.
Ran away from home? nope
Broken someone's heart?: doubt it
Cried when someone died? yeah
Flashed someone: never ._.
Fell off your chair: .....yes.
Sat by the phone all night?: nope
Saved MSN conversations: yep
Saved e-mails?: yeah
Fallen for your best friend? sort of
Been cheated on?: nope
First thing that comes to mind
Red: roses 8)
Blue: the beach
Greenland: green..land. like literally. LOL!
What is....
Your good luck charm? idk none really..
What’s your room like: pigsty :P
Last thing you said: singing lyrics to we belong together on lsd :D
What is beside you: a wall and a bookshelf LOL
Last thing you ate: dinner
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal Essences and John Freida thingo. LOL
Something that has happened to you this year
Had Chicken pox: no
Had a Sore Throat: yepp
Believed in love at first sight?: nope
Like picnics: this year? o_o well i've always liked picnics so..
Ever Bunked School: bunked? LOL
Loved anyone: nah
Would you:
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000??: ....not live. definitely not live :S
Go to a Hanson concert if you had a free ticket: YES LOLOL HECK YES
Who was the last person you messaged: kim = anns sister = ann. LOL
Who Was the last person you yelled at?: sister
Who Was the last person who broke your heart:
Who was the last person who told you they loved you:
Who is your loudest friend?: amz brew LOL :)
Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out: theyre alright xD
Do you wear contacts or glasses: yah for reading
Do you like yourself: I love me
Do you get along with your family: yeah
Do you do drugs: totally addicted to panadol
Have piercings below the waist: no .__.
Stolen anything over $50: nopp
Obsessive?: I can be...8) LOL!
Anorexic?: nope.
Depressed?: not really
Weeeeell. Woke up at like 7:30... omg I couldn't sleep last night :( like I was just laying there.. thinking about the randomest shiz xD and yeah. SLEPT AT LIKE 3 D= Haha anyways, yeah I basically woke up, got dressed, peed a couple times and then left for the stationnn. And I got there at like.. 9ish? Wells anyway yeah, Train was at 9:30ish, and I was like uber cold and bored D: Talked on the phone for a bit, then the train came xD. The train ride there was.... LOL. There were these fobs, and yeah (LOLOL amy, I totally didn't mean to say he was hot :P)
So got to central, then headed to MORNING GLORY FOR CAPITOLS ! woooo. Oh but first we got some bread for brekky, ROFL. :9 Ahahah so anyway. Capitols! hahhha we love them 8) I only got one sheet, check fb for the other ones :P
Soooo anywho after that we went.. emperor puffs? LOL. And then went around Paddy's Markets heh, then Market City :L Omg I got like this cardie at supre (eurghh i know.. but the cardie's very nice ^^) for 10 bucks =) OH AND THIS SUPER TOP HAHA. In case you can't see from that piccy, it says I love French Boys, bahaha :P GASPARDD wewwt
check it out:
I love french boys ^^ Yeah I know I'm a retard :)
Anyway, ok I'm too lazy to blog about the rest now, just...yeah :P Make up the rest and tell it to yourself. LOL :D
i'm out!
ps (again).
ps (again).

/edit. totally forgot something. :P
Time Started: 11:02 brew.
Full Name: Nina Sofia Tiongco at your service
Nickname: erm.. ninz? neeeen? nina weaner? LOL
Single or Taken: kraft singles cheese
Gender: fe-male
Birthday: 20/03/1994 ^^
Sign: pisces
Siblings: two olderer sisters
Eye colour: like uber dark brown?
Shoe size: umm.. 7 or 7 and a half or maybe 8 .. depends on my mood :P LOL!
Height: idk, short :(
What are you wearing right now: singlet toppy thingo grey hoodie and ribbed leggings (yeah thats right, I'M WEARING LEGGINGS AS PANTS. SUE ME! >:D)
Where do you live: bow bowing :)
Righty or lefty: lefty
Who are your closest friends: umm. ann amz lucy michelle larrykins and maybe jeff xie :P LOL
Do you have a bf or gf?: nope
Did you send this to your crush?: nope
Fashion Stuff:
Your fave place to shop: umm.. bardot or dotti :)
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: no sir-ree
Colour: yellow :)
Number: 20
Boys Names that you like: JEFFREY. AHAH.
Girls Names that you like: annabelle, julianne, juliette ^^
Subject: english
Drink: oj or any other j really LOL
Alcoholic: non-alcoholic (A)
Sport: hockeyyy! and netoboru, AND OMG OZTAG LOL
Food: anything really :P
Months: probably january :]
Movie: Oceans 11/12/13
Juice: any!
Finger: idk? :S
Perfume: Daisy by Marc Jacobs
Favorite disney character: NEMO LOL does that count xD
Given anyone a bath: um...nope sorry
Smoked: no
Bungee Jumped: no...t yet! :D
Made yourself throw-up: noo
Been skinny dipping: no
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: yes LOL
Eaten a dog biscuit: mmm no
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yeah
Broken a bone: no -superman music plays- (H)
Been in a police car: nope
Came close to dying: not reallyy but sorta?
Been in a sauna: no
Been in a hot tub: nope LOL
Been in the ocean: yep
Fallen asleep in school: all the time brew.
Ran away from home? nope
Broken someone's heart?: doubt it
Cried when someone died? yeah
Flashed someone: never ._.
Fell off your chair: .....yes.
Sat by the phone all night?: nope
Saved MSN conversations: yep
Saved e-mails?: yeah
Fallen for your best friend? sort of
Been cheated on?: nope
First thing that comes to mind
Red: roses 8)
Blue: the beach
Greenland: green..land. like literally. LOL!
What is....
Your good luck charm? idk none really..
What’s your room like: pigsty :P
Last thing you said: singing lyrics to we belong together on lsd :D
What is beside you: a wall and a bookshelf LOL
Last thing you ate: dinner
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal Essences and John Freida thingo. LOL
Something that has happened to you this year
Had Chicken pox: no
Had a Sore Throat: yepp
Believed in love at first sight?: nope
Like picnics: this year? o_o well i've always liked picnics so..
Ever Bunked School: bunked? LOL
Loved anyone: nah
Would you:
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000??: ....not live. definitely not live :S
Go to a Hanson concert if you had a free ticket: YES LOLOL HECK YES
Who was the last person you messaged: kim = anns sister = ann. LOL
Who Was the last person you yelled at?: sister
Who Was the last person who broke your heart:
Who was the last person who told you they loved you:
Who is your loudest friend?: amz brew LOL :)
Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out: theyre alright xD
Do you wear contacts or glasses: yah for reading
Do you like yourself: I love me
Do you get along with your family: yeah
Do you do drugs: totally addicted to panadol
Have piercings below the waist: no .__.
Stolen anything over $50: nopp
Obsessive?: I can be...8) LOL!
Anorexic?: nope.
Depressed?: not really
Labels: holidays
4 comments: leave a comment

day threeee
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 8:46 PM
ANYWAYS. Man I've been doing like nothing all holidays so far.. Hmm but I'm thinking, this is my bludge week :P Next week (besides HP ON TUESDAY WOO) is all about the schoolwork. LOL :).
oh and. as always, HAHAH
I am shorter than 5'4.
I am taller than 5'11".
I have many scars.
I tan easily.
I don't shave my legs.
I wish my hair were a different colour.
I have a tattoo, or more.
I am self-conscious about my appearance.
I have/had braces.
I wear glasses just to read.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger.
I have/had more than 2 piercings.
I'm in school.
I have a job.
I've fallen asleep at work/school.
I almost always do my homework.
I've missed a week or more of school.
I failed more than 1 class last year.
I've stolen something from my job.
I've been fired. I've skipped school.
I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation.
Disney movies still make me cry.
I've peed from laughing.
I've snorted while laughing.
I've laughed so hard I've cried.
I've glued my hand to something.
I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
I've had my pants rip in public.
I've gotten lost in my city.
I've seen a shooting star.
I've wished on a shooting star.
I've seen a meteor shower.
I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
I've kicked a guy where it hurts. <-- I WANNA I WANNA I've been to a casino. I've been skydiving. I've gone skinny dipping.
I've played spin the bottle.
I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
I've crashed a car.
I've been skiing.
I've been in a play. MUSICAL MUSICAL/
I've met someone in person from the internet.
I've caught a snowflake on my tongue.
I've sat on a roof top at night.
I've played a prank on someone.
I've ridden in a taxi.
I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I've eaten sushi.
I've been snowboarding.
I have a crush on more than one person.
I have a crush on someone of the same sex.
I've kissed someone of the same sex.
I've had a crush on a teacher. I am a cuddler.
I love to flirt.
I've been kissed in the rain. I've hugged a stranger.
I've kissed a stranger.
I am a terrible liar.
I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't.
I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
I've snuck out of my house.
I have lied to my parents about where I am.
I am keeping a secret from the world.
I've cheated while playing a game.
I've cheated on a test.
I've run a red light.
I've been suspended from school.
I've been in a fist fight.
I've witnessed a crime.
I've been arrested.
I've shoplifted.
Death/Dying: I'm afraid of dying.
I've fantasized about my own death. I hate funerals.
I've seen someone dying.
Someone close to me has attempted suicide.
Someone close to me has committed suicide.
I've written a eulogy for myself.
Political/Social Attitudes:
In general, I don't like people. I'm a feminist.
I'm very outgoing.
I listen to political music.
I'm Democratic
I'm Republican.
I'm liberal.
I don't like Bush because he is dumb.
I don't like Bush with my own reasons to back it up.
I am for Bush.
I'm religious.
I dress fairly modestly.
My attitude is, "If you've got it, flaunt it." HAH.
I can sing well.
I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
I open up to others easily.
I watch the news.
I don't kill bugs.
I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
I curse regularly. I sing in the shower.
I am a morning person.
I paid for my ring tone.
I'm a snob about grammar.
I am a sports fanatic. I twirl my hair.
I have "x"s in my screen name.
I love being neat. I've had Spam.
I've copied more than 30 CDs in a day. I bake well. :DDDD LOLOL modest too.
My favourite colour is blue. I would wear pajamas to school.
I like Martha Stewart.
I know how to shoot a gun.
I am in love with love.
I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I eat fast food weekly.
I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
I've not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
I am really ticklish.
I love white chocolate.
I bite my nails.
I play video games.
I'm good at remembering faces.
I'm good at remembering names.
I'm good at remembering dates.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
oh and. as always, HAHAH
I am shorter than 5'4.
I am taller than 5'11".
I have many scars.
I tan easily.
I don't shave my legs.
I wish my hair were a different colour.
I have a tattoo, or more.
I am self-conscious about my appearance.
I have/had braces.
I wear glasses just to read.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger.
I have/had more than 2 piercings.
I'm in school.
I have a job.
I've fallen asleep at work/school.
I almost always do my homework.
I've missed a week or more of school.
I failed more than 1 class last year.
I've stolen something from my job.
I've been fired. I've skipped school.
I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation.
Disney movies still make me cry.
I've peed from laughing.
I've snorted while laughing.
I've laughed so hard I've cried.
I've glued my hand to something.
I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
I've had my pants rip in public.
I've gotten lost in my city.
I've seen a shooting star.
I've wished on a shooting star.
I've seen a meteor shower.
I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
I've kicked a guy where it hurts. <-- I WANNA I WANNA I've been to a casino. I've been skydiving. I've gone skinny dipping.
I've played spin the bottle.
I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
I've crashed a car.
I've been skiing.
I've been in a play. MUSICAL MUSICAL/
I've met someone in person from the internet.
I've caught a snowflake on my tongue.
I've sat on a roof top at night.
I've played a prank on someone.
I've ridden in a taxi.
I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I've eaten sushi.
I've been snowboarding.
I have a crush on more than one person.
I have a crush on someone of the same sex.
I've kissed someone of the same sex.
I've had a crush on a teacher. I am a cuddler.
I love to flirt.
I've been kissed in the rain. I've hugged a stranger.
I've kissed a stranger.
I am a terrible liar.
I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't.
I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
I've snuck out of my house.
I have lied to my parents about where I am.
I am keeping a secret from the world.
I've cheated while playing a game.
I've cheated on a test.
I've run a red light.
I've been suspended from school.
I've been in a fist fight.
I've witnessed a crime.
I've been arrested.
I've shoplifted.
Death/Dying: I'm afraid of dying.
I've fantasized about my own death. I hate funerals.
I've seen someone dying.
Someone close to me has attempted suicide.
Someone close to me has committed suicide.
I've written a eulogy for myself.
Political/Social Attitudes:
In general, I don't like people. I'm a feminist.
I'm very outgoing.
I listen to political music.
I'm Democratic
I'm Republican.
I'm liberal.
I don't like Bush because he is dumb.
I don't like Bush with my own reasons to back it up.
I am for Bush.
I'm religious.
I dress fairly modestly.
My attitude is, "If you've got it, flaunt it." HAH.
I can sing well.
I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
I open up to others easily.
I watch the news.
I don't kill bugs.
I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
I curse regularly. I sing in the shower.
I am a morning person.
I paid for my ring tone.
I'm a snob about grammar.
I am a sports fanatic. I twirl my hair.
I have "x"s in my screen name.
I love being neat. I've had Spam.
I've copied more than 30 CDs in a day. I bake well. :DDDD LOLOL modest too.
My favourite colour is blue. I would wear pajamas to school.
I like Martha Stewart.
I know how to shoot a gun.
I am in love with love.
I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I eat fast food weekly.
I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
I've not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
I am really ticklish.
I love white chocolate.
I bite my nails.
I play video games.
I'm good at remembering faces.
I'm good at remembering names.
I'm good at remembering dates.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
Labels: holidays, nina really needs a life
4 comments: leave a comment

day two!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 @ 3:07 PM
One of the many things I do when I am home alone, ha ha.
Anyway, I'm bored. Did nothing all day :). Well, nothing I should probably have done or be doing.. like schoolwork xD. hehe. I woke up at like.. 10:30.. made pancakes that were awfully flavourless. So I put sugar on them and they were yummy :) haha thennn I went on msn, facebook, took some photos heh, played some piano (found sheets for Rescued yay! Now i just needa learn it I know the start :P), played some guitar, watched some daytime tv and yeah. I know I have no life no need to remind me :P
Hmm so anyways, I'm super duper bored. Soooo I decided to look for the longest survey ever LOL. I found a 1000 question one, but yknow I thought that was a bit too much :P so yeah, here's this one ^^ ENJOY HAHAHA.
Hi, whats your name?: Ninaaa!
Would you date your best friend?: No, I don't swing that way :P
On a date, who should pay?: Split it ^^
What's your IQ?: I dunno xD
A song ever made you cry?: Yeerp
A movie?: Yep, many actually D=
Book?: Yess
What was the last movie you watched?: Umm Princess Diaries?
Who was the hero?: That guy..LOL
What are you looking forward to?: HARRY POTTY! Oh, and school :P
What would you do if you were pregnant?: Scream and celebrate and hug my hubby LOL
What time is it?: 5:07pm
How long are you williing to spend on a survey?: Eh depends if I'm bored
Do you rock at Guitar Hero?: Never played it :(
Who is your favorite Jonas Brother?: None xD
Did you like High school Musical?: YES HAHAHAHA
Have you ever told someone (who isn't your family/friends) you Love them?: Nope
Do you kiss your friends on the cheek?: If I feel like it
Lips?: Noo
Ever been on a diet?: No LOL :)
Play an instrument?: Piano, guitar, AIR GUITAR HAH
Is the Clarinet sexy?: Yeah man, sexiest thing out
Do you believe in God?: Yeah I do
Karma?: Somehow, yeah.
Let's say Heaven/Hell exists. If you died now, where are you headed?: Heaven.
Does that scare you?: No I can't wait for it
Are you okay?: Yep :)
How long are you willing to wait for true love?: Oh hmm.. pretty long I guess. Sad I know
What is the most you've ever eaten in one sitting?: LOL like 5 plates of noodles @ Jannices 8D
Do you pray a lot?: Yeah
What's your bed made of?: Bed stuff...
Do you have any posters in your room?: Yep
Who is the sexiest superhero?: Superman, he's just so super
How many songs are on your iPod?: Idk
What's your ringtone?: RIVERSIDE, MOTHERFUCKER. LOLOL.
Do you know anyone who's "perfect?": No
Would you date yourself?: Chyeah. ROFL
Are you prettier than all your friends?: Psh no
Do you ever look in the mirror and think "God, i'm pretty!": Nupp :L
Have you ever walked by a shop window and checked yourself?: ALL THE TIME LOL!
Have you changed in the past year?: Yuuup
Which of your friends has changed the most?: Idk
What grade are you in?: 10
What show can you absolutely NOT stand?: I dunno, antiques roadshow? :P
Do you like surgical shows?: yes! scrubs, greys, pp, wooot
Can your entire life change in a second?: Well if you die, yeah
Ever been on a boat?: yeah actually, atm I'M ON A BOAT.
Do you like nautical print?: Yeahh! stripes ftw (Y)
Do you think you could be a model?: No I'm too short ^^
Would you ever wear mint green tights?: LOL if they were comfortable :P
Pink legwarmers?: Looks above
Mint tights & pink legwarmers?: Looks above xD
Would you rather have no eyebrows or no eyelashes?: LOL no neither!
What do you think of Zac Efron?: Sex on legs
Do you know who Zacquisha is?: noo.. ._.
What's worse: Seeing your ex with someone else or being alone?: err.. BOTH ARE BAD:L
Do you have someone who loves you no matter what?: I'd like to think so
What age do you wanna get married?: early 20's :)
Quick! Make a wish!: DONE!
Ever done an all nighter?: Nooo, not an entire night D:
Ever had a cliche sleepover party with hair braiding, and gossip?: Nope LOL
If you saw your first crush in the street, what would happen?: I would be like omg hey! LOL
What's the weirdest day of the week?: Friday
What's your ethnicity?: Filoooo
What do you think of men in short shorts?: LOL. that is all xD
What's your middle name?: Sofiaaa but the school got it wrong and have it as Sofie T_T
Named after anyone?: nooop
Ever had a really unpleasant cab ride?: No.
Ever laughed out loud at the TV?: Yeah xD
Ever laughed out loud at Seinfeld?: LOL yes!
You've done 100 questions! Congrats!: Yay. LOL
Are you sick right now?: Nope :)
What mouthwash do you use?: Listerineee.
What time is it?: 5:19pm
Isn't Christian Bale so sexy?: He's pretty sexy, I must admit
Would you spray paint your phone number on the Jonas Brothers' tour bus?: NO.
Girls have.: boobies
Does your town/city suck?: No :)
Where does your best friend live?: Idk they all live in asiantown :P
Do you have a job?: Yuup
Ever worked double shift?: Yeah, like 8 hours it was KILLERR
Ever been arrested?: Nop
Ever done something illegal?: Loitered is that illegal? xD
Do you do your own laundry?: Sometimess
Do you read Gossip Magazines?: Haha, sometimes
Hate anyone right now?: Not reallaye
What color is your undies?: White :L
Can you sing?: Not very well
Like old music?: Yeah
Do you think your're beautiful?: Not really. WAIT NO, WE ALL AREE
Would you ever go to Camp Rock?: YES LOL
Do you get paranoid late at night?: Sometimes..
Is there something you really want to say to someone right now?: Yeahh
What was your most akward moment with a guy?: Haha, idk TOO MANY LOL!
How old do you look?: hopefully my age :P
In the shower, do you start the water then get in, or get in first?: start the water LOL
Do you play animal crossing?: No
Can you change a flat tire?: No
What was the last thing you bought?: Umm
Are you ticklish?: Yeah :$
Is tickling cute or annoying?: Cute for a little bit, then it gets unbearable T_T
Do you take the bus?: Yeep
What would you do without Bzoink?: Be bzoinkless? :P
Can a girl and a guy be Just friends?: Yeah
Have you ever started a rumor?: Probs
Have you ever been confronted?: Don't think so..
Have you ever confronted someone?: Dunnoo
Do you smoke?: No.
Would you ever be a waitress at a 50s diner?: LOL maybe :L
SOS by Rihanna or S.O.S by the Jonas Brothers?: neither beaver
What was the best year of your life?: Year....1 heh
Ever had a summer romance?: Nahh
What's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you?: Idk.
Do songs ever remind you of colors?: Not really
What's the longest survey you've ever done?: This one -dies- ._.
How old were you when you started wearing makeup?: Still don't and I'm 15 :P
How many times have you seen Mean Girls?: Maybe 10 :L
Where is the weirdest place you've ever fallen asleep?: Idk :L
Barefoot or shoes?: Shoess
What do you do in the summer?: Have funnn
Are you bored?: Thats why i'm doing this!
Do you have a facebook/myspace?: Not myspace, but FB FTW.
Where was your profile picture taken?: Musicaaaaaal (L)
Do you like lipgloss?: Yeah
What song do you ALWAYS sing along to?: Most songs :P
When was the last time you wore a dress?: Livo with lucy and amz
What was the last TV show you watched?: Naturally Sadie is on!
What was the last song you played over and over and over?: Umm, you be the anchor :$
Ever been so in love that you just giggled randomly?: psh no
Are you pyschic?: YES LOL 8)
Can you feel your hipbones?: yes?
Ever had an emotionally destructive relationship?: No
Ever stayed in bed for an entire day?: Yeah when I was in hospital?
When was the last time you slept somewhere other than your bed?: When I slept on the couch
Can you do this survey until the end?: YEAH!
Are you a rambler?: Yeah sometimess
Are hip piercings pointless?: Aren't all piercings pointless, in a way :P
Ever been to Australia?: YES
Do you have freckles?: NO
What's your favorite band?: Does Secondhand Serenade count ^^ oh and Jack's Manequinn
Where do you wish you grew up?: Right here:)
Do you like farms?: yes, SAVE OUR FARM.
Do you know anyone with the same name as you?: Chick in yr 11 named Nina? :L
Is your name common?: Umm I don't think so.
What is the best compliment you've ever gotten?: Idk
Are you a morning person?: Not really
Or a night owl?: Not really..
How often do you moisturize?: After I shower, before sports, alot ^^
Anyone ever called you beautiful?: idk LOL
Are you bang bang scene?: YES. no, wtf is that :L
If you were a tree, what tree would you be?: a TRI CAO HAHAHHA BOOM BOOM
What would be your last meal?: Idk ^^
What do you think of Vanessa Hudgens?: I WANT HER BF
And her photo scandal?: meh
What are your chances of being with your crush?: LOL crush? idk?
Ever been to a funeral?: yeah
Do you take a lot of pictures of yourself?: when i'm bored :P
Do you own anything chanel?: Nope :(
What does your wallet look like?: Brown, big, full of receipts and tickets :L
Are you rich?: Far from it really :P
What do you think of Justin Timberlake?: Meh
Does what goes around really come back around?: yeah i suppose it does
Or is that just a song?: haha?
What are you listening to?: Nothing
What do you like about that song?: -
Are your legs prickly right now?: Nope ^^
Whats your favorite kind of muffin?: Blueberry, or banana :9
When was the last time you cried?: Umm
Are you a happy person?: Most times :)
What superpower do you want?: hmm to read people's minds i guess. OR XRAY VISION 8)
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Nutritionist, or actually maybe journalist idk D:
Have you planned out your life?: Nope
Are you a good writer?: I'd like to think so, but Idk :S
Are you an english-arts person or a math-science person?: English-arts, for sure :)
What's your favorite kind of accent?: Bri'ishh :P
Are you sick of this survey yet?: YES LOL BUT I WONT STOP TIL IM DONE
Whats your favorite piece of clothing?: dotti cardies :]
Is Big Rob for real?: LOLOLOLOL
Do you paint?: used to sort of :L
Isn't Lizzie McGuire the worst show ever?: OMGSH NO I (L) IT
Do you surf?: Not well :L
What are you going to do after you finish this survey?: THROW A FRKN PARTY
Will you even finish this survey?: Yes, I will!!! even if it kills me!
Do you make surveys?: No
Do you like the beach boys?: Yeah :)
Would you rather meet Zac Efron or Chase Crawford?: Both, at the same time, on a date, dinner and a movie ;D.
Do you like your friends?: No i love them.
Pick five friends: Chelle, Ann, Lucy, Amy, Larrkins
Is number one your best friend?: One of :P
Are they annoying?: YES!! LOLOL kidding :D
Is number two good looking?: yup ;D
Do they like the Jonas Brothers?: MICHELLE DOES LOLOL
Are they good advice givers?: Yepp
How old are they?: 15,15,15,15,15
Is number three a blonde?: YES HAHHA metaphorically speaking :P
Do they gossip a lot?: don't we all ^^
Ever wanted to kiss them?: Nope :P
Is number four mean?: not to me -cheesy grin-
How did you meet?: school school school school school
What's their favorite storee?: idk many ^^
Does number five even exist?: LOL yes!
Do they have a facebook?: yes! all cept michelle the caveman heheh xD
Has it been an hour since you started yet?: Not yet i think :L
How long have you been single?: Forever :P
Do you wish you were fourteen again?: Not really
Any mosquito bites?: Right now? Nope
Ever seen a gynaecologist?:.....no LOL
Would you date one?: ...idk?
Is it my business?: No --"
What day is it?: Tuesdaye
Do you NEED anyone?: Alot of peeps heh
Are you top priority in someone besides your family's life?: Hope so :( LOL
Are you a cheerleader?: Nooo
Have an AIM?: Nope. MSN.
Ever gotten revenge on someone?: Ish
Is there such thing as the perfect man?: Doubt it but theres such thing as the perfect man FOR YOU (L)
Do you think Lindsay Lohan will ever make a comeback?: No
How about Britney Spears!: YEAH!
Did you play in the streets?: When I was smaller. =]
Ever been so embarrased you just ran away and hid?: Yep
Ever tried to read the bible?: yeah?
Are you excited for school?: Yeah!
Are all your friends prettier than you?: Mm I won't answer that :L
Do you have any spots you miss while shaving?: Yeah, usually LOL
Addicted to anything?: You :)
Do you like Taylor Swift?: Yep (Y)
Isn't she just the prettiest?: eh
Ever yelled SHOTGUNNN: Yes!
Do you live in Seattle?: No
Do you want to?: Meh
Would you rather listen to heavy metal or bluegrass?: Neither :S
What do you hide from your parents?: Nothing really
What's your favorite lollipop flavour?: Ummm idk all of them ^^
Ever had green apple?: Yes!
Are you planning on going to bed soon?: no its like 6pm :L
Is God a DJ?: And life is a dancefloor.
Did you ever like Jesse McCartney?: STILL DO :D
What age does one become an adult?: 21?
What age does one become a teen?: 13
What age is legal in your country?: 16 :L
Do you even know what that means?: Yeaaah
If you were a parent, would you let your 6th grader on myspace?: no
Do you remember the 90s?: not really :L
Do you think American Apparell is just a bunch of shiny crap?: no way!!
Have you ever camped out for a band/show?: Nope
Would you go against all your morals/beliefs for a hundred grand?: Nahh
Do you have your phone nearby?: Yep.
Grab it.: Alright.
Whats your wallpaper?: Domokun ^^
Phone?: LG something-something :L
How many text messages do you have?: Too many :P
Who was the last person who texted you?: robot!
What did the text say?: wouldnt you like to know LOL
How did you reply?: I didn't ooooooh snap LOL!
When was the last time you saw them?: Friday :L
Would you drop 50 pounds right now?: No
Do you know your BMI?: 20 something heh
Have you ever been really akward in Health Class?: not really
Have you ever set something on fire?: Paper
Have you ever written all over a chalkboard?: Yes
Then gotten in trouble?: Yeah LOL
Friends or Boyfriends?: friends, but yknow, both would be good too ;D HAHA
Guys or girls?: Girls for life, guys for love :P
Are your friends jealous when you hang out with other people?: idk nno? LOL
How often do you get the hiccups?: Not often
What's your reputation around school?: I don't know
Do you like the name Harriet?: It's ok
Ever seen gay guys PDA?: No ._.
Gay girls?: No
A straight couple?: Yeah all the time @ school -_- LOL! love that face so asian :)
When was the last time you saw your crush?: Do I even have a 'crush'?
Do you want to be an actor?: No.
Can you dance?: not really :P.
Does this feel like a marathon?: No, but damn it's boring.
What soap do you use?: Dove
Do you like the smell?: Yeah
Ever been on Broadway?: No
Would you ever stuff 100 cinnamon hearts in your mouth?: haha maybe :D
For a thousand dollars?: YEAH LOL
To marry Joe Jonas?: No
Do you feel a little tired of this quiz yet?: Hell yeeee
What is the worst movie ever?: idk ehe
Do you think Bella will be better with Edward or Jacob?: Twilight is so last year
Or neither?: I think Bella should get with harry potter
Do you roleplay?: No
Are you a noob?: NO :)
Have you ever added a robot on MSN?: LOL ROBOT. yeah i have, ^^
Do you have a SideKick?: No
Ever had a nightmare?: courseee
Ever read a self help book?: No
Ever been on medication?: Nope
Are you interesting?: yes incredibly :)
Do you own any friendship bracelets?: Somewhere.
Would you get your lover's name tattooed on yourself?: nooooo.
Would you ever get tattoed?: nooop
Do you have razor burn?: Nope.
Dry hair?: Yeahh
How do you cure dry hair?: Beats me :P
Do you straighten your hair?: If I'm bothered
How often?: When I'm bothered.
What's your favorite candy?: Skittles ^^
Does anyone have a crush on you?: I don't know do I :L
Wear a thong?: LOL i wore two. yes, two thongs. ;D
Spandex?: Hahahhaha no
Tight pants?: yeahhh
Can your crush make mustard yellow tight pants look good?: ...LOL ZAC CAN MAKE ANYTHING LOOK GOOD :P
Ever taken photography pictures?: Yeah
And then came out suckish?; yeah xD
Exercise?: Used to, once upon a time ^^
Are you sexy?: HEEELL YEA
Pads or Tampons?: errr first one :L.
Can you bake?: I'd like to think so
Ever had Lemon Cheesecake?: yes :9
Do you use the computer at the library?: i have but not really?
Where will your life be in a year?: Idk, I'll be a senior. hardcore shizz
Five years?: I'll be 20 :)
Twenty five years?: I'll be 40. :O
Five million years?: Deaaad
Do you keep up appearances?: umm yeah?
What do you usually get for your birthday?: money, clothing, cake :P
If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?: Idkkk
What time is it?: 6:13 ._.""""
Do you think things through?: usually.
What is your guilty pleasure?: you ;)
If you could choose to get a new Camera, iPod, or Phone, which one?: ipod plz!
Do you believe in magic?: Nahh
What toothpaste do you use?: Colgate
Toothbrush?: colgate? :L
Do you floss?: sometimes LOL!
If it cost 10 cents to do this survey, would you pay?: no D=
Ever online dated?: Nope
Would you pay money to find your true love online?: No I'd get off my ass and find them myself :)
Is there such thing as an only love/true love/soulmate?: Like to think so, yeah
Who do you think is yours?: I dunno
Do you have any clothing that your mom does not approve of?: Yeah LOL. asian parents T_T
How long did it take you to memorize your phone number?: A month or two xD
Have you ever believed in fairies?: YES I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES
Are you stressed or pissed off right now?: noooope
What was the last phonecall you got?: sisterr
Have you been doing this survey nonstop or have you taken breaks?: NONSTOP IM DYING
Are you planning anything?: nope
What day is it today?: Tuesday
Are you artistic?: i'd like to think to :L
Do you make your own clothes?: ....no LOL
If you had to make your own clothes, would they be nice?: yeah if i were to actually wear them :P
Oprah or Ellen?: Ellen :L
Do you think The Hills is fake?: Obviously
Have any games on your phone?: Yeah.
Which ones?: This cute little bear thing skipping and jumping and stuff =)
Do you have the Sims?: yesss sims 2 only though :(
Be honest, did you ever kill any of your sims?: Yeah when I got bored :P LOL!
On purpose?: Yeah man heheh\
When was the last time you sharpened your eyeliner?: Umm..
Do you even wear eyeliner?: no
What makeup do you wear?: NONE LOL
What order do you put it on?: NONE
Just concealer or just lipgloss?: Lippy :)
Can you complete these lyrics: "In this crazy life, and through these crazy times . . .": ITS YOU ITS YOU YOU MAKE ME SING YOURE EVERY LINE EVERY WORD, YOU'RE EVERYTHING.
Do your friends get along with each other?: yeaah
Do you have a "thing" you are in the group? Like: "The short one." etc?: The...filo one? ^^
Do you listen to the radio?: Sometimes
Is there a song that you wish was about you?: Yeah :L
What's your next meal?: Dinner.
Labels: nina really needs a life
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day one.
Monday, July 13, 2009 @ 10:21 PM
(just for the sake of it, haha.)
- Finish reading english novel (LOL.)
- Re-read english novel, then start speech.
- Finish speech. ha.
- Ag assignment.
- Organise PASS assignment.
- Finish learning Love Hurts - Yiruma on piano. As in memorise :)
- Somehow find sheets to and learn Rescued - Jack's Mannequin on piano.
- Learn other pretty pianoey songs (any suggestions?)
- Learn more songs on guitar! (like I really need to stop learning Taylor Swift songs. They're all the same.)
- Read sister's prelim Chemistry & Biology books
- Clean room. (finish cleaning room. haha)
- Clean out wardrobe, get rid of clothes I know I don't and won't wear but still keep just for the sake of it.
- Get a haircut.
- Do something drastic, make a change.
- Not get in too deep
/edit. i got bored
When you're walking, do you stop to drink?
yeah i do
Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle?
errr no.
Ever snuck out of your house?
Kill or Be killed?
hmm.. neither? =\
Break someone’s heart or have your heart broken?
what a toughie.. i would have mine broken cos i'd rather be in pain than to be the reason why someone i love/d is in pain.
What did you do today?
went amy's :) sims3!! WOOHOO. HAHA
Do you like someone right this second?
do i? haha that is the question! -pushes glasses up-
Would you ever get a tattoo?
What was the last thing you ate?
Are you a morning person or a night person?
night, def
Do you snore?
i think i do :)
Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?
What would you do if you opened up your front door to a dead body?
SCREAAAAAAAAAM my head off. then run away screaming still haha
Do you like to spend time with people?
umm yeah? who doesnt, lol
Are you hungry?
Are you a forgiving person?
yeah but I'm not a forgetting person, and it takes time
When was the last time you did the dishes?
like an hour ago
Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
Do you want a relationship right now?
yes no maybe. nahh haha
What are you about to do?
type. oh lookie there i just did hahahahah :L
Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
Were you anyone's first kiss?
Other than Paris Hilton, who would you most like to see get hit?
haha idk
Ever had someone dislike you that you barely knew?
hope not :/
Can guys and girls be friends without trying to make it more?
How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
prettty often
Do you consider yourself a bitch?
nope :L
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with M, B, A, R, or J
no LOL.
Could you cry right now?
yeah probableey
Who did you spend your summer with last year?
myself? ha.
Do you find it cute when boys/girls call you cute names?
yeah, hehe.
The phone rings. What is your ring tone?
vibrate (Y)
Did you go anywhere yesterday?
What color is your finger nail polish?
traces of reddy marooney from musical. i missss musical
When did you last cry your heart out?
a few weeks ago
Who was your last hug?
can't remember (LOL how sad)
Do you consider yourself to be an outgoing person?
What's your favorite Lady GaGa song?
paparazzi? haha
Do you forgive everyone that apologizes to you?
no, it takes time not just a silly apology
Do memories rush back when you do certain things?
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
none hahahahaha
If somebody liked you, would you want them to tell you?
Is there someone you can tell everything to?
yup a few peeps
Do you honestly think you could last a week without a computer or phone?
no LOL
Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?
Huge plans this weekend?
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
haha no
Are you a patient person?
Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
mm i guess
BYE for sure
Labels: to do
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won't try to philosophize
Sunday, July 12, 2009 @ 7:27 PM
anyways so today after church, i decided to clean up mai room a bit ^^ (you totally inspired me robot :D LOL). mm so well there's 3 placess i want/ed to like tidy up, and i got 1 bit done today YAY LOL xD.
pictures! (i cbb resizing so they're big haha)
CLOTHES AREAAA (not wadrobe hehe.)
LOL. bags everywhere, shoes, boxes of shoes, my work hat HAHA, beanies, scarves, my guitar is also somewhere there LOL EVERYTHING IS ON THE FLOOR D=
haha, you can see the floor now! and yeah i know, i love bags ^^ AND LOL I KNOW MY GUITAR IS CRAPPY haha.
well yeaaaaaaahs. i'll clean my desk tomorrow.. hopefully lol.
Labels: cleanering, holidays, random
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omg formal shopping!
Saturday, July 11, 2009 @ 9:49 PM
weeeeeeeell. title says it all xD amy, lucy and myselff went livo for a (the first of many) formal shopping trip! hehe. It was pretty fun, we went like Myerr, Forever New, Bardot, some random formal dress shop, and like shoe shops x) I didn't really end up buying anything for actual formal-ness, but yeah it was fun and yknow helped me figure out what kinda dress/shoes/etc I want for formal ^^ LOL yeah I know I'm such a girl :)

LOL. yeah, like something like that :)
hahahahaha ok i'm probably boring you all with my pointless formal talk haha, IN OTHER NEWS! I bought the hottest pair of heels EVARRHH. And and and, they were only $20 @ Novo ^^ bahahha
ps it's sideways idk why its sideways omg woe is me the world is ending ! LOL. kidding. turn your head :)
Labels: bumchums, funn, shopping, yay
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because i'm in a constructive mood
Friday, July 10, 2009 @ 10:54 PM
yay :). Yeah and I am just wasting space here now. Hehe. Today was so fun! I love last days of term (Y). First mathsss.. well maths wasn't fun, LOL, but yeah. Jappp.. watched the end of sad sad sad sad sad movie :( can't remember what it was called... Grave of the Fireflies or something? Anyway yeah it's uber sad, practically everyone just dies -sniff- D:
On a lighter noteee! LOL. Pass class of like 10 people + scooterball = BEST THING EVER LIKE SERIOUSLY. Damnn I love that game. And class :] hhehe.
Thennn lunchh, me and aashana had a short talk xD and then double peeeee! we played um.. Tcheukball ? idk, :L it was alrighttt but yeah haha. Then I went to Macarthurr Sq! All by my lonesome LOL. Cos that's how I like it sometime (and that's completely normal i'm not anti-social or anything :) haha. And now I am at home lol. Took me like forever to do the layout D: hope its ok for youuuu people ROFL if there are any. Anyways, bye!
Ps. cos I am in constructive/artsy mood, picture spam =)

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bored :] holidays soon yay!
Monday, July 6, 2009 @ 5:10 PM
1. clothes. many many clothes. everyyyywhereee haha
2. stray hangers
3. water bottle/s
4. nail polish 8D
5. a bed. hahaha boom boom
6. laptop
7. a window :]
1. Do You Like Anyone? hmmmm don't think so?
2. Does Someone Like You? now how am i s'posed to know lol
3. Last Kiss? umm with a chocolate bar (L)
4. Been Lead On? hmm yeah
5. Been Cheated On? aw heeeell no! LOL
6. Want A Relationship? yeah course hahah
7. Wanna Get Married? someday :)
1. agrees with lisa; FOOOOD
2. friends!
3. boooys ROFL :')
4. God
5. music
7. msn hahhaha
holidayss... can't wait :)
you :)
whats for dinner LOL
omg i should study for maths topic test
1. Believe In God? yeah
2. Had A Dream Come True? sort of :')
3. Read The Newspaper? nahh sometimes i guess :L
4. Get Enough Sleep Everyday? probably not
5. Have A Best Friend? i have many xD
6. Take A Bath Daily? no i dont bath xD
7. Wish On Stars? yeahhh.. lame i know D:
1. Fallen In Love? i'm pretty sure no?
2. Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex? yeah on the cheek bro
3. Hooked Up With Someone Who Had A BF/GF? ummmm no.
4. Been To A Bonfire? nopee
5. Ran Away From Home? nop
6. Played Strip Poker? nah man LOL
7. Pulled An All Nighter? not an entiree one :S
1. Cried? nope :]
2. Had Fun? yep
3. Been Kissed? no -goes emo- LOL
4. Felt Stupid? yeah xD
5. Talked To An Ex? psh no
6. Missed Someone? yeah
7. Listened To Music? of coursee
1. Are You Currently Mad At Someone? in a way yes
2. Which Of Your family Members Has The Worst temper? idkk haha
3. Have You Ever Thrown Something At Anyone? yup LOL
4. Does Your Face Turn Red When You’re Angry? i dunno man
5. When You’re Mad Do You Prefer To Stare Angrily Or Yell? yeahh both
1. Has Anyone Ever Thrown A Surprise Party For You? no D=
2. Are You Easily Excited? yeahh probably.. it only takes something small xD
3. What Event Is Coming Up That You Are Looking Forward To? nothing D=
4. If You Won A Million Dollars, What Will Be Your First Thought? DESIGNER HANDDDBAGS !! bahahahah :D
5. What Would Make You The Happiest Right Now? you :)
1. Full Name: Nina Sofia Tiooongco
2. Birthday: 20/03/94 :]
3. What’s Your Main Goal In Life? to be happyyyyyy!
4. Do You Want To Have Children? yeah :)
5. How Do You Want To Die? painlessly? :S with my hubby holding my hand hehe
1. When Is The Last Time You Cried? hmm friday night?
2. What Is The Saddest Thing That Is Happening Right Now? idk alot of things?
3. Do You Usually Cry/Get Depressed When Something Doesn’t Happen Your Way? yeahh.. i know i'm selfish hahha
4. Has Anyone Made You Cry In The Last 24 Hours? nope :]
5. When You Are Sad, What Do You Do? cry, bitch, eat chocolate and hug everyone :')
1. Do You Have A Crush On One Of Your Friends? ermmm.. nope? LOL
2. Do You Believe At Love At First Sight? hmmmm yeah w/e why not
3. When You See Your Crush, Do You Act Differently Around Him/Her? i hope not? bahhahaha
4. Do You Have A Girlfriend/Boyfriend? nopp
5. Do You Believe Everyone Has A Soulmate? hmm.. idk
1. Believe In God? yeah
2. Had A Dream Come True? sort of :')
3. Read The Newspaper? nahh sometimes i guess :L
4. Get Enough Sleep Everyday? probably not
5. Have A Best Friend? i have many xD
6. Take A Bath Daily? no i dont bath xD
7. Wish On Stars? yeahhh.. lame i know D:
1. Fallen In Love? i'm pretty sure no?
2. Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex? yeah on the cheek bro
3. Hooked Up With Someone Who Had A BF/GF? ummmm no.
4. Been To A Bonfire? nopee
5. Ran Away From Home? nop
6. Played Strip Poker? nah man LOL
7. Pulled An All Nighter? not an entiree one :S
1. Cried? nope :]
2. Had Fun? yep
3. Been Kissed? no -goes emo- LOL
4. Felt Stupid? yeah xD
5. Talked To An Ex? psh no
6. Missed Someone? yeah
7. Listened To Music? of coursee
1. Are You Currently Mad At Someone? in a way yes
2. Which Of Your family Members Has The Worst temper? idkk haha
3. Have You Ever Thrown Something At Anyone? yup LOL
4. Does Your Face Turn Red When You’re Angry? i dunno man
5. When You’re Mad Do You Prefer To Stare Angrily Or Yell? yeahh both
1. Has Anyone Ever Thrown A Surprise Party For You? no D=
2. Are You Easily Excited? yeahh probably.. it only takes something small xD
3. What Event Is Coming Up That You Are Looking Forward To? nothing D=
4. If You Won A Million Dollars, What Will Be Your First Thought? DESIGNER HANDDDBAGS !! bahahahah :D
5. What Would Make You The Happiest Right Now? you :)
1. Full Name: Nina Sofia Tiooongco
2. Birthday: 20/03/94 :]
3. What’s Your Main Goal In Life? to be happyyyyyy!
4. Do You Want To Have Children? yeah :)
5. How Do You Want To Die? painlessly? :S with my hubby holding my hand hehe
1. When Is The Last Time You Cried? hmm friday night?
2. What Is The Saddest Thing That Is Happening Right Now? idk alot of things?
3. Do You Usually Cry/Get Depressed When Something Doesn’t Happen Your Way? yeahh.. i know i'm selfish hahha
4. Has Anyone Made You Cry In The Last 24 Hours? nope :]
5. When You Are Sad, What Do You Do? cry, bitch, eat chocolate and hug everyone :')
1. Do You Have A Crush On One Of Your Friends? ermmm.. nope? LOL
2. Do You Believe At Love At First Sight? hmmmm yeah w/e why not
3. When You See Your Crush, Do You Act Differently Around Him/Her? i hope not? bahhahaha
4. Do You Have A Girlfriend/Boyfriend? nopp
5. Do You Believe Everyone Has A Soulmate? hmm.. idk
Labels: nina really needs a life
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