ah a girl can dream :')
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 9:08 PM
hahahhaha my dream formal outfit. 8D
LOL the chanel clutch and balmain blazer are love (LL)
....like i said, a girl can dream ROFL
make yours :DD its totally fun LOL :)
bye :]
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scream my lungs out
Thursday, June 25, 2009 @ 6:14 PM
Begging you, pleaaase, stop where you are right now. You need to figure out what it is that you want before you go on with your life. Go, sort out your priorities. Now. You can't keep living your life like this, leading her on, letting her down, making her try, making her cry; it's just not right. It's not fair on her. Give her a damn break. Because you know what? It must hurt like hell for her. And you know what else, yeah, you're putting me in agony right now too, and yeah maybe I'm overreacting, maybe you don't mean to do it, maybe I'm over-thinking things, over-analyzing but well I'm sorry that's just the way I am. You, just, don't, treat, me, like, I'm, your, friend. Isn't that what we are? Tell me please, if we are something other than that, because I'm pretty sure we're FRIENDS. You do the same thing to me! You brush me off, pull me in, push me away, you make me laugh but then you make me feel like crap. Do you even know what you're doing? I guess not, maybe if you did you'd see how much it hurts for me. Stop doing what you're doing. Think about her, think about me, just think about yourself and if this is the person you want to be. Because if it is well, then maybe I just don't want you in my life. If this is how you're gonna continue to act.
As much as you might think that I am, I'm not mad at you. None of this is your fault, I don't get upset because of you; I'm not angry at all. It's not because of you, you're just sort of an example, if that makes sense. I love and respect you, and well in all honesty I'm jealous. Because you are so strong, you don't let anyone get to you and you would never ever break down in front of or even because of him. Me on the other hand I am weak, insecure, unstable and stupid. I get upset over the silliest things and it doesn't do anyone any good at all. I want to be more like you, I want to be strong and beautiful; just like you are.
Look I know you're hurting and I know that it looks bad but I can tell you in all truth that there is absolutely nothing going on. I'm pretty sure there never was and, I'm quite certain there never will be. I can accept the things you say about me, but you need to see it from my point of view. You're only thinking of your own pain right now, and I'm sorry if this comes out selfish and insensitive but the world does not revolve around the pain he put you through. I am going through hell too, you have no idea. I am not living the 'perfect life', I don't have it all good; much to your belief. You have him - you've always had him, and I'm pretty sure you always will. You have someone, and that's just so much more than I ever had or will have. You have no idea how alone I feel; how sad, hurt, forgotten and just plain unsure I feel all the time. You don't see the imperfections and insecurities that I am drowned in. Please stop saying I have it good, truth is it's so far from that. I'm sorry if my presence complicated things between you two, and I hope it all works out for you.
Seasons changed, time passed, I moved on with my life but but well a part of me will always love you, not in that way mind you, just, I will always care for you and I want you to know that. I miss you lots and lots but it's okay, it's alright because I understand why you have been keeping your distance. Why you haven't tried like I have, I get it, don't worry if you think I'm hurting. I am, a lot, but it's not your fault and I'm not angry or bitter about it (anymore, sorry). I'm just a bit sad, I miss you a lot and well, the sadness won't really go away because we will never be what we once were. I just learnt to live with it, brush it off, cover it up and live my life as if nothing were wrong. You meant the world to me and I know that wasn't smart. I know I was in the wrong and I got what was coming. I just wish it hadn't hit me so hard, because well I broke. And I said some things, so many things that I regret now. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. I miss you, I love you (bffl lol sigh), and I really hope one day we can be like how we used to be. Take care dear, and I hope you and her are happy!
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One of those days.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 8:36 PM

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yo mamma
Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 10:22 PM
i love any food :')
2. How big is your bed?
big enough for me :]
3. Is your room clean?
4. Laptop or Desktop computer?
laptop braah
5. Favorite comedian?
mm idk :L
6. Do you smoke?
noo way
7. Does anyone like you?
i dont know do i LOL
8. Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice?
umm. their name ROFL who the heck is that :L
10. Sleep with or without clothes on?
err with
11. Who sleeps with you every night?
your mum
12. Do long distance relationships work?
maybe i dunno do i :L
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police?
never :D
14. Pancakes or French Toast?
ooooh. i say, pancakes with a side of french toast :)
15. Do you like coffee?
i love ittt (L)
16. How do you like your eggs?
fertilized HAHAHA ROFLOL i'm kidding
17. Do you believe in astrology?
idk not really sometimes i guess
18. Last person you talked to on the phone?
19. Last person on your missed call list?
sister :L
20. What was the last text message you received?
umm something about night at the museum 2 :L
21. McDonalds or Burger King?
22. Number of pillows?
23. Last thing you ate?
your face :) nah a double cheeseburger xD
24. Last thing you paid for?
.. a double cheeseburger ROFL
25. What are you hearing right now?
myself coughing
26. Pick a lyric?
We came together but you left alone, and I know how it feels to walk out on your own. Maybe someday I will see you again and you'll look me in my eyes and call me your friend. ♥
27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich?
erm strawberry :)
28. Can you play pool?
not really LOL
29. Do you know how to swim?
yeah but not very well
30. Favorite ice cream?
cookies and cream
31. Do you like naps?
theyre okay :L
32. Tell me a random fact:
paris hilton throws her undies away after use ROFL actually idk is that even true? :L
33. Ever attend a theme party?
social? ROFL
34. What is your favorite season?
autumn :]
35. What is the first music video you ever saw?
i dunnoooo
36. Pick a movie quote:
"We went days without a meaningful conversation. And I used to miss you so much when that happened. But it never seemed like you missed me. And because of it, I stopped missing you."
ok i cheated it's from oth :L
37. Favorite quote:
"It's amazing the things you realize when you lose someone. You get mad at yourself for not saying the things you could have said a million times. You take for granted the days you spent doing nothing when you could have been with them. Anyone can be taken, at any point in our lives, but we always wait until they're gone to say the things we never had the courage to say."
38. What is your favorite hangout?
anywhere as long as my buddies are there :)
39. Best friend's name?
-insert a bunch of names-
40. How long have you known them?
long enough :L
41. Last time you laughed at something stupid?
the last time i saw your face BOOM BOOM
42. What time did you wake up this morning?
like 9
43. Wake up next to anyone?
your mum?
44. Best thing about winter?
cuddling up LOL
45. Name a couple of favorite colors:
yellow. purple :)
46. How old are you?
49. What month is your birthday in?
50. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated?
totally cool
51. Favorite Dave Matthews Band song (if you have one)?
who is that LOL
52. What are you doing this weekend?
idk? LOL
53. Who will take this survey?
your mum :)
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liek omg
Saturday, June 20, 2009 @ 4:42 PM

LOL. anyway bye i have work :L fries yaaay.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009 @ 6:07 PM
blogging, for the first time in... a while :O hahaha
anyways.... what do people blog about nowadays LOL
my day =)
rollcall first right LOL. anyway i found out that i gave in my note for that workshop thingo tomorrows...LOL i don't even remember handing it in :') i haven't paid though .. nor do i plan on doing so :D then we had umm.. science. which was boringgg as usual. i hate the topic were doing; umm electrical circuits or some shiz? i hate it, def not doing physics next yr :)
then we had ag :L which was pretty boring too; just questions on moormeat or something idk LOL then recess. and interact :L we're gonna do something for Red Nose Day guys! maybe cupcakes or we're hoping on a mufti day but i doubt it.. :L anyways something like that. so yeah stay tuned :D there's also a stall for Beyond Blue coming up, so yeah! well actually.. it's next term i think LOL. but thats soon, i guess :L
mmmm and then... pass? LOL we're doing coaching, kinda a gay topic imo, but oh wells it'll be fun coaching our class LOL. I ♥ pass major class :) we totally own you minor :D well not intellectually.. in terms of awesomeness (H) LOLOL kidding.. maybe.. LOL. I'M GONNA MISS YOU GUYS NEXT YEAR LOL hopefully pe class/es are gonna be the same/similar to this years D: and i better not effing have hughsey. i hate him!!! freaking give me 5/10 for extended response. AND he told me to "get on with it!" no joke. he wrote it on my paper. GRRRRRRRRR STFU ITS CALLED AN EXTENDED RESPONSE FOR A REASON :@ hmphh. and he gives 7/10 to a certain someone who wrote 1 page. ONE PAGE. GRRR. people these days. i'm never gonna get over this GR LOL --" anyway. LOL yeah i hope andy teaches pe next year (Y)
anyways. i say anyways alot huh LOL. anyways. xD netball man. LOL we vsed hurlystone B team. we actually won LOL. it's cos we have the mei wei :) LOLS. go team D! D for DBSK :DDD hahahs. then musical practice. man, i can't do it LOL i keep cracking up whilst doing the dance thingo/singing, its horrible! LOL. everyone needs to go see the musical btw. Peter Pan broo! WATCH ITTT. i'm an indian, watch it to see meeeeee and my 1 line (HIMBA HOOLA PETA PANN! or something like that? ROFL) and awesome dance/song and awesome costume :D haha
i'm gonna give in my subject selection note tomorrows hopefully. i have it all figured out now :)
i am (hopefully) doinggg
- 2u maths (cos i reallyyy suck at maths :/)
- ext. 1 english
- chem
- biology
- pdhpe
- and visual design in yr11 :)
i'm curious :)
anyways i guess i shall ttyl.
got-ta do jap ass.
done 3.5/8 articles and its like due on friday :(
ps. social was awesome. how pretty is this pic (Y)
Labels: daily life, nina really needs a life, school
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we can change the world.
Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 12:29 PM
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bored & havn't started english :(
Friday, June 12, 2009 @ 6:07 PM
- being alone
- cockroaches
- the dark =\
3 Things That Make You Angry
- racism/prejudice/sexism (that should be counted as three things huh :L)
- people that don't keep promises; people who don't stick to their word.
- people who say they did bad in an exam when really they got like 124389032%
3 Things That You Are Sorry About
- losing friendships and drifting apart
- hurting people unintentionally
- getting in your way and just being an inconvenience.
3 Things That Disgust You
- sluts who are bitches too
- stepping in warm shit D:
- people who don't tell the truth.
3 Things That Surprise You
- the colour of the sky. like why is it so blue 8)
- doing quite alright in geo :)
- waking up all of a sudden and not wanting to check the time in case it's time to get up and go to school but really when i look it's like 6am (Y)
3 Things You Are Confident About
- living without youu.
- myself. now i am, and yeah it's cos of you so thank you
- doing pdhpe next yr =)
3 Things That Make You Cry
- missing someone when they don't miss you at all
- letting the same thing get to you, time and time again
- the fact that all everyone sees is a lie. all they see is smiles. i go home and cry myself to sleep alot of the time.
3 Things That Make You Happy
- my baby (L) bahahah
- food
- hugs from people i love
3 Things That Make You Laugh
- fmylife
- my friends (LL)
3 Things That Stress You Out
- assignments.
- pimples
- boys
3 Things That Make You Proud
- my wardrobe (ROFL haha, yeah i know i need a life)
- pass mark. like yeah im happy with it. i beat you :)
- knowing when i die, i'm going straight to heaven. where nothing will ever ever hurt me again
3 Things That Relax You
- coffee. somehow :L
- love song dedications
- watching news (ie. falling asleep after :D)
3 People You Respect
- my parents (yeah they count as one ahah)
- patty patrick :)
- not you :L
3 Things You Love
- my baby
- shopping
- food
3 Things That Amaze You
- the colour of the sky! LOL
- myself :')
- how they made those tower profiterole thingys on master chef xD
3 Things That Worry You
- assignments
- you
- subject selections :/
3 Things That Bore You
- homework
- geography
- being internetless
3 Things You Get Anxious About
- marks
- you sometimes
- that neutrogena wave thingomabob hahas :L
3 Things That Confuse You
- maths.
- yeah you again
- what subjects to choose :(
3 Things That Embarrass You
- family / my sister driving over the kerb thing at school one arvo *sigh*
- my unphotogenic-ness LOL
- just me in general xD
3 Things That Impress You
- how good looking i am 8D HAHAH
- random hugs :)
- people who do really kind stuff for no reason (L)
3 Things You Miss
- yeah you sometimes
- the times when boys had cooties and school fees were cheap :L
- year 8.
3 Things That Make You Uneasy
- you
- seeing my baby xD
- intimate scenes in movies ROFL yeah i'm so immature i fastfwd :L
3 Things That Turn You On
- my baby (LLLL) :D
- guys with a sweet sexy smile (ie. kale HAHAHA :)
- a remote control. HAHAHAHA BOOM BOOM :L
3 Things That Comfort You
- hugs that are really warm and long :)
- a comforter BAHAH im so lame
- knowing that i don't need you, because no matter what i'll always have my bestest buddies there to catch me when i fall =)
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Sunday, June 7, 2009 @ 12:33 AM
today i..
- burnt my elbow at work
- spent $12.50 at the newsagents buying supplies for english ass which i still havent started. creative block :(
- changed layout
- decided i'm going to be fine without you. suhh nap =)
photo spammmm

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Saturday, June 6, 2009 @ 4:52 PM
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you make me sick.
Monday, June 1, 2009 @ 6:42 PM

Look honestly i'm just so sick of everything. Everything.
For one this stupid wave of putting each other down online (yeah I'm fucking looking at you skxdlx or whatever shit). Get a life would you? It's just not nice what you're doing. You're bitching about these young, and I emphasise YOUNG girls, younger than you. You should really know better. It's just silly. Keep your unkind opinions to yourself. Stop - look at what you're doing. It's like a cry for attention, isn't it? Just, get a life. Worry about yourself. Stop obsessing and setting out to put these people down. Focus on your own life. Please. What you're doing is just totally unnecessary.
Also just, I'm so sick of people. And I don't mean everyone. lol. I still love you guys, just, some people, just are really getting on my nerves.
1. You need to sort out your priorities. You keep doing this, you keep hurting me. Everytime I try and spill my heart out to you, everytime I reach out for help, you do nothing. In fact the next day you're all over him. It's as if you're doing it on purpose. Are you doing it on purpose? What's wrong with you, don't you get it? You're fucking hurting me. The both of you. Him I can understand, with him hurting me is nothing new, but you, I had more faith in you. You let me down, over and over again.
2. You.. you're the luckiest damn girl in the world. Or are you? I don't know, part of me is jealous; the other part feels so so sorry for you; because it's only a matter of time before he hurts you, again and again. Or is he already hurting you? I don't know. I'm not a part of his perfect little life anymore. You are his life now, no-one else matters to him. So cherish it; you never know when it's gonna end. And I'm not hoping and praying that it will, I'm not that kind of person. Just, nothing lasts forever. Remember that. Stay strong.
3. There is nothing I would like more than to shove a wad of ant-infested bark up your sorry ass. Oh, do you think that's a bit harsh? Well take a look in the mirror. Think that'll hurt? Look at what you've done to me. You can't ever even begin to understand how much pain and suffering you have put me through. You make me feel like I'm worthless. Like I'm not good enough. And you made me feel guilty. You made me feel like it was my fault when really it's yours. It's just not fair because you're allowed to move on, and not give a shit, while me, I CAN'T LET GO AND IT HURTS SO GODDAMN MUCH. I can't even bare looking at you. I really can't. You're just lucky that I'm not cruel enough to put you through what I've gone through.
4. Look, I don't understand why you're doing the things that you are doing. You can't keep pulling me in when it's convenient for you and pushing me away when it isn't. What do you want from me? I honestly have enough on my plate right now, I don't need this. I can't keep going on like this, I'm enough of a disaster as it is. I can't keep setting myself up for the pain you keep putting me through. Figure out what it is you want from me before you come back this time.
5. Keep your head held high. If you want to cry out loud, turn to me. If you want nothing more than to scream profanities and throw things, let me be there to scream and throw with you. As hypocritical as this sounds don't let him get to you. I know you're a strong, independent, beautiful person and you don't deserve this. You don't deserve to be broken, left behind, forgotten, replaced. We don't deserve any of the shit these smelly boys have dumped onto our backs. Good things fall apart for the better to come, remember that. I love you unconditionally. Smile, we don't need boys hehe. xxx
I'm totally a wreck and I need to fix myself before it's too late. Might talk to someone about it. All. We'll see I guess. Well goodbye for now
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