no internet make nina a dull girl.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 @ 9:49 PM
weeeeell. i feel like blogging. and yeahs :L
so yeah its holidays... OMG HOLIDAYS ARE NEARLY OVER woe is me. LOL nina don't wanna go back to school :( save meeeeeeeeee.
welll anyways. LOL. holidays are always boring though.. i guess school is alright but.. still don't wanna go =/
hahahah omg. so like. my old internet service provider whatever shit LOL was like, yeah, shit. so my mummy changed to telstra bigpond LOL. and so yeah, some men came to like disconnect my old virgin broadband on erm.. tuesday? (while i was @ parra, watching 17 again, which was EFFING AWESOME!@#$%@# might i add xD) and yeah. so i came home. and we had like, no internet, and i was like FMLLLLLLLLLL. had to wait like, a WEEK before the modem thingy for new net came. and boy what a week. LOL hahah well not really but yeah :L i had to like. find other things to dooo, rather than staying in front of my laptop all day LOL. i think i used up alotta credit that week. D:
my internet-less week:
tuesday: so i left for parra at like 9, and was gone pretty much all day. got back at like, 5ish? and yeah, THATS WHEN IT AAALL STARTED LOLS. i just watched tv and texted all night :L
wednesday: i was home alone ALLL day. my sisters like totally dogged me. i was like sleeping and at like.. 9ish? one of my sisters is like "i'm going out laters bro" and then like, half an hour later the other one goes aswell T_T so i woke up at like, 11 and was lonely :( LOL. i was just laying on the couch watching crappy daytime television all day. sooo borings. and at night i like.. did the same thing as tuesday.
thursday: i... cant remember what i did in the day. LOL. i think i went livo by myself, cos my sisters went out again.. but maybe that was friday.. can't really remember. LOL. had work at 5:30-9, which was good. i had something to doooo besides watch tv at home --"
friday: *looks above* haha. umm just tved and shit all night i guess
saturday: I had work again! ummm.. 11:30-3:30 ..... well that was what it was MEANTT to bee.. but jo asked if i wanted to stay back til 9 and i was like, doing mental maths in my mind tryna figure out how much i'd get. and then i calculated it. and then i said yes. LOL. dayumm it was tiring =O but i got a 30min break and half price meal, so it was all good x) najibby (LOL) let me off at like.. 8ish? though, so yeahs. just sat at like a bus shelter eating a sundae and talking on my phone for half an hour ish before my daddy came :L
sunday: erms ionno. work @ 5-8. thats pretty much it :L
so anyways. cbb with the rest of the week :L but on mondays i got my netty net net back :) but funnily enough, i went back on, and then didn't really wanna go on anymore. so yeah lol. don't you hate it when reality comes and slaps you in the face. repeatedly. :(
anyways. just to make this blog longerrrrrr.
recently bought, found, given to, whatevs:
as promised? hahas
what can i say, ridiculously cheap accessories float my boat hehe :D ps sorry for crappy pictures, lols.
19.95 @ bardot :)
grey knit dress @ vg. 20 bucks! bahaha
freefusion shirt dress; 13 bucks @ target
cotton on vestttt. for layering? :L
forcast top. soo prettyyyyy *_*
so totally oversized. LOL. like 40 or something from some random asian shop :L
i also picked up a $7.50 pair of gladiators @ cotton on (Y), a 10 buck brown faux leather bag from morning glory LOL, a new pencilcase from mg :D and a pair of ribbed grey stirrup socks from dotti for 6 buckss. 6! LOL hahaha i'm so cheap :')
and i also cut my fringe. it looks the same. i'm awesome.

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100th post lol
Saturday, April 11, 2009 @ 11:14 AM
1. I need you right now. I'm sorry for not talking to you before but right now I really need you to be there.
2. I don't know whether I'm angry at you, or angry at myself for letting this happen.
3. What the hell is wrong with you?
4. I'm sorry.
5. We need to take our shirts off. (lol u get it yeah?)
6. You're everything I'm not. It's okay, you'll always have him, I won't. It hurts to say but I know that's for sure.
7. I love you. I can finally admit to that. I'm sorry for being a bitch to you lately.
8. You're such a wonderful person. Your hugs make me happy. I hope I can get to know you more this year. See you next term <3 :)
9. You need to sort out your priorities.
10. I talked to you properly, for the first time in a while. I miss you. I hope we can be close again, like how we were before.
(okay i cheated, one's myself and 2 are for the same person.)
Nine things about myself:
1. I like making mcflurries and fries
2. I have not seen twilight yet. bahaha
3. I used to play piano, and do jazz. looool i know huh. i cant dance xD
4. My left pinky is messed up
5. My ultimate goal is to own 27 dresses. (not the movie lol). I currently have 21
6. Bardot is the best shop in the world. So is dotti.
7. I love jeffrey (hahah its true :)
8. Sometimes I really just wish for someone to hold my hand. Someone to take it and hold on tight and make me feel safe and secure from everyone and everything else around me.
9. I miss my old self.
Eight ways to win my heart:
1. Lame jokes and pick up lines
2. cute quirky sense of humour
3. Agrees with mish, spontaneity =)
4. Holds my hand and doesnt let go.
5. Warm, long, loving hugs.
6. Honesty
7. Someone who accepts me for me. I know i'm not perfect, they need to know that too.
8. Cute, thought-that-counts gifts that scream 'i love you'
and ....... 9. someone who'll dance with me. waltzing <333333
Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1. What have I done?
2. What's so good about this kelly chick? (hahahaha kidding!!)
3. I'm bored
4. I like her outfit
5. How can I be happy again
6. I'm going to fail maths.
7. And geography.
Six things I wish I never did:
1. Meet you. It was a downspiral from then.
2. Hurt you.
3. Did what I did.
4. Said what I said.
5. Cried so much
6. I wish I never.. gahh i don't know anymore. I wish i never existed right now, honestly.
Five turn ons:
1. eyes
2. hair
3. sweet smell. (not lynx. something natural? lol i dunno)
4. cuteeeee smile
5. warm hugs that make me feel safe and happy
Four turn offs:
1. dishonesty
2. player-isms
3. bad breath (lool)
4. bad dress sense (shallow, i know....)
Three smileys that describe my life:
1. patpat* (lolsss)
2. (LL)
3. =/
Two things I want to do before I die:
1. Meet the one person I'll spend eternity with.
2. Be on television
One confession:
1. Its my fault, i'm sorry.
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the end of the road.
Friday, April 10, 2009 @ 11:18 PM
I'm sorry. It's my fault. It is. I don't know what else to say. I hate myself for doing this to you. I always thought you could get through this, together. But now.. now I don't know. Now I feel as low as low can get. Again, I'm sorry.
Maybe you're a terrible person. Maybe you didn't know what you had and now you've lost it. Maybe you took her for granted and she finally had enough of it. But then again maybe it's not your fault, but mine. Sorry.
god. its like i hate you so much for what you've made me become; some fool who puts her hopes up only to have them come crashing back down to earth. but then i try to let you go and something keeps me hanging on. its like there's an invisible rope tying me to you. its like i can't live without you, no matter how hard i try. you make me happy, but then again you make me so sad. its like a never-ending circle and i just wanna stop cause this is killing me. please let me let you go. i can't keep doing this, it hurts too much. i can't stand this anymore, i swear if this keeps going on, one day i will just absolutely break down. and if that happens i'm not sure i can be put back together again. i'm hoping for the best, and looking back at all the pain you've put me through, i don't think you're the best for me. so yeah, goodbye?
- this is what i wrote about you last year. now? now its this.
You hurt me. Well not exactly; Mainly I hurt myself for loving you. But I really need you right now. Please. Talk to me. I need help. I need someone to be there for me. I need someone to listen. I'm falling to pieces right now and I need you. Please. Get online.
Labels: far out., miscellaneous, stuff, ugh
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