Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 6:38 PM
cause i'm running out of clothes hangers ... hm or maybe i should just buy more hangers... LOL. well give me a buzz if ur interested and hopefully i'll have some stuff up this week sometime.
sorry for my prolonged dead-ness on this blog. i kinda.. ehh don't really see the point in blogging on this anymores. except to sell clothes. and to tell the world about all my new ones. HAHA. nahh okie dokie, i shall try to blog more often on my poor heartsinahurry. i keep saying that don't i.... LOL i mean it this timeee D:
i just... need something relatively entertaining to actually blog about LOL.
anyways hopefully i'll find something to blog about soon
if i'm desperate i'll just blog about my new possessions ahahah
bye for now!
til next timeee
Labels: clothes, miscellaneous
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finally have it figured out.
Monday, March 9, 2009 @ 6:26 PM
feels like i havent blogged blogged in ages. xD likee, just about my life and school and suchh hah :L soo that is what i shall do. just causee i'm so awesome haha
weeeelllll school... idk. its gay? LOL. well its okaaay.
i guesss. well i'm like. pretty happy i guess. finally realised some things will never change, however much you want them to. and some things just... change for the betterr. and some things will never be the same. and some things are just stupid thoughtless little pricks. LOL.
so anyways. today was english thingo. haha so how did everyone think they went? i reckon it was.. alright? D: but i don't wanna jinx myself or anything so i shall just move on to another topic haha. :L
ahahah our pe dance. is like so fail right now LOL. anddd i have to like full do these retarded sharpay moves ROFLL. it will be funn i guess :L
hmmmmmm. i can't think of anything to talk about now. LOL.
.............ooohhh pass excursion next thursday (/friday? i dont even know? o_o) ahahah. it's one day before my bdaaay, so i'm gonna like, try and get as many people to shout stuff for me as possible. HAHA i'm so cool. :)
anywhoo, speaking of my birthdaaaay.
i have decided. to write a list :D ahahah.
see there's the material things, and the priceless things (or low cost. LOL) - i think i'd kinda prefer the priceless things :) but hey, whatever floats yo boattt
- pretty clothes. HAHA
- knee hi boots!
- a double breasted trench. ROFL
- CREDITT!! i havent had any for.. SO LONG -sniffs- :L
- or maybe...A NEW IPOD!!!! idk wtf happened to mine *sighs* :'(
- the biggerest longest most love-filled hug EVERR hehe. props to whoever gets me that =D
- the love of my lifeeee! (initials JC. ROFLOL HAHAHA kidding :)
- a giganormous photo album with pics of my loveded onesss (L). oh and with room for me to add more pix toooo =)
- a SURPRISE PARTY! maybe? hahaha nah kidding xD
- a cardddd. tbh i'd be so so happy with a card, signeded by everyoneeeee.
anywho. i must go eat dinner now. LOL
Labels: birthday, miscellaneous
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watching the longest yard =D LOL
Saturday, March 7, 2009 @ 9:53 PM
1. Taken the blame for something you didn't do? yeah probably
2. Stayed up all night by yourself? not all night
3. Stayed up all night with other people? nahh
4. Drank something from straight out of the carton? yessssum
5. Felt like you were going to die? yeah
6. Made up an excuse not to hang out with someone? yeah. LOL
7. Was forced to have sex/was raped? no?
8. Burst into tears for no apparent reason? yeah
9. Eaten a whole pie or cake by yourself? NEARLY!! :L
10. Waited an entire night for someone to call? nah
11. Got stood up on a date? noooope
12. Fell asleep in the movie theaters? nearly... @ benj button. LOL. i was tired D:
13. Let your friend borrow more than $50 from you? nopee
14. Spilled a whole bowl of burning hot water on yourself? no? thankfully :L
15. Spent the entire day on the computer doing surveys? not..doing surveys?
16. Looked through old photographs? yeahhs
17. Felt sad just because you heard someone else's name in a conversation? yess
18. Starting reading a book that was so terrible you couldn't finish it? yeah. LOL either that or i just cbb .. :L
19. Lost your voice for more than a day? suprisingly no :L
20. Spilled a drink on someone else? probableeey
21. Watched a marathon of your favorite TV show? yes!
22. Done the 5000 question survey? ...hell no O_O
23. Had a wish come true? umm don't think soo
24. Had a miracle come true? nah
25. Someone said something you didn't think was true but agreed just because they're cool? sif.
26. Or something else stupid like that just to get more people to like you? aziffffff. well i hope i havent.. TT"
27. Partied so much you couldn't remember what happened the night before? noo?
28. Screwed up with someone so badly they haven't talked to you since to this day? no
29. Spun around until you were dizzy and fell over? yeah. its fun xD
30. Peed your pants past the little kid ages? yeah. LOL many times. from laughing so much :')
31. Known/know someone with a terrible disease? no..? D:
32. Babysat for the most annoying kids in the world? no :L
33. Enjoyed yourself doing something you thought would be boring? yeah prob :L
34. Threw a fit because you didn't get your way? yeah LOLL
35. Got a Christmas present you hated? nahh. its the thought that counts, afterall =)
36. Had a tea party when you were younger? yeah. xD
37. Had your period leak through in public? ..... yeah i guess
38. Screamed something perverted out to a total stranger? noo?
39. Did a dare that got you in trouble? nah :L
40. Wrote a sappy love song or love poem? hahaha i think i tried to, but failed miserably ROFL
41. Given someone a fake phone number to someone? nah
42. Carried more than $500 on you at once? noooo :S
43. Found out your parents read some of your IMs? psh no :L
44. Made up your own language? SIMS LANGUAGE FTW!
45. Worn underwear for more than a day without changing it? yeah. LOL WHEN I WAS A KID
46. Bought something without trying it on, then ended up hating the way it looked on you? tooo many times TT"
47. Felt bad about telling someone the truth, so you lied? yeah
48. Ripped your pants while trying to do the splits? LOL no
49. Were so scared that you had to talk to yourself to feel better? yeahh
50. Went on a walk late at night? not that lateee
51. Gotten lost in the woods? haha CAMP. D: (looks above :L)
52. Made up your own games? yeah xD LOL MUGGLEBALL
53. Laughed so hard you choked on something? yeah ROFL
54. Gotten your tongue stuck to a pole? nooo :L
55. Jumped in leaves? i wannaaa
56. Stepped in dog shit? yeah --"
57. Put a burning bag of dog shit on someone's porch, rang the bell & ran away? LOLOL I WANNA DO THAT
58. Had your house been egged or toilet papered? no
59. Blamed the dog or other person for one of your farts? LOLLL YES HAHAHAH
60. Clogged up the toilet at someone else's house? no :L
61. Was the last to know about something? probably
62. Had a hilarious Halloween costume? noo
63. Laughed hysterically at one of your own jokes? many, many times xD
64. Thought someone was waving at you but it was really the person behind you? LOL YES
65. Ran around in summer clothes when it was winter? LOL yeah :L
66. Forgot about one of your friend's birthdays? maybe..
67. Had a surprise party thrown for you? no D:
68. Wished it was Friday? yeahhh
69. Watched a movie where the main character was exactly like you? nah
70. Seen a movie that was boring in the theaters so you just chilled in the washrooms instead? nah
71. Made a wish at 11:11? yeah :L
72. Fallen off a horse? no
73. Watched a scary movie then wasn't able to sleep? yesss D=
74. Dreamed in black and white? not that i can recall :L
75. Accidentally cut yourself while shaving? yeahh
76. Laughed uncontrollably for half an hour? LOL nearly half an hour? :L
77. Experimented with the same sex? no O_O
78. Made out for more than 10 minutes? yeah. i made out with a chocolate bar LOLOL (L)
79. Memorized all the lines in a movie? no
80. Did something stupid in public & then had everyone staring at you? yeah, like running into a glass wall TT"
81. Taped a 'kick me' sign to someone's back? yes! LOL
82. Thrown up all over somebody? noooo
83. Saved an animal's life? i... DIDN'T step on a cockroach before, does that count? :L
84. Tried to comfort someone but ended up making everything worse? yeah probablyy
85. Had to sit beside a perverted guy on a bus? no? LOL
86. Thrown a huge party & then got your house trashed? nopee
87. Kept a big secret from your parents that they haven't found out yet? nope
88. Told a joke that nobody thought was funny? yes. no one except mee. LOL
89. Dated somebody who was three or more years older than you? no?
90. Had an awkward confrontation with your most hated ex in public? no? :L
91. Fought with one of your friends in public? nah
92. Had someone use you for something, like money? yeah probably
93. Been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk? LOL. yeah actually.. T_T
94. Been attacked by an animal? a...BEE. D:
95. Been walked in on when you were changing out of a bathing suit? LOL no
96. Had an after school detention when you had big plans after school? no ? :L
97. Pretended you were cold just so your boyfriend would cuddle with you? no
98. Ambushed someone with water guns and sprayed them? yes. :D
99. Were the only sober one at a party? no
100. Laughed at the completely wrong time? all the timeee. xD
hah i was bored :L
ps. happy birthdaaaay mr.zul! and thomass (^) :L
pps. guess whats in 13 days =D
Labels: miscellaneous, nina really needs a life
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