tell me something i don't know.
Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 5:53 PM
ok ok i shall REVIVE YOU HEARTSINAHURRY! :L i shall blog more often on blogger. i mustttt :L.
anywho... school has been... aaalright? haha idk. meh :L
......... i really dunno what to put here LOL
so, seeing as i took these pics like ages ago when i had the intentions of blogging them, but never did.. i shall put them here. LOL :L
on sale @ bardot for 20 bucks =D and yesss. this is ze top i wore last friday's mufti day :L and did you know, the left strap of it like ..broke when i was playing hockey in pass. i had to like sew it back on LOL D:
@ just jeans for like 15 or something :L
witchery sweater dress!!!! :D ...hand me down from family friends xD
got it @ big w for like 8 bucks CHYEAH
bardot dresssss. 40 buckeroonies :D
hand me down xD
preeeetty dotti singlet. 15? :L
LOL anywaysssss. liek omg i need to get more wintery clothes for the colder season coming up D: everything i have is like for summer LOL. oh wells xD just add tights and a cardi and there we go. winterrry. hahha :L
anyways. to make this update much longerr, heres 25 random facts. LOLS.
The rule of this tag: "Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you (that would be me). If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you."
i choose everyone who reads this. TAG. :L
1. I want to do something in the health>nutrition field when i'm older haha
2. I ... don't sing in the shower. LOL. i tried once, and it was just... HORRIBLE. loooool i'm serious xD
3. A lot of the time when I talk to someone new (and male LOL) I try imagine myself with them to see if we'd look good together LOLS. so far no one looks good with mee, its cos i'm so hot (H)
4. I like food. like seriously.. there isn't really a food that i 'dislike', unless you count like, lamb brains and cow eyes or something gross like that LOL
5. Sometimes I just go into this depressing state where i just.. feel alonee.. well lately i've kinda been feeling alone alott. idk whyy. and lols idk if this even counts as a random fact
6. I never thought I could lose someone so important just like that. But I did. And you just might too so be warned. lolss haha.
7. I am a complete pansy when it comes to spicy food. For example, today i tried some of shiri's "really mild" curry stufffs.. i like choked on it. LOL. idk.. i just cant do spicy foods ok D:
8. Seafood is sexy food. =9
9. I love disney. Like all their movies and just everything!!! I wish i had disney channel D:
10. I recognize some people by their smell. LOL i know, it makes me sound like an animal or something, but i just do xD its my thing LOL
11. I used to want to be settled down, married, occupied (LOL jobb) and a mother by the age of 25. But now... i dunno. that dream seems so.. impossible LOL. maybe...28 or something? haha idk, i just reaaaally wanna get married before 30 :L
12. I think i have an abnormally small bladder. Or.. just some kind of problem relating to that LOL. becausee i pee. Alot. like today at school.. i peed likeee 3, 4 times? LOL
13. I overthink, overanalyze, over etcetera things :L idkk. its.. not such a good thing i dont think lol. because i also tend to overreacttt too
14. Sometimes its the smaaallest, tiniest, most insignificant things that trigger something in my mind that just makes me.. lose it. lose myselff. and yeah.
15. I've liked someone different at some stage of every year of high school ROFL. except for this year heh. ask me sometime. maybe if i like you i'll tell you who lolsss
16. I pms and cramp baaaaaadly before my monthlies. LOL it hurts D:
17. I can imagine lucy hee living alone in a small house with 6 cats HAHAHA kidding!! LOLS. if youre reading this i love you lucy xD
18. i have very random streaks in me (as you can see above LOL)
19. My pinky is like mutilated LOL. dont blame meeeeee, it was born that way D:
20. It doesn't take alot for me to cry. But its like when i do, its sooo hard to stop TT"
21. I love jeffrey chung :D
22. I get upset over things that have little to nothing to do with me. it suckss
23. I fear being disliked/hated. or that i already am.. =S
24. Whenever i come home from work, i'm like still in work-phase. LOL. like i do everything in a speedy, systematic manner. it usually lasts an hour or so from when i get home :L
25. When i'm bored i like to raid my wardrobe to discover new clothes combinations and thus new outfits. LOL. cos i'm weird like that xD
HAHHAA. well that was funnn :)
anyways. i shall go now
ps. PREG TESTING TOMORROW! i'm so freaking excited LOL
shush i know i'm weird. xD
Labels: miscellaneous, nina really needs a life, stuff, the love of my life LOL
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rofls saaaale.
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 6:28 PM
sorry if some stuff.. isn't like priced super cheaply.. some of this stuff.. didn't come cheap, and i'm asian. so yeah lolsss.
(ps. sorry for the el-crappo quality pics.)
- Girl Xpress
- Size 10
- black dress-y top.
- has cute little hearts on it
- worn like.. once or twice .. back in yr8 lools
= selling; 6 buckss

- Girl Xpress (lol)
- size 8
- pink, dress-y feminine-y top
- has buttons on front. tying up thingy on back.
- got it for.. 25 i think?
selling; 10 bucksssss.

- Gray Pinafore
- medium
- Jay Jays
- got it for ten bucks
selling; 5 bucks.

- Black + White checkered flannel
- longish
- has a hood
- medium
- got it at cabra for ..i cant remember loool
= selling; 8 bucks

- White Pinafore dress
- Supre
- neverrrr worn. (as you can see, there's still a tag on it lol)
- small. but it was kinda big for me, so i like sewed it up a bit. (and never ended up wearing it lols) so yeah, try before you buy? to see if it's okay.
= selling; 6 bucks

- ranga top lols
- Maui Girl
- size 8
- idk.. i wore it once at camp.. but its kinda weird, idk how to wear it/ what to wear it with.. maybe wear it over swimmers?
= selling; 6 bucks? 5 bucks? lol

- Black overalls-type dress.
- buttons on front
- neverr worn. new with tags lol
- Jay Jays. mum got it for 39 bucks :S. but it just.. isnt my kinda thing.. so yeah
- size 12. (but it's okay when you wear it, even if its a bit loose lols)
= selling; 15 bucks
(the yellow top doesnt come with it, but hey, if you want it i'll throw it in for a few extra bucks lol)

- Yellow/gold/silvery halter dress.
- size twelveeee. (its kinda pretttty big.. you can alter it if you want.. i just never got around to doing so haha)
- never worn. but kinda.. idk, deadd? lols.. found it at the bottom of my wardrobe all scrunched up... whoopsies haha
- pressie from relo's in philippines, agess ago. random brand.. idk, it's filo? or not? i dont even know lols.
= selling; 12 bucks (msg me if you want a better pic. or if you wanna try it before you buy it? lolsss)
LIZZIES (trying on lols :)
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i can't sleep through the pain.
Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 5:12 PM
Even if I said I didn't care a million times over again, you'd know that I still do.

Dearest you,
I'm Sorry. I'm so so very very sorry. You can say it's not my fault all you want, say it's yours but I know deep down that it really was my fault. I knew I was cutting it too close. I knew I was going too far, getting in way over my head. I knew that one day it would just.. blow up in my face. Deep down in the back of my mind I knew that I'd wake up one day and finally realize that I'd gone too far. That I had to stop before causing any serious damage to not only myself, but to you. And to her. To the both of you.
I guess I should've known better, to believe that my luck could change.
It just got too much for me to handle. All the tears, the pain, the screaming and crying and hurting. Everything. And I knewww it was time to stop. I had to do it. It was the right thing to do. Because it was either I let go and be hurt, or stay where I was, with the both of us ending up getting hurt. And I chose to let go. Because honestly, who would want to be the reason for someone to be in so much pain. To be hurting, to be sad, insecure, jealous. Then again you kind of put me through a lot of pain. But then again again I think I'm putting youu through a lot of pain now too. You and me both.
Guess it's just better, for me to let go, move on. Rather than to hold on, and be hurt.
I'm sorry. It's all I have left to say. To you. To her. To myself. It's all I can say. The only thing that I'm sure of right now. That and, I miss you. My god I do. I'm a mess. Forget about me. What if I don't want to? What if the only thing in the world that I want to do is to keep you in my life. I don't want to forget about you. Why would I? You mean so much to me. I don't want to just let that go. I don't want to let you go. Do you want to forget about me? Ack, what a mess.
And I can't take it, the way I could before. I'm stuck on you.
And now I'm stuck. Stuck somewhere. Stuck. I can't move. I don't know where to go from here. What to do. Now what? I don't know. I don't know and I can't take this anymore. I've been crying myself to sleep since Wednesday. Every little thing I do. Reminds me of not only you. Us. Everything. Blah blah blah.
I guess it really is, goodbye.
I'm sorry. Again. Over and over and over again. And for what it's worth I really do love you, very much. And I miss you. So much. Already.
With every bit of me,
sigh. anyways. i know long time no blog. i'm probably gonna... sell some old clothes on this soon haha. following in the footsteps of lizzieee lols.
Labels: miscellaneous, stuff, ugh
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