you found meeeee.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 @ 1:41 PM
hahaha hi :) i havent blogged on this in awhile aye haha :L
well... there isnt really much to talk about.. holidays have been like uber borrringg --" been out a few times, but most of the time it was with my sister so does that count LOL D:
hmmm... well. ooh i got a job ! =D maccas LOL. but idc, as long as it's something haha :)
idk what to say on this thing ..LOL. uhhh. oh here you go. i'll tell you my teachers. xD ahaha gosh i'm bored lol.
10O for awesome :L
- Science; baxterrrrr
- Geography; milner
- English; young..
- History; pollock :S
- PE; wilsooooo LOL
- PASS; wilso again! LOL
- Maths; yen ...well at least it BETTER BE D: -remembers arriola- LOL
- Jap; hewett
ahahah and yeaaah.
2009... hmm. who knows what kinda year this'll be..
okay i'm going now :L
ohhhh and just before i go.. heres some recent and not-so buys lol.
i'm gonna write about them and shit here. cos whenever i do it like below the pics it always screws up --"
dress: from some random shop @ cabra. 10 bucks! :L
denim-y, flannel-y thingy: livo tightrope. 6 bucks (Y) LOL gosh i am cheap ^^
skirt: jayjays, 10 bucks
small brown bag: found randomly in wardrobe LOL
cream bag: from sister for xmas. i think she got it from kmart....LOL nonetheless, love the bows on the side ^^
check dress: miss shop. from myer, 40 bucks bruh. on sale :D
denim dress: valleygirl. 35 buckeroonies. i (L) it 8)
pink flannel dress-top-thingy: tightrope; 10 bucks :L
white vest w/ big white buttons =) : valleygirl :L seriously i am in love with the buttons LOL
LAST BUT NOT LEAST: the most UGLIEST pair of shorts ever LOL. floral, high waisted, with yucky zips TT" LOL. from valleygirl. i was gonna buy these sexy brown checkered gingham-ish shorts, but my mum said they were to short and made me get thoooseeee. BUT THEYRE FREAKING SHORT ANYWAY, THEYRE HIGH WAISTED DAMNIT! >=( i will GIVE THEM TO YOU for free, whoever wants them LOL. size 10, kinda big :S. LOL SERIOUSLY I WILL. MSG/CONTACT ME. LOLL. i (U) them. they hideous. D:
okie bye!
Labels: bored, buys, holidays, threads
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Friday, January 2, 2009 @ 5:34 PM
Name: Ninaaaa
Sisters: 2
Brothers: 0
Shoe size: 7 ish?
Height: not sure..LOL
Where do you live: far away from youuuu
Favourite drinks: juice 8) WATERMELON HAPPYCUP (L)
Favourite breakfast: umm. bacon + eggs for sure :9
Have you ever been on a plane? yeahh
Swam in the ocean: yeah ? :L
Fallen asleep at school: many, many times. LOL
Broken someone’s heart: yeah, YOURS. suhh-nap.
Fell off your chair: Maybe once or twice...
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: hahaha no.
Saved e-mails: ..?
What is your room like: 4 walls, a door - the usual
What’s right beside you: a wall
What is the last thing you ate: noodless =9
Ever had chicken pox: yeahh.
Sore throat: duh
Stitches: nopee
Broken nose: :L
Do you believe in love at first sight: not reaallyy
Like picnics: yeah :)
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with: umm. myself? LOL
Last made you smile: idk
You last yelled at: sister? :L
Today did you...
Talk to someone you like: noo?
Kissed anyone: naah
Get sick: nope
Miss someone: yes! >=(
Eat: mmhm
Best feeling in the world: having someone there for you 8)
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: ...yes
What’s under your bed: stuff
Who do you really hate: no onee?
What time is it now?: 5:44
Is there a person who is on your mind now: guess so
Do you have any siblings: yeah
Do you want children: yesss
Do you smile often: i'd like to think so :L
Do you like your hand-writing: ehh its alright
Are your toe nails painted: nah
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: bed pwns.
What color shirt are you wearing now: white
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: computering? :L
I can’t wait till: ..many things
When did you cry last: idk
Are you a friendly person: depends
Do you have any pets: nahh D:
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: at home. in bonnyrigg.... ;D LOOLL JOKES
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: o_o
Do you sleep with the TV on? noo
What are you doing right now?: thisssss
Have you ever crawled through a window?: LOL nope. love to try it though :L
Can you handle the truth?: depends. BUT YOUUU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! :L
Are you too forgiving?: i dunno
Are you closer to your mother or father?: dunno?
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: my computer screen..D:
How many people can you say you’ve really loved?: ALOT (L) :)
Do you eat healthy?: I care more about how good it tastes :9
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: yeah i guess
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: people who know who they are
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: depends
Are you confident?: depends what confident youre talking about
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. in kindergarten..
2. drawing
3. playing
4. colouring
5. being young
5 things on my to-do list today (tomorrow since the day's ending):
1. finish this
2. sleep
3. laugh more
4. idk
5. idk
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate.
3. Red Rock Deli chipssss
4. mangoes =9
5. white choc mud cake. zomggggg i want i wantt
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. spend billions
2. spend billions
3. spend billions
4. spend billions
5. roll around in my remaining money. xD
5 of my bad habits:
1. procrastinating
2. over thinking things
3. sensitive.. apparently D:
4. overreacting :S
5. getting things stuck in my head
5 places I have lived in:
1. a house
2. another house
3. my current house
4. my current house
5. my current house
5 jobs I’ve had:
1. Student
2. Student
3. Student
4. Student
5. Student
Finishing time: 5:53pm
...woww. that didnt take long. LOL
ps. HAPPY 2009 EVERYONE <3
Labels: new year, nina really needs a life, quizzy
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