campitty camp :)
Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 5:09 PM
bus trip. well i got to school at like 8:02 or something and i was like freaking out that they would leave without meee (yes, coz i was 2 minutes late..LOL D:) but yeahh.. we didn't even end up going til probably like half an hour ish later so yeah --"
when i got there and like put my baggage down and stuff i realised how light i packed compared to heaps of people LOL. i am so proud of myself :') ..but i brought alot of clothes xD i'm just.. good at stuffing things in (H). anyways yeah it was like, 2 hours ish til we got there? i got pics with aashy on the bus :)
then we walked to the camp place and like unpacked/got settled in our cabins. which looked a little like thissss:
freaking horse sheds or something i swear TT"
all my shit :L
more cabin pix. in random order:
LOL i just woke up tyvm! hmph D:
LOL larry and her bed hair :P
ahaha i like put on annie's trenchcoat and hobo lens-less sunnies and went crazy LOL. inspector gadget much? haha :L
LOL and then after settling in we had lunch. chicken burgers, which were.. ehh alright i gueeesss :L. then we had activitiesss. we had umm canoeing, orienteering and damper making. canoeing was okay, orienteering was boooooooringgg LOL and damper making was alright haha. apart from my damper heart being burnt and broken in 2 D= LOL hahah. then like we got back had showers etc. then had dinnerr which was.. spaghetti? the garlic bread was nice hehe :9 then after dinner we had like this game where we had to like look for people around the camp in like, the night D: it got creepy when it got like full dark and i was scared :( then we had hot chocolate for supperr. and i got some more pics :L you know i really didn't get many pics altogether =/ i guess i didn't really take my camera out much coz most of our activities were like full in the outback or water LOL D:
supper pics:
idiots :L and steven has sex hair ;D ahaha LOOLL.
amy and vicko LOL they both have cheesy smiles xD
LOL i look weird there :L like, awkward :L\
LOL how retarded :L
oh no not these two again. LOLL
and then after hot choccy we went to bed. where i had like the WORST sleep i've had in agessss T__T. first of all i slept in like a singlet and it was sooo damnn colddd in the middle of the night/ in the morning. and like i had trouble actually falling asleep, and i kept waking up throughout the night after i eventually fell asleep TT" well ignoring the complete dead-tiredness, one good thing about the next morning was the sky being so damn beauuutiful! 8) the moon was still out and like there was fogginess around the mountains/nolls or whatever :L
seeee? beautiful (L)
umm. woke up all dead, dressed unwillingly LOL and went to brekky. where we had um.. toast with egg in them :L. and then we had more activitiess; rock-climbing, archery, abseiling, flying fox and high-ropes (which we NEVER GOT TO DO COZ IT WAS RAINING!! =/) well archery was okay, i hit the board a ..couple times LOL only on the white zone though :( ahaha. and rock climbing was pretty fun :L omg the bus ride there was an exciting activity in itself! LOL :P ah i nearly reached the top of the hard-ish middle part of the rock climbing place! i am so proud of myself :') damn richard and his pro-ness; he full did it fast :( .
abseiling was... DAMN PAINFUL! :( it was rainy when we were doing it so like i kinda slipped when i was going down, and i full like, body-slammed the cliff rock and it was freakin painful. i full cut the side of my left thigh and elbow and i like started crying and i couldnt stop :S. badddd experience bro, veryy bad D:
flying fox was exciting..for the first like 2 seconds LOL then it got sloow and boring. and i full killed my white blouse top coz the rope was all dirty and i had to put it in my lap TT".
then we got backk and i showered (communal style! :L) and bandaged my wounds LOL =/ and then dinner which was er.. the bbq? and then coz it was raining we played soft hockey in the dining hall placee. LOL YAY GO PREDOMINANTLY ASIANS! ahaha we so pwned (H) :D but ahhh when my number got called out and i went i like full skidded sometime and burnedddd my knee :( but i scoreded! yay winner! hehe :P
ZOMG. lucy put this gel stuff from the first aid kit on it and it STUNG LIKE HELL. i was crying in freakin pain!! D= when we got back to the cabins as soon as i hit the (uncomfortable) mattress i pretty much was asleep. so exhausteddd.
all in all tuesday was a very painful day :L.
ebony's bday! :) hbd to her hehe :D
well i woke up, and tried to eat as much breakfast as possible coz we had pack & paddle with group 8 later on. well anyways yeah, pack and paddle was damn exhausting. first we had to canoe for like 2 hoursss or something :L me and aash had like this ongoing race with larry and shiri which they ended up winning..LOL. omg when we were canoeing i like dropped my hat in the creeky water =/ but it floated and aashy pooled it out for me.
thennnn when we finally reached the end of the torturous canoeing adventure (LOL) we had lunch which was like bread roll sandwiches :L. and omg me and annie peed in the bushessss. LOL we felt soo tribal afterwards LOL. she used a leaf! hahaha LOOL.
then we set off on a hiking adventureeee which was horribly scary =/ it was so muddy and slippery and i being the unco that i am stacked it/almost stacked it many many times :( LOL lucky steven was there to save me :D ahaha thankssss you steven! =) and then we reached civilisation where i then showered and stuff :L
then dinnerrrr and then this weird singing game. zomg when i was humpty dumpty and i was supposed to have a great fall i..actually had a great fall :'( i wasn't meant to fall that hard but i did TT" and killed my knee even moreeee. the skin re-peeled off and right now its like pink and gross and i can't bend me leg properly D: and then sleep; our last night D: some of us were planning on going to next doors cabin to talk and stuff all night but it started pouring so we all just sat and had deep and meaningful chats for a couple of hours :L
ze last day!! :( we had breakfast first (as usual :L) and then packed our stuff up for a bit and then we had a 'mini-olympics' thing where i did like the diaper running race :L it was shortlived, but fun LOL :P and then we had raft building which was pretty boring but we like won, i think.. so yeah, gj 7&8! (Y) then was lunchh. then we finished packing and cleaning up cabins, loaded luggage on that cart thingy and said goodbye to wiseman's ferry :O i know the sleeping conditions, toilet, showers and etc were shit; but i was sad to go :'(
then on the bus back i was soo tired so i like slept pretty much the whole way. it was a pretty weird sleeping position.. (i know, i sleep like an animal :L) but it was comfortable and my neck didnt get sore or anything afterwards, contrary to popular belief :L
then got home showered ate took a dump slept unpacked did washing and went on my trusty laptop :)
Apart from all the bruising, cuts, bites and rainn camp was funnnn yeah? haha =)
OH OH and i forgot about this awesome pic i took sometime LOL i was tryna be all cool and take an artistic shot ahaha :L
anyways i'm off for now :L been typing this thing for like 2 hoursss o__o"
OHH and. ann is gay :) ahaha LOL :D
Labels: bumchums, camp, funn, yay
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lol yes let's play tag :L
Saturday, November 15, 2008 @ 7:27 PM
i was tagged. by karen =)
umm. so it's, 5 things about me? hmmm.. LOL.
(five things about me that y'all might not know -)
1. I like heights :) Like.. looking down fuels the adrenaline and makes me all excited and stuff. (LOL man, not THAT kind of excited though :L)
2. When i watch movies i tend to make comments on the technological effects and stuff. Like last night i was watching this people-eating shark movie ..and MAN the effects were crappy. The sharks were like soo obviously 3D and computerized! :L
3. I honestly probably could not survive without msn, like seriously. This one time my net full died at about 9pm and i was left msn-less for the rest of the night. Man i was like, dying LOL.
4. I love singing to my ipod :) and like, guitaring and singing, or piano-ing and singing. But only to myself. The thing is i have terrribleee stage fright and stuff and talking in front of people is hard enough for me, let alone singing! Plus.. I'm not that good of a singer anyways haha :)
5. It's sometimes the littlest things that get to me. I can get like sooo upset over the tiniest things. And it's annoying because half the time it barely has anything to do with me, and I don't get why I'm so affected by it T_T"
haha yeaaahhh.
ohhhh i think i'll blog jumprope for heart :).
Well, on wednesday the 12th we had Jump Rope For Heart, organized/run by the PASS class 08. (props to shirley, shane and tayler specifically; they were the event co's :)
and well it was really fun =) right guys? hahah xD
and here's some pics =)
ahahah awesomeee people (including those who got cut off xD)
ahaha steven's like, "hi there... -awkward wave-" :L and mattie is.. deep in thought LOL. and i (H) hehe
LOL i'm so retarded :')
hmph! LOL
people :)

i'm kingggg of the worlddd! ahaha seriously; brendan is looking up to me, steven is bowing down to me, mattie is .. acknowledging my awesomeness in some sort, and tri is... getting water to quench my thirst (H) ahaha LOL damn i'm cool
steven checking out brendans ass. yummmyyy... o_o" LOL
LOL. gay people =)
retard number 2 !
the retards together :)

pass class (L). ahaha i look like i'm telling someone off LOL
ROFL look at mee i'm so cool
mattie: no picture no picture!!
mattie: okaaaay maybe just one...
jess & stevenn
people sure do like their free sausages xD

idiotssss. my idiots! :)
ahahaha theres oh so many more pics :L but.. i'll just settle on these ones hehe.
well bye! :D
Labels: bumchums, fun, schooool
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pointless banter :)
Sunday, November 9, 2008 @ 5:09 PM
(7:43 PM) nina!: omgggg!!
(7:43 PM) nina!: look outside
(7:43 PM) nina!: the skys like purpleeeee!!!
(7:43 PM) steven.: looooking..
(7:44 PM) steven.: WOW
(7:44 PM) steven.: :O
(7:44 PM) steven.: looks cool hahaha
(7:44 PM) nina!: LOL
(7:44 PM) nina!: oh my god that is beautiful 8)
(7:44 PM) nina!: just had to capture that
(7:45 PM) steven.: LOL
(7:45 PM) steven.: another kodak moment?
(7:45 PM) steven.: hahaha
(7:46 PM) nina!: LOL
(7:46 PM) nina!: indeed x)
-- indeed it was suchhhh a kodak moment LOL :)
this nights a perfectttt shade of daaaark blueeeeee (8) hehe. it so was. (L)
god damn that is beautiful. LOL. :)
ahhhhhhhh. i swear i was just sitting outside staring at it for like 10 minutess x)
anywayssss. lol we got pretty much all of our yearly marks back .. (apart from ag and geo. omg i think i'm getting ag back tomorrow!! D: fingers crosssssed!) and.. ah i'm pretty much only completely happy with 1 exam result right now; history. 41/50! (H) not bad for one of the subjects i totally gave up on and decided to wing it :P hahaha. hmm i suppose maths was alright too. 55/65. i was pretty happy with it. even though it was like one of the lowest in a2. below class average grr TT". well there goes a2. hel-lo b1 next year (H) ahaha LOL. i really do hope i go down a class. i dont wanna stay in a2 :( its like full of smart people and pressure and shiz :/ hmm i screwed english up. badlyyyyy. ask me yourself if you reallyy wanna know. maybe i'll tell you :L. in science i got... 24/35. haha i'm pretty content with that LOL. considering i've completely lost faith in my ability to understand science properly :). buttttt.. i would've been happier with 70%. ahh well, 68%'s ok i guess. for science. haha. sport science was errr... 37 and a half / 50. haha oh well who cares :P. music.... erm really bad LOL. ah well its not like i'm doing it again next year. i'm doneee with music hehe (H). i'm gonna miss it though =(
random thingo, ty ebony's bebo :P
(ahaha random blog i swear xD just felt like going on about random nothings so here we are :L)
[1] Spell your name backwards without vowels:
nn. LOL
[2] Are you Canadian?
no sir
[3] What colour are your pants?
correction: shorts! LOL black
[4] How many states in your country have you been to?
um.. 2 including this one LOL haha
[5] Do you drink bottled, tap or filtered water?
filtered at home but i like alwayss buy bottled water @ school
[6] Do you have either freckles or dimples? or none?
umm no not that i know of D:
[7] What is your favourite subject/subjects at school?
um.. electives, for sure :)
[8] What extracurricular do you do?
.....blank. oh gosh i have no life TT"
[9] Any homework tonight/today?
lol haha yeah story writing. THE BEST DAMN LOVE STORY IN THE WORLD! i better get to doing it.. ehh after this :L
[10] What magazines do you read?
gf, yen, dolly, etceteraa
[11] What is the weirdest thing you've ever tasted?
um... i do not know :L
[12] What's the name of your favourite teddy bear?
nameless :L
[13] Do you own any converse if so what colour?what kind?
umm grey and a pair of dead popcorn yellowy ones
[14] What picture is on your computers desktop?
lol twilight thingo 8)
[15] Go to your top 25 most played on itunes. What's number 1?
umm.. how do i breathe - mario. ahh, i used to love that song
[16] In photos are you more likely to do the peace sign or turn it around?
peace sign?
[17] What kind of makeup product do you never wear?
i dont wear makeup. i dont need it (H) ahaha
[18] What colour is your ipod/mp3?
[19] In your life how many friendship bracelets have you recieved?
1 or 2 in primary school :L
[20] Can you speak any languages other than English?
umm.. japanese? ahaha. i kinda suck at filo =/
[21] Have you ever seen a shooting star?
yeahh. and i made a wish 8)
[22] What is your favourite kind of jewellery?
necklace or ring <3 :)
[23] How did your mum and dad meet?
umm at work ? LOL
[24] Would you rather visit Italy or France?
umm.. LONDON <3
[25] Do you have a journal?
yeahhh.. but i havent written in it in a while :L
[26] When was the last time you played playstation? What game?
umm ddr. LOL. on the holidayss
[27] What are your summer goals?
happier, more independent (ahaha. misss independentttttt thats why i love herrrr...)
[28] Do you wear glasses or contacts?
glasses.. strictly for reading only :)
[29] What do you do when your bored?
read, blog, sleep xD
[30] What did you last eat?
piece of mango. Mmmmm =9
anywho, i have a love story to write :P it wont write itself! haha. so yep ta-ta for now!
til we meet again :O
Labels: beautiful, miscellaneous, schooool
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