dum dee dummm
Thursday, July 17, 2008 @ 3:25 PM
gosh i love doing these pointless quizzes :L theyre entertaining..somehow :P
What color are your nails?: nail-colour? o_o
What's your grandma's name?: christy ...i think :S LOL shushh
What kind of computer do you have?: compaq. its so nub
Is it too hot outside?: no its like, the opposite
Do you sleep with a fan on?: in the SUMMER =/
Do you have sensitive eyes?: yeahh sorta
What size shoe do you wear?: 7 or 7 and a half LOL
Who is your craziest friend?: hmm.. amy? LOL idk :L
Is your hair long?: NO!! :( its so shortttt.
Are you fast at running?: HAH no way i suck at running (H)
Ever play guitar hero 3?: nope :(
Did you brush your teeth today?: yeah
Ever been outside the country?: yeahh
Do you like your eye color?: meh
What time is it?: 3:33 pm wow 8)
Do you have any birthmarks?: yeah, wanna see? ;) -holds out right arm- haha GOTCHA! LOL
Ever get a bloody nose?: yeah, aaaages ago
What's the most attractive feature on the opposite sex?: besides personality? :) eyes, smile :P
What's your favorite flavor gatorade?: gatorade? LOL the lemon-lime one
Are you allergic to grass?: nope
Ever been in a fender-bender?: wtf is thatt
Do you get embarrased easily?: not really :L
Do you like Lil Wayne?: not really?
Should you do some crunches?: LOL what like ab-crunches? LOL no i probly should though D:
Ever sniff a sharpie?: LOL yeah sometimes
Can you make yourself cry?: if i try hard enough? not usually though
Would you rather use a broom or vacuum?: broom. i hate the loud vacuum sound >_>
What's your favorite movie?: transformers <3 :)
Do you have split ends?: hella yeah :S
Are you good at bowling?: LOL not without the rails
Ever kiss the same sex?: naah
Do you have dry skin?: mm yeahh, but only now cos its winter and all
Did you ever sleep with stuffed animals?: yeah i do :P
Do you think Disney Movies are corny?: NO WAY! :D
What's your brother doing right now?: on comp. HAH JOKES i dont have a bro. i have a sister :L
How tall to you think Shaquille O'Neal is?: ve-ery tall!
If you could have a new talent, what would it be?: enjoying maths. >_>
Do you eat too much junk food?: chyeah
Do know anyone with cancer?: no
Do you talk sh*t a lot?: talk shit? LOL
Are you afraid of ghosts?: nah
What's your favorite accessorie?: heart necklace <3
Would you moon an old man for $50?: LOL NO
Are you a good driver?: mmhm (H) LOL
Favorite type of music?: hmm.. acoustic/rock/rnb? :L
Your texting right now, right?: LOL no! my phone isnt even on! ^^
Ever swim in a creek?: nah
Ever put salt on a snail?: yesss >=D
Ever danced on a table?: LOL may-bee
Is the air too poluted?: yeah.
Do you treat beautiful people with more respect than ugly people?: no thats slack >_>
Are you double jointed?: eew no
Ever break a promise?: probably :S
Ever steal a street sign?: oneday! :)
Last time you threw up?: a very longg time ago
Do you take a lot of pictures of yourself?: no not really
Is it hot when the opposite sex is all sweaty?: ..no not really. maybe if theyre muscly, shirtless and odourless
Do any of your flashlights have batteries in them?: LOL dunno
Ever been in a flood?: nope
Do you watch commercials?: yess
What are you doing tomorrow?: ag assesment, english shit, enjoying the last day of holi's -sniff-
Do you like any songs by Michael Jackson?: LOL chyeah!
Ever take a bath with someone?: suuure ..
Are your feet big?: my mum says they are :( i say theyre not!
Should we lower the drinking age?: LOL sif i'd care if you did :L
Ever been called a tease?: no?
Do you know your pets' birthdays?: no pets, no bdays :(
Is licking envelopes fun?: haha yess
What is your religion?: christian :D
Can you land a backflip on the trampoline?: no i suck
Ever been to Arizona?: ..no? :/
Do you wash your face at night?: yes duh
What brand of laundry detergent do you use?: omo? idk :L
Is your life drama-filled?: atm? nah well maybe idk
Ever been back stabbed by a friend?: mm.. sorta?
Know anyone who has sky dived?: nop
Is your neck long?: LOL no
Do italian/french/spanish accents turn you on?: yes/yes/maybe :L
Labels: bored, procrastination, quizzy
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its up to me to let you go
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 @ 4:54 AM
hmm hello! LOL. zzz i'm bored
kfslajdnksdfjlkhaircutjlfdskjewvfdzmn LOL can you spot the not-very-well hidden word? :L if you cant you're an idiot --" lol. bleh its like, so short o_o"AND the fringe is screwed :S ITS SO DAMN SHORT! >_____> but mehh, she straightened it ^^ ..yeah, for an extra 17 BUCKS! T_T farrrr man it cost more than the haircut AND IT ISNT EVEN PERMANENT ZZ --" man i really needa restraighten my hair (permanently duh). mehh i'll probly do it before camp, cos i'm too lazy to bring a straightener to camp, let alone using it at camp :L
so anywayssss, heres some pics of some new clothes i got ..from friday LOL shush i'm lazyyy :P
SEXAYEEE!! :D my fave buy outta them all (Y) AND..FIVE BUCKS BRO! hahahaha marked down from NINE bucks! LOL i am toooo cheap. BUT ITS SO CUTE! I LOVE THE DETAILS ^^
valleygirl stripe cardi :) 15 buckss
cute much?! :P im wearing it riiiightt nowww 8)
:D 15 at crossroads. its kinda big though :S xs and its big . i think its sized wrong :/ ohh wells, still cute ^^
LOL cuffed leggings. 8 bucks @ kmart. :L
purrrrrpleeee ankle-y boots from bigw LOL. shhh. big w ftw! 18 bucks :) oh yeahh, in case you're wondering, i did lighten it a bit :L you couldnt see the purpleness in the original, it was too dark! >__>
mmmhm, good stuff aye? (Y) LOL :P
anyyyyyways. i'm offff. off blogger. i needa start the stuuuuuuupid ag assignment >_> skjgklhkjvnxz,cmvn wish me luck! T_______T
Labels: miscellaneous, threads
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twice in a row! :P
Friday, July 11, 2008 @ 1:52 PM
lookieee at what i found :D
Bold the statements that are true to you.
Italicize the statements that you wish are true.
Leave the fibs alone.
I miss somebody right now.
I do not watch tv these days.
I wear glasses or contact lenses. < style="font-weight: bold;">
I love to play video games.
I have tried marijuana.
I have been in a threesome.
I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
I have changed mentally over the last year.
I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
I curse. wish i didnt :/
I’m totally smart.
I’ve broken someone’s bones.
I’m paranoid sometimes.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost and scarfree.
I need money right now.
I love sushi.
I talk really, really fast.
I have long hair.
I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling.
I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
I couldn’t survive without Caller ID.
I like the way I look.
I am usually pessimistic.
I have a lot of mood swings.
I have a hidden talent.
I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
I have pecked someone of the same sex.
I enjoy talking on the phone. :L
I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants. atm, yes xD
I love to shop.
I enjoy window shopping. < i enjoy shopping, muchh more
I would rather shop than eat. i eat too much :(
I don’t hate anyone. :)
I’m a pretty good dancer. HAHAHA I WISH! :L
I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
I have a cell phone.
I believe in God.
I watch MTV on a daily basis.
I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
I want to have children in the future.
I have changed a diaper before.
I’ve called the cops on a friend before.
I’m not allergic to anything.
I have a lot to learn.
I’m shy around members of the opposite sex.
I have made a move on a friend’s significant other or crush in the past.
I have tried alcohol before.
I own the South Park movie.
I would die for my best friend.
I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all. chyeah! XD
Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it. !
I am happy at this moment
I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I’ve ever met.
I study for tests most of the time.
I have more than just my ears pierced.
I walk barefoot wherever I can.
I have jumped off a bridge.
I love sea turtles.
I spent ridiculous money on make up.
I’ve plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
I’m proficient in a musical instrument. see, not completely true, i wish >_>
I worked at Mcdonald’s restaurant. neeeeeeeda jobbbbb
I hate office jobs.
I love sci-fi movies.
I think water rules.
I went college out of state.
I like sausages.
I adore bright colours.
I can’t live without black eyeliner.
I don’t know why I just did this stupid thing. did it cos i'm bored :L
I usually like covers better than originals.
I can pick up thing with my toes.
I can whistle.
I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake’s slither.
I have ridden/owned a horse.
I still have every journal I’ve written in.
I can’t stick to a diet.
I talk in my sleep.
I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
I have jazz in my blood.
Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
I wear a toe ring.
I can’t stand at least one person that I work with.
I am a caffeine junkie.
I have been to over 15 conventions.
I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
I’m an artist. (digital art? :S)
I only clean my room when necessary. hah i like NEVER do
I like a person of the same sex.
I love being happy.
I am an adrenaline junkie.
hehe, well wasnt that fun? :P
bye bye
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i made it here without you,
11:27 AM
(8) haha love that song :P
figured i should blog
idk why, i guess just cos i'm like
uber boredd >_>
gosh i need a life sigh.
these past ...monday tuesday wednesday thursday ..4 days LOL, i should have reaaally finished ag and/or started english or music asses. but .. i havent. apart from the title and the 'by nina tiongco 9O', my progress in the agriculture assignment has been pret-ty damn sluggish >_>. haha. and these are the main reasons why:
1. Dictionary.com
LOL. shhh. idk why, but i like going on that. whether its like looking up random words, checking out the word of the day, discovering some new words on thesaurus.com ^^ or just.. what not. LOL. say i have no life if you must, but i enjoy dictionary.com-ing. so you can just go get effed hmph! :P so ya. i think i'm gonna have this word of the day thing. ..or word of the post thing, seeing as i dont blog everyday :L haha. so yeahh. ^^ here we go;
slug·gishyeah, as you can see from above (further up noob LOL.) ^ i used it xD well i'm pretty sure everyones heard of the word, but meh. it interested me :L so there you go
1. indisposed to action or exertion; lacking in energy; lazy; indolent: a sluggish disposition.
2. not acting or working with full vigor.
3. slow to act or respond: a sluggish car engine.
4. moving slowly, or having little motion, as a stream.
5. slow, as motion.
2. Reading
mhmm. from sunday night to now, i've read 2 and a half (i'm getting there with the 3rd one xP) books. LOL. 8) its good. reading i mean. xD i never used to read much. only like, the books from the english department haha. but yeahh. there we go. i like just sitting on the couch, really into a good book ^^ LOL i sound so tres gay . that rhymes :L well if you say it anyways.
3. Xanga.com
umm yeah xD quotes are the (L). seriously. some of them are like, whoa, thats beautiful. haha. and some i read and just thought, i completely understand that :S. anyways yeah. heres some ^^
we live in a world where it's easier to fake a
smile & act like everything is fine then to fall
apart & cry & to have people ask you why.
it's just easier to explain why you're happy
then trying to sort through all the complicated
reasons why your not, especially when you
don't know why that smile your always
wearing is fake.
always remember,
when the pain of holding on is greater then
the pain of letting go, it's time to let go.
i've changed so much lately.
every single day i wake up different.
i feel like i'm fading every step.
all everyone else sees are smiles.
they say i'm doing much better.
i know i'm doing much worse.
sometimes you look at me, just look at me
and my heart hurts so bad i'd swear i was dying.
you could have a smile on your face and a twinkle in your eye, but only a true best friend knows that you're really about to cry.
i will be who i want to be, not who you think i should.
i am going to dress my own way, not the way you want me to.
i am going to listen to the music that i want to listen to,
watch what i want to watch,
read what i want to read.
i will not let you break me down,
because if i'm not good enough for you,
then you mean nothing to me.
You don't need me.
I think that's whats breaking my heart.
Because I need you.
mhmm. gosh i love the last one >_>
4. Blogskinning
okay, so initially, i wanted to and STILL DO want to desperately change layouts. this ones like..ugh, depressing T_T. so yeah. the first time, i made this blueeey blend (my first attempt at a blend, so shh i know its nub), then when i finished i thought, hmmm nah i dont wanna use this as mine, so i just put it up on blogskins :L. thennnnnn. todaaayy; i made this otherrrr one, a sorta blend-kinda-ishh :L but yeah, you guessed it, i thought nahhhh i dont wanna use this eitherr. so yeah, blogskins again! haha. http://blogskins.com/me/heartsinahurry if you're so sooo interested ;D which i doubt you are, but meh :L take a lookie, it won't hurt lol. well maybe. the noobness might hurt your eyes D: ohhhhh well.
ok im offffffff.
AND. just before i go
5 days.
i'm so proud of myself :P
sighh. but i still miss you :S
ttfn! until we meet again.
Labels: blogskins, bored, quotes, stuff, xanga
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i really need to get away.
Sunday, July 6, 2008 @ 8:10 AM
n. A situation or problem presenting such difficulties as to discourage or defeat any attempt to deal with or resolve it.
well its kinda like a predicament isn't it? meh >_>
i like words okay?
dictionary.com & thesaurus.com ftw
holidays. hmmm.
so much to do TT"
so much i wanna do
& so much i need to do -
to do:
1 asses-sments.
- ag; pigs shit
- english; doccos speechh
- music; guitar method book
2 clean desk yo ._.
3 find myself a job
4 haircut
5 read more. just went library. borrowed
- dancing on knives, Jenny Paulsacker
- strandee, David McRobbie
6 burn cd for ann :L
8 build a bridge and get overrr it
arghh. hope i get through it all >_>
anws ..
thank god; no school for 2 weeks
even though, i know i'm gonna just die of boredom.
gosh this week was so blehh.
up & down, up and freaking down.
monday was crapp,
tuesday, i managed to get through,
wednesday, i exploded..i diedd
thursday was surprisingly GREAT
& friday? ..god friday was terrible.
cab after school on friday was okay though :P
me, amy, ann, lisa, joannie, jenny casula & her sis julia (? :S) went to go eat / happy cup :9 it was gooood. me & amy shared.. uhh, noodle soup w/ crispy skin chicken :9. she put all this chilli sauce in it D: i was like dying >_> i can't do spicy food, okay? xP then we went happy cup :P watermelon milk tea w/ pearls; goshhh that is my faaavouriteeee xD so yummmm! xD
anyways.. i really needa start ag >_>
heres another quiz thing.
i'm feeding my addiction to doing them :L
10 favourites -
1 - Colour : yellow-yellow :D
2 - Food : hot chips like yummo :9
3 - Song : Come Back to Me (Koreannnn) - se7en
4 - Movie : transformers 8)
5 - Sport : indoor hockey, or netball i guess
6 - Season : autumn
7 - Day in the week : hmm ..thursday?
8 - Icecream flavour : strawberryyy, or caramel swirl Mmm
9 - Comics/Books : harry potty, LOL alex rider :L
10 - Soft toy : penguinnnnns!
9 currents.
1 - Mood : tired, bored, sick of stuff
2 - Doing : typingg
3 - Desktop : IKUTA hehe
4 - Playing : you. yes; playing YOU
5 - Time : 2:52pm
6 - Annoyance : lots of stuff
7 - Thought : thatttttttt guy >_>
8 - Boyfriend : haha SOUJIROH SOUJIROH!
9 - Books : no worries; bill condon. (seriously, does anyone else find his last name funny? :L)
8 first.
1 - Bestfriend : arielle?
2 - Crush : err ..earliest one i can remember was in yr7 ..don't even ask who :L
3 - Movie : the tigger movie? LOL xD
4 - Boyfriend : nada
5 - Lie : dunno
6 - Car : ?
7 - Handphone : this big brick phone LOL/
7 last.
1 - Sentence : "nah. nothungry" ..LOL :P
2 - Drink : water la
3 - Last car ride : home
4 - Crush : uhh chyeah, like i'd say
5 - Movie seen : umm dunno?
6 - Phone call : dad
7 - Song heard : better in time - leona lewis. its on rage right now :L
6 have you ever(s).
1 - Dated one of your best friends : nah
2 - Got arrested : nope
3 - Broke the law : yeahh probably (H)
4 - Confessed you like someone : yah
5 - Been on TV : dont think so?
6 - Steal : No, I only borrowed without returning D: LOL
5 boys.
1 - Hated : uh NONE. :)
2 - Liked : .. ahaha leaff :L if you dont get it too bad. its a USED to aswell, fyi
3 - Dated : hahahah.
4 - Kissed : hahahah.
5 - Hugged : victor, on the train LOL!
4 things I've done today.
1 - msn
2 - check email
3 - blog
4 - eat
3 things you can hear now.
1 - better in time, from tv in front of me :L
2 - car from outside
3 - Typing
2 things you cant live without.
1 - friends. you.
2 - Essential humanic stuff duh
1 thing you regret now.
Labels: bored, holidays, miscellaneous, stuff
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