1. Are you in a complicated love situation?
err. define complicated?
2. Whats the last thing you drank?
h2o :O for you idiots; waterr LOL
3. Do you like beer?
nahh never tried it?
4. Is anyone in love with you?
everyone la :P haha jokes. dunno do i?
5. Pepsi or Sprite?
.... COKE.
6. Do looks matter to you?
not completely. i mean someone could be like .. ugly or pimply or i dunno .. but they could still be a good person right? :S right.
7. What did you do last night?
oh wouldn't you like to know
8. Chatting with?
umm michelle & amy atm. today i talkeded to: ann, amy, chelle, LUCY!! :D, jeff, steven, jennifer for like a bit xD haha yes i am so popular 8) LOL :L
9. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
i wanna fly :P
10. Are you thinking about somebody right now?
chyeah, you ;)
11. Ever called somebody baby?
uhh as a joke? :L
12. Are you happy with your life right now?
most of it
13. Are you afraid of the dark?
14. Have you ever broken someones heart?
15. Can you cook?
chyeah (H) "come over sometime, i'll cook for you" ;D HAHA LOL. hehe
16. What do you want more than anything right now?
a milo malt energy bar thing D: i ate one like beforeee i want more
17. Relationship or one-night stand?
one night stand duh ==" JOKES.
18. When was the last time you cried?
19. They say you're so?
COOL. ...(H). lame LOL
20. Who made you laugh today?
heapsa people xD
Labels: miscellaneous, nina really needs a life, quizzy

n. A situation, especially an unpleasant, troublesome, or trying one, from which extrication is difficult, and the people involved may become hurt or troubled.
mhmm. we've all been in one right? >_>
i dunno why i'm blogging about this :L
but meh. it seems like everyone's in one, or have been yknow, and yeah that includes me. meh.
anyways LOL. well yeah i should be starting hi story but blehhh. i was mental blanking so i decided to blog haha :L. anywayss where did i leave this off at? umm oh i last bloggedd on tuesday ..so wednesday then? meh. kk wednesdayyy that was uh .. oh double ag. we were supposed to have prac .. and i guess we did. if you count walking around OUTSIDE with mccord just freaking talking and talking as he would usually in the classroom --". meh. then ..sport sci . hahaha HOCKEY! :P it was good. but i miss having 7-a side. cos with heaps of people its kinda ..i dunno crowded ish? yah anywayss, then.. volleyball; where we completely got OWNED by james meehan :L well ..big fobs vs us asians :S what do you expect?! haha >_> oh wells it was good; cos we went maccas afterr xD ohhh that reminds me chelle i still owe you $1.30 :L haha one day! ..when i remember LOL.
then.. thursday was .. day 5? oh pe first which sucked as usual. man mr spinx/mr ross (bro our class so started that name!) hes so.. unhappy all the time. he's like ..the terminator or something :L then maths which well duh was gay as usual. then recess and then uh.. science? then history then lunch then sport science then english . LOL cbb going into detail with those :L
then yesterrrday .. uh english - watched some spelling bee doccy. LOL @ the curry parent. geeeez obsessive much haha. then ag; theory as usual --"assembly. src inductions. i thought it would be longer. but it wasnt. so (Y). then music which was pretty fun xD guitared randomly all lesson :L then sciencee. which was just about light and amy being a lifeguard & saving chris's life LOL. then lunchh > pizzaaaaaa! :99 then geo then maths the end. then me amy & michelle went cab for bubble tea :9 omg watermelon is just like my favourite 8) hahah. then me & amy went to go buy chips cos chelle left to catch her next train. OMG there was this guy who served us at red lea; and like we were waiting for the chips and he was like "oh .. so how are you?" to amy "are you part european?" then amy; "uhh.. yeah..? i'm half chinese, half european" and then he's like "oh..thats beautiful. you're beautiful" LOOOOOL and then like this lady next to me wanted chips and she just kept going to the guy "one chips -holds out money- one chips one chips" but like he was still just like looking at amy going "oh thats beautiful -shakes head slowly-" hahahaha LOOOOOOL I WAS LIKE TRYING SO HARD TO KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE :L LOL! good times :L hahaha then we went ...back to glenfield, then back home xD
hmm oh and reply to uyens blog;
bout what the difference between loving someone and being in love with someone
hm i thinkk i kinda get what maylyn was saying..
like, you can love someone; you know, like caring about them, wanting them to be safe and etccc. i guess kinda like how you love your friends, and your family yeah? but then like, to be in love with someone is kinda like that but different yknow. like, you care about the person, but you also want to be with that person all the time, you get that feeling when you're with that person, and you just i dunno ..you are in love with that person. i dunno if that made sense :S but meh.
wow i think i overdosed on some deep pills -looks at amy- hahaha LOL :L
anyways you know what else? just before i go;
lucy hee; i hope you're feeling better soon <3>
we're always gonna be here for you! no matter what happens, yknow.
love youu! and david ;) haha
Labels: bored, fun, procrastination, schooool

amy: -looks at back of jeff cos he's sitting in front- his backs wet. is it sweat?
me: who knowss.. it could be .. some other wet stuff...
-silence. thinks-
-LOLOL we both laugh-
-jeff turns around-
-we both stop laughing and turn away tryna keep a straight face-
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. the funniest part of my day :L
anyways then music. which was meh. pretty bludgy xD
oh oh me, larry, justice and diana played our ensemble piece to wuhrer :D minuet on guitarr (Y) hahah i am so proud of
hm yeahh that was pretty much my day .
okkks i guess. cept for not being allowed to go footy on friday TT"
freaking parents. farrrr out.
but mehh. i guess if i wasnt meant to go , i wasnt meant to go. LOL i feel like confucious or something. & i think i spelt that wrong too :L.
wowserrs. that -looks at previous blog- sounds so damn emo now --"
i'm okaaaaaaaaaaaay.
i decided i am really just gonna STOP.
stop absolutely killing myself caring about something so damn stupid >_>
just .. michelleee, ann, lucyy, amy, if i am like. LOOKING. if i am in the verge of ..you-knowing. just.. SLAP some damn freaking SENSE INTO ME. PLEASE. i really need to stop this.
thank you :) ILY'S! <3
Labels: bored, schooool, stuff

don't you just hate it
when you know you need to .. move on,
you want to just forget it all, forget him.
& you think you have
you think you're okay
when all of a sudden
you see him
you see them
and then you realise
you're not okay
you're not over it
& you can't just get overrrr it
no matter how freaking hard
you try
to let it go
to let it slip
to not let it get to you,
you still get to damn hurt inside
don't you just hate it?
like damn.
since when did i get like this?
far out.
i need a new hobby.
[added] 8:55pm
1. Alright, so have you ever actually sat down and thought about why you like the person you like?
- uh
2. Do you honestly think you could live a week without a computer or cellphone?
- no, not even :L
3. Do you care about how you eat?
- sometimes~
4. Have you ever gone out of your way to do something nice for someone?
- yes .
5. When you get embarrassed what usually happens?
- i am .. embarassed?
6. Is there someone you don't really know but they bother you?
- nah
7. Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you?
- lol i dunno.
8. Do you call anyone babe?
- lol nah
9. Whose car were you last in?
- my faaathers
10. Last thing you ate?
- spaghetti
11. Last thing you drank?
- waterr
12. What were you doing at midnight last night?
- sleeping
13. What was the first thing you did when you woke up?
- go back to sleep.
14. When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
- only at big-W!
15. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
- 9 ish?.
16. What do you have planned for tonight?
- sleep .
17. Who was the last person to make you laugh so hard?
- umm OH it would have to be jeff - act government wtf? LOOOOOL!
18. Who was the last person to wear your clothes?
- uh me?
19. Who was the last person you ran into unexpectedly?
- none .
20. Who's the last person you got
- got?
21. Do you ever turn your cell phone off:
- nahh
22. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
- me?
23. Which of your friends live closest to you?
- uh, deeps? i dunno :L
24. Is there anyone you regret ever meeting?
- in some ways
25. Have you ever felt replaced?
- yeah
26. Did you have a dream last night?
- not that i can remember :L

i'm offfffffff. showerr then tv or whatever.
ttfn! :L
Labels: birthday, schooool, stuff

recent buys;
dogssss! oh snappp! :P LOL it was $2.50 D: pretty expensive for an enviro bag dont ya think? :S but oh well it was so worth it haha (H) i'm debating whether i should use it for pe & stuffs though. cos like as you can see its kinda long ish.. well not really.. well i dunno..LOL
hair products (Y) LOL. V05 ftw mate! :L the replay jelly smells like lynx :O like omggggg i love it haha :P
peanuttttttts tee 8) from jay jays. 2 for $25 LOL xD. i got this yellow mario-kart tee too. but like im wearing it atm so i didnt take a pic of it LOL.
LOL sale @ diva, kay? xP
i am now officially broke. well not that i had much money to start off with anyways :L. hmm man this is so laaaaaaaame. theres nothing to doooo x_x. this blogs like sounding really boring aye? >_> meh. OH. speaking of lame; i spent an hour or so looking up lame jokes yesterday :P hahaha man they are so funny! cos of their lameness (Y)
Q. What happens when you get a gigabyte?
A. It Megahertz!
anyways BYE!
Labels: bored, buys, lame joke haha, threads

well.. LOL as you can see from my last blog haha, i was just waiting all day for my rents to get back from doctors to take me to amys partyy. & yeahh. they got back at like 2? & they had maccas =9 so i ate a little bit then got dressed & shit and then at like 3 ish my dad took me to amys. ahaha i couldnt find the house & my dad was just like "which house is it" & i was just looking then i saw balloons & i was just like LOL that one :L uhh well then yeahh, i knocked on the door? haha & then lucy full ran down & hugged me O_O" LOL. and so yeahh. went upstairs where they were like talking about stuff.. haha. LOL; "how far have you gone with a guy?" "said hi" LOL! :L haha
hm anywayss then .. me & lucy went downstairs where other peoples were like playing pool & we played some ddr. haha LOL i suckk, havent played in aages >_> LOL. uhh then.. -blank- OH haha then we played some game where you have to like spin around & then run & like eat at this like string of ..burgerman? chips, i think thats what theyre called. anyways yeahh, they were kinda stale but it was fun :D LOL me and lucy were like fighting over a monkey-token thing & she ended up getting it. like damnnn :L thennn... oh then was that pot-banging-blindfolded game where you have to like be blindfolded then you have to crawl around the floor with a ..spatula/spoon thing trying to like find/hit a pot on the floor (LOL) and then like someone has to direct you to the pot and yeahh. LOL ionno what it was called but it was fun xD. i was with ann. LOL we were against lucy & amys little sis. OMG LUCY KEPT HITTING MEEE!! --" so i just like turned around & started hitting her with my big spoon spatula thing :L haha it was fun LOL. yupp then.. we ate cake :9 LOL i think i'm skipping some bits but meh, lol cant recall it all. haha that rhymes..LOL ANYWAYS yeahh, the cake was nice :9 then some people left afterrwards .. so then me ann & amy went upstairs to go on msn LOL. lucyc & chris were up too. LOL it was so funny hahah i was in amys acc. & i was just randomly saying "hey sexyyyy ;)" to people. hahaha LOL it was fun :L then like i signed into my msn & then ann did the "hey sexy" thing to people on MINEEEEE. psh! LOL ohh well it was fun. OMG we were talking to judy in amys msn & she kept asking who it was & we just kept saying random things haha like "its LUKE. LUUUKE I AM YOUR FAAAAATHERRR!" AHAHA LOL. i have pics of judys funny replies, but i'll put them up laterrr xD. & then we went back downstairs. more ppl leftt. so then it afterwards it was just me jenny casula joannie & amy left but them 3 were sleeping over so yeahh :L we played some pool LOL which i sucked at haha. then we played 44 home & then my mum & dad came so yeahh. i left :( at like 8:30 ish LOL. haha good times :'D
it was rainy T_T" the rain so ruined the day *sighh. wells.. i caught the train from minto st. to leumeah alone lol, & i walked to the ..place (LOL) with lisa & jenniferr. OMG MICHELLE DIDNT GO! I CANT BELIEVE YOU!! --" we like, fully co-ordinated our outfits for it on msn, & then she just didnt go. SHAMEEEE ON YOUU. LOL. sick- schmick, you still shoulda gonee! *stares* LOL anywayss it was pretty boringg lol. i was just waiting all day for javelin haha :L at 1:30; like one of the last events >_>" anywayyys yeahh, we like cheered on people who were running (those tanks o_o" LOL) anyways yeahh then me & amy went to do javelin. she got like 3rd O_O i fowled first time hahaha & then like.. sucked the 2nd time :L meh w/e it was pretty fun xD hm yeahh then we watched the running finals. LOL tri ran with like sunnies on, and still came first in heaps of races *shakes head* LOL. & then it was relaysss. me & annie went in them hahah.
me: "ayye annie wanna do relays?"
annie: "hm i'll do it if you do it"
me: "chyeah sure man whatever lets go"
LOL haha it was so.. random :L we came last WOOT. WELL ACTUALLY, COS WENTWORTH WASNT IN THE 14YR GIRLS RACE, TECHNICALLYYYYY WE CAME 3RD. CHYEAH! LOL. mehh but once again, it was funnn so no regrets from me :P/
jewish museum;
hm yeahh. kk well yeah it was rainy AGAIN *sigh --" i hate rainn. its so depressing, not to mention how it makes my hair go all frizzy T_T" hm, yeah anywayss, we went on the bus in the morning to get there (well duhh lol) & i sat next to harry. LOL i just like fell asleep though, so yeahh. then when we got there we listened to a holocaust survivor talk. it was sadd.. but i didnt cry cos i was kinda feeling sickk and yeahh. that doesnt make sense does it? LOL anyway, then we like broke off into groups & went to the museum w/ a guide and yeah. i went toilet right? and then like i came out & my group was gonee :S i just like joined onto jannices & wendy's til i found my group again, which i did eventually :DD. LOL. mann, it was so sadd. i was like thisss close to crying, THIS close, like when we were walking around looking @ all the pics and stuff =/. thenn bus trip backk. slept again xD. mann, i think there was some wierd stuff going on on the bus O_O". then back at school; we went in the hall to eat for a bit. man at that point, i was feeling soooo sickk. >_> and yeahh. then the movie; which was hard to under stand.. even for me, and i read the book! i feel sorry for the peeps who didnt read the book and had nfi wtf was going on lol. then went home!
LOL wow, this has gotta be one of the longest blogs everr. :L
well anyways, to top it all off; this thing:
True or False :
I am a cuddler – probably true :P
I am a morning person – false
I am a perfectionist – haha false
I am an only child – false
I am Catholic – false
I am currently in my pajamas - ...true xD
I am currently single – true
I am currently suffering from a broken heart – false
I am okay at styling other people’s hair – ..dunno?
I am left handed – TRUE. (H)
I am very shy around the opposite gender AT FIRST - false; not really? well i guess, at first?
I bite my nails – false
I can be paranoid at times – true.
When I get mad I curse frequently - haha true, sometimes
I like someone – err true; i like many people! YOUU for one ;D
I enjoy country music - false
I enjoy jazz music – false
I enjoy smoothies – trueee
I enjoy talking on the phone – false
I have a pet – false
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal – true-ish? well, a few people know. well, 2 i'm guessing. maybe more ><
I have a tendency to fall for the “wrong” person – i dunno?
I have been told that I am smart - TRUE. HAHA. "smart nina" (Y)
I get higher than C’s in school – true i guess?
I have broken a bone – false
I have Caller I.D. on my phone - true
I have bathed/showered with someone – faaaaalse!
I have changed a diaper – false.
I have changed a lot over the past year – i guess so?
I have done something illegal – ..true
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair – ..false?
I have had surgery – true? depends what kinda 'surgery' :S
I have killed another person – false
I have had my hair cut within the last week - false
I have had the cops called on me – false
byeskiess! =P

1) Do you wish to do this test?
yeahh sure why not, i'm boredd
2) Who is more important to you? Friends or boyfriend?
definitely my boyfriend. my NON-EXISTENT boyfriend --"
psh FRIENDS <3
3) Who is the person I trust most?
i dunno..
4) Do you think you have enough confidence?
Depends which confidence you're talking about.
5) How many pets do you have?
none. =/
6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
yeahh 8)
7) What is your goal this year?
to make it through. lol
8) Do you believe in eternity love?
Eternal love? bah. I don't know.
9) Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
No, thank God.
10) What feeling do you love most?
feeling highhhhhhh :D/ happy :)
11) What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
cutttte, funny, kind, awesome, abs, etcc i've answered this before, hahaa :D
12) Do you think you are irritating?
I can be sometimes. i guess? LOL
14) what do you think is the most important thing in your life?
God, friends&fam
15) Do you love anime?
not particularly?
16) Describe the person who tagged me in 5 words?
17) What have you done to please yourself?
18) Where do you feel that best?
Huh? O_O
19) Describe yourself in 1 word.
nina. :)
20) What are you currently in love with?
many things ;) IKUUUUTA! , SOUJIROH *sighh ^^
Labels: bored, nina really needs a life, waiting