you just keep getting your way.
Saturday, May 31, 2008 @ 12:53 PM
was.. oh. rightt. got maths 1/2 yearly marks back. i got.. shit. no i'm not EXAGGERATING. i seriously got bad. >_> meh. like i give a crap anyway.. man i wanna like change maths classes.. a2 is like.. everyones all so smartttt & theyres like all this pressure and i'm just lagging behind so badly =/ oh & also got sport science marks back.. 32/45 HAHA LOL man i suck. jeff beat me by half a mark! i mean HALF A MARKK??!! damn :L
umm. that was... sport sci prac? played tennis. well i didnt really play much. we were like doing one on one but bell rang before i got a turn ahemmm. --" LOL. then... ohh double ag? we like were weeding (? help me out here 9O'ers LOL) the citrus trees haha. and OMG we found this tree that had really yummy mandarins growing on it & we were like eating them and they were goooooood LOL =9. haha
uhhh OH. HOCKEYYY FINALS > MACCAS! :DD but first was.. english. i like fell asleep Zzzzz. haha. i think they (ANN & LUCY; SHAME ON YOU!) were gonna like tie my shoelaces together --" but they didn't? haha SUCKERS! but like i woke up & got up and my shoelaces were like undone & i was like wtf? :L then sport sci prac againnnnnnn but i was like dizzy-lightheaded-ish? so i just sat out while they played touch i think it was. man i was so tireddd. i slept for a little bit then i heard shirley/ann calling me & like coming over so yeahh. thennnn recess; interact; laaame. then hisssssstory. watched the gallipoli doccy so i didnt get to sleep aw lol. but its pretty interesting. & sad. so yeahh. then luuuunch. then caught bus to hockkkey. lol man. larry said something on the bus. ahemm. got me thinking about it now larry! --" yup anyways. vsed mac fields A. AND WON!!!! 3-1 CHYEAHHH. hahah. man that was like, the hectic-est game everr played o_o" but it was so cool amy scored at like the last second. YOURE MY HERO AMY! LOL :D then maccaaaas! which was yummyyy. i got a happy meal (H) then omg the walk back was so longggg. missed the 3:15 , then missed the 3:24 & 3:30 was it? LOL me & amy were like full running cos the train was RIGHT THERE >_> but we missed it. so yeahh lol.
.... that was day 6 right? haha :L uhmm so we had..english first. i dont think i slept..did i? LOL can't rememberrr x_x. then aaaag. we just did nothing. read amys gf like twice (Y) then recessss; boringg. music; which was science compp. haha i swear i just screwed that :L ohh wells.
then actual SCIENCE. in comp rooms. we just looked up our houses on that google-maps thingo xD. then lunch; same-old-same-old LOL. then geo, watched somethinggg. slept. again. LOL. i like to sleep okay :P then mathss. which was freaken gay as usual
uhh that was today *shock horror :O* LOL i am so lame :L anywayyyys. had double pe firstt. did shotput; which i sucked at LOL. then 400m. i like ran the first 200, then gave up & walked w/ rachel and amy LOL. then we had assembly; WHICH WAS SO GAY!! THEY NEVER EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED THE FREAKEN HOCKEY TEAM FOR COMING FIRST & BEING UNDE-FREAKING-FEATED. ==" farrrr T_____T anywayyyys then was recess. played netball for the first time in aaaages. it was funn! 8) so we decided to play it again @ lunch! haha :D. it was fuuuuuuuuun again, but tiringgg lol .
& nowwww:
i'm bored D: lol
O M G. fooooooootys on. broncos vs eels. hm i thinkk.. the broncos are gonna win :D LOL i'm probably wrong though. i bet the eels'll win x_x okkkk now i dont know who i'm going for :L
to finish this longggg blog off;
some random thing i found randomly :L
1. Do you love yourself?
no, i hate myself. oh, woe is me.
2. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
hm ..
3. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
just A dream ?
4. What will your dream wedding be like?
white wedding haha
5. What's your ideal lover like?
.. like your mum
ionno. sweet. cute. awesome. abs. LOL.
6. Which is more blessed: loving someone or being loved by someone?
course, being loved by someone
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
as long as it takes ?
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
try get over it ?
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
10. What do you want most in life?
lots of things
11. Is being tagged fun?
LOL yeah :P
12. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
hm.. 10 years older ? :L
13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
friends, family, same-old
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
LOL ... ?
15. Would you rather be; single and rich or married but poor?
how about... attached, and normal LOL :D
16. What's the first thing you do every morning?
get up. ? wash face, pee, etccc.
17. Would you give all in a relationship?
depends ?
18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
LOL i'd have them both (H) CHYEAH.
19.What type of friends do you like?
fun, caring ?, random, ones that make me LOL, etccc
20. What type of friends do you dislike?
that doesnt make sense ...if theyre you're FRIENDS shouldn't you like them then ? oO"
ahahahs ttyl!
Labels: bored, schooool, stuff
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like wow
Monday, May 26, 2008 @ 6:28 AM
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? ...neither >_>
2. Be serious or be funny? none. i'd rather be LAME. & that i am haha :D
3. Drink whole or skim milk? wholeee
4. Die in a fire or drown? ...
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? parents la
1. Flowers or candy? LOL doesnt matter, its the thought that counts :)
2. Grey or black? greyy
3. Color or Black and white photos? black & whites awesome
4. Lust or love? psh does anyone ever actually choose lust?
5. Sunrise or sunset? sunset ;D
6. M&Ms or Skittles? skittlesss :9
8. Staying up late or gettin up early? staying up late
1. Sun or moon? moon :)
2. Winter or Autumn? autumnnn
3. Left or right? LEFT. =P
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? 2 besties foh sure
5. Sunny or rainy? sunny
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? strawberry xP
1. What time is it? summertime! actually, no. haha. 12:52pm.
2. First Name? nina
4. What is your birth date? 20/3 *nudges*
5. What do you want? /alot of things.
6. Nervous habit: uhh..
7. Are you double jointed? pssh no.
8. Can you roll your tongue? i think so..? LOL
9. Can you raise one eyebrow? yes oO"
10. Can you cross your eyes? yeah haha
1. Did you ever lie to avoid going out with someone?
2. Ever thrown a shoe at someone? haha yes
3. What was the oldest someone thought you were? ionnos
1. Do you twirl your spayes? wtf is a spay =/
3. What's your favorite non-alcoholic beverage? ice-coffee =99
4. Do you cook? a little ? haha
1. Had a bf or gf?: nop
2. Bought something: well naaaaah
4. Sang: yeah
5. Been hugged: LOL yes.
6. Felt stupid: yeah, after exams x_x
7. Missed someone: perhaps?
8. Got drunk? nop
9. Danced crazy: LOL maybe..
10. Gotten your hair cut: nahh
11. Cried: yeah
12. Lied: no... :) *liessss!*
Do You
x. Have a crush on someone? err. NEXT. idk really..
x. Watch TV more than 60 hours a week? i dunno. perhaps
x. Like to sing? haha yeah.
x. Have a job? no! i need one. my mum says i'm 'still a baby' --"
x. Have a mobile phone? yeah
x. Like to play sports? some
x. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no.
Can You
x. Sing the alphabet backwards? ...i dunno :L
x. Stand on your tiptoes without wearing shoes? LOL yeah
x. Speak any other languages? yeah..ish?
x. Go a day without food? highly doubt it haha
x. Stay up for more than 24 hours? dunno
x. Read music? yeahh
x. Roll your tongue? LOL dunnooo
x. Eat a whole pizza? chyeah, if i'm that hungry :9
Last Person Who
x. Slept in your bed: me duh
x. Saw you cry: ..dunno
x. Made you cry: ..
x. You shared a drink with: err amy, @ hockey?
x. You went to the movies with: idk...havent been in aaages mate
x. You went to the shops with: motherr
x. Yelled at you: dunno?
x. Sent you an email: junk mail. "claim your iphone now!" =O like wow
Have you ever
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: haha no. no pets anyways :L
x. Been to China: nop
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day? nahh
x. had an imaginary friend: no LOL
x. What book are you reading now: To Kill A Mockingbird. for english. zomgg i needa finish by tomorrow >_______>
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yeah.. :P
x. what's under your bed: random stuff ?
x. Favourite sport to watch: nrl/tennisss
x. Favourite Location: with you ;).
Extra Stuff
x. Do you drink: water, yes. oO"
x. Who are your best friends: too many to name ;DD
x. What are you most scared of: dunno..
x. What clothes do you sleep in: jammyjams (H)
x. Been in Love: nahh
x. Do you drive: no. but i bet YOU drive. me crazyyyy haha.
x. Do you like being around people: yeahh most times.
x. Do you ever like someone you have a chance with: haha, dunno do i?
x. Song that’s stuck in your head a lot: selfish - asia cruz. :L
x. Do you want to get married: yeahh
x. Do you want kids: duh
x. Room in house: the toilet
x. Colour: yellowww.
x. Perfume or cologne? er.
x. Month: March foh sure
x. Stone: an expensive one ;D
In the last week have you
x. Cried: nah
x. Bought something: yeah
x. Gotten sick: yess. ish T_T
x. Sang: yeah LOL
x. Met someone new: nah.
x. Missed someone: nop?
x. Hugged someone: yeahh
x. Kissed someone: lol nah
Labels: bored
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exams are overrr chyeah!
Saturday, May 24, 2008 @ 11:45 AM
LOL. OH. watch hana yori dango from ann :P and maybe .. whatsit called .. smile pasta ? smiling pasta ? hahah. and hm make new layout ? meh, on the weeeekend lol. but.. man, music was gaaay. so hardd. sigh. freaken wuhrer T_T"
on another note: (no lame pun intended :P)

yes. thats right - ME. LOL (H)
just a little obsessive :P
AHAHAHAH. oh. and to add to the stream of screencaps (only 1 haha), check this out;
LOL it was like, some balancing-equations-sciencey game LOL.
was playing it night before science examsss hahah. REVIEW review xP
anyways, it took me like, 4 hours of playing it, BUT I FINALLY BECAME A MILLIONNAIRE!
or.. millionatomaire haha. laaaame :L
thats pretty much it..
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ikuta is yummy :P
Thursday, May 15, 2008 @ 11:00 AM
trying to study. but my wallpaper is distracting me =S
good stuff =') ROFL.
ikuta toma ftw!! so cuuuute! ^^
in hana kimi; as nakatsu; <333333!>
Labels: bored, miscellaneous, study, yummy
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sup :D
Sunday, May 11, 2008 @ 4:34 PM
to do;
- english notes < not gonna do notes (H)
- geo notes
- history notes
like zomg so much to do & half yearlies are in like 1 week ughhhh T________T.
i wanna watch hana yori dango. LOL. i'll be borrowing yours after exams ann!! tyty :D.
LOL. pointless blog.
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Friday, May 2, 2008 @ 9:21 PM
"I hate how everyone compares love to Romeo and Juliet. Did anyone ever read that play? The two met for a few minutes, starting hitting it off a few hours later on a balcony. They married 3 days later. 3 days? Keep in mind they hardly spoke then. Got married, did the big deed and long story short, they died. They were lust. I bet Juliet didn't even know Romeo's favourite colour, much less his birthday."- panicatthequotes /.
ahahaha. so true. =="
I never thought it'd be this hard
to lose something I never had.
- ohohx__quotes /.
Labels: miscellaneous
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