things i mustt/wanna do before school & exams start:
2 learn more songs on guitar;
> for you i will (ahaha i know the start)
> oh and try figure out the rest of fall for you on piano (siff i'll learn them all =/)
3 finish knitting scarf!! & add buttons ^^ lol i'm never bothered :L
ahaha at the last one..
anyways, deathnotes on abc2 so yeahh. i'm off. bbye & goodnight.
Labels: bored, nina really needs a life, to do

What would you rather be called?
O1. Babe or Baby: nina :P
O2. sugar or cupcake: cupcake
O3. Darling or Sunshine: sunshine
O4. Hot or Beautiful: beautiful
O1. Is your hair wet? nah. just dried it (Y)
O2. Is your cell phone right by you? hmm. idk where it is.. oh wait its charging i think LOL
O3. Do you miss someone? uhh. yeah; you ;) ♥
O4. Are you wearing chapstick? ?
O5. Are you tired? yeah x____x
O6. Are you excited for tomorrow? not particularly
O7. Are you watching tv? rollercoaster :D
O8. Are you wearing pyjamas? no. hurlystone trackies (which i never wear at school LOL), shirt, black cardi (H)
O1. Recently done anyting you regret? everything happens for a reason bruh
O2. Ever lied? no.. of course nottt *cough* ;)
03. Ever stuck gum under anything? LOL yeah, under desks. all the time :L
O4. Ever kicked someone? yeahh. >:)
O5. Ever tripped over your own feet? yesss.. xP
O1. Have you cursed? nahh
O2. Have you yelled at someone? yeah my sister
O3. Have you gotten mad at someone? same answer as 2 LOL.
Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A: yesss
Q: Who?
A: you ;)
Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: yeahh.
Q: What are their ages?
A: 15 and 17
Q: Do you want children?
A: yess
Q: Are you failing any classes?
A: maths probably =/
Q: Do you smile often?
A: i try to :)
Q: Do you wish on stars?
A: yeahh. starlight, starbright, first star i see tonight i wish i may i wish i might, have this wish i wish tonight lol :D
Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A: no ... :L
Q: When did you last cry?
A: dunno.. OH WAIT. it was, on tuesday; when i finished watching the rest of 1 litre of tears. so sadddd =/.
Q: Do you like your handwriting?
A: its bearable
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: i'd like to think so :P
Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
A: mine ? (SHOCK HORROR! :L)
Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: white. (Y)
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: had fish; they died. had sea monkeys; they also died :L :L i'm a murderer-killing machine!
Q: What were you doing at 6pm last night?
A: ionno. tv/surfing pointlessly on the net :L.
Q: I can't wait until?
A: your mum. yess, i can't wait til your mum. LOL that doesnt make sense (H)
Q: Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
A: yeahh probably
1. The phone rings. What's your ring tone? its on silent LOL.
2. Did you go anywhere today? nope. lol x_x
3. Who wαs the lαst person you shαred α bed with? yomada
4. Favorite mag.? gf. yen. those free mags you get @ general pants :P
5. Does the person you like/love know that you like/love them? you know i love you right? ;)
7. Where are you right now? in my room partially watching footy show, partially doing this shit :L.
8. If you HAD to kiss the last person you kissed, would you? totally...?
11. How is your hair? messed up. =/ boofy at the top, straight at the bottom. i've resorted to curling it x____x
12. Where's the last place you walked to? room
13. Last time you had a sleepover? i.. slept over anns aaages ago (Y) good times
14. Latest you stayed up in the past week? like, 1am.
15. What are you doing? this shit
17. What is the last thing you said aloud? "fine!" LOL.
18. Who's the 1st person on your missed calls list? uhh. private id O_O
19. What did the last text message you received say? "r u going livo or mac sq?" LOL that was from michelle, strike day xD
20. Plans for saturday? nothing at all. why you ask? ;)
21. Story behind your Myspace song? uhh. non-existent ?
22. What's bothering you right now? a lot of things .. bothering me alot .. --"
23. Where do you sleep? at your house
24.. Are you in a relationship? nahh (H) (ahahahs lol same as amys)
wow.. i really need a life LOLOL :L
anywaaaaays, back to footy show (Y)
Labels: bored, layout, nina really needs a life

look what i found on my camera:
LOL, it was on wednesday; last week of term1.
i brought my camera to take vids/pics @ hockey for the hockey-video thingy.
in the morning however, lucy tran decided to raid through my bag, find my camera & take random shots LOL. thanks lucy :L
OH, & the pics might look wierded & gradient-y. its cos i changed them to gif's so it'd be easier to upload. i'm capped, you see. =P
LOL, my shit. ahahs just realised, my wallet, bag & pencilcase are all red (but thats chelles bag in the pic not mine :) xD

michelles chucks LOL.

joannie's chucks. they look so much newer than michelles LOL 8)

theyre acting like they don't know each other LOL!

its ann =O LOL.

LOL chummms :)

ahaha LOL i look retarded

& again. retarded :L

i'm blinking --" & michelle looks like she has a white spot on her face =S

LOL i look so stoned in all the pics i swear x_x


LOL; somethings funny! :L. joannie; -looks at michelle- i so dont know her.

LOL. and at hockey:
ROFL @ LISA! theyre just so into the game, aye? LOL xD

GO HARRY GO! ahahah

i took some vids too. theyres this cool one where sian (yr 10) scores this goal that goes through all these people xD. but i'll upload/put them up laterrrr. on a day when i'm not CAPPED. T_______T"
anywayyyyyys, i watched the rest of 1 Litre of Tears today. OMG so saddddd. i swear, the whole series made me cry like, literally A LITRE OF TEARS =( so sad.. it makes you appreciate being alive, aye? (people who watched it) well it made me appreciate :). hmmm. so bored. i should probably go find a baroque piece for music. damn.
Labels: bored, bumchums, hockey

reading: Ten hours to live, by Pete Johnson (unrequited loooove story; guy's point of view.)
listening to: stunned - wisnu
knitting: scarf- 12cm like YAY! :P LOL.
HEYYYYY there. man. i am so boredddd. i was knitting before, but yeahh, i took a break from it for a while. i'll probably start knitting again after this =P. LOL. well yeahh. 1st day of holidays, & goshhhhh so boring --" i miss everyoneee. i wanna go back to school! ..but then, i dont, cos of half yearlies. oh and the music aural exam or whatever. like ewwww. hahah. well yeah. i'm bored =( LOL 2nd time i said that. thats how bored i am T_T. LOL hmmm. oh. man. i love the song stunned - wisnu. its so sweeeet lol ^^. hahah.
Baby i can't help it,
I freeze when you walk my way
My mind opens to talk but,
I ain't got nothing to say.
You're like
a pop quiz i'm
never prepared for you.
I want so badly to
say something cool,
but my heart is racing
knees shaking,
start burning up inside.
& when i start to chill,
you've already passed by.
i'm building the courage,
so i can spit some game.
one of these days,
but for now i remain
Stunned, when i see you walking by
Stunned, like a deer caught in headlights i'm
Stunned, when i try to slip to you
Stunned, i just don't know what to do i'm
Stunned, shorty i'm
Stunned, baby i'm
Stunned, girl you knock me off my feet i'm
Stunned, baby i'm
Stunned, sister i'm
Stunned, anybody can see
i'm so stunned
I'm trying,
real hard to
make a move on you
but, you lookin so damn good ma,
you got me all confused
your eyes and,
your lips and,
the way you move yourself.
girl you are everything i want
& nothing else
you're a dime piece,
i'm ready to give up
the rest my change,
so baby why don't you
just jump up in the range.
but before i can say the words
i start stut-tuttering i'm
Stunned, when i see you walking by
Stunned, like a deer caught in headlights i'm
Stunned, when i try to step to you
Stunned, i just don't know what to do i'm
Stunned, shorty i'm
Stunned, baby i'm
Stunned, girl you knock me off my feet i'm
Stunned, baby i'm
Stunned, sister i'm
Stunned, anybody can see
i'm so stunned
I've been sucker-punched blind side
Damn near lost my mind,
no i never felt like this
Honestly, this is new to me
Baby, I ain't gonna name names,
but I really hope you're listening girl to me sing
This is all I can do,
I hope this gets through to you
Finally baby I'm...
Stunned, when i see you walking by
Stunned, like a deer caught in headlights i'm
Stunned, when i try to step to you
Stunned, i just don't know what to do i'm
Stunned, shorty i'm
Stunned, baby i'm
Stunned, girl you knock me off my feet i'm
Stunned, baby i'm
Stunned, sister i'm
Stunned, anybody can see
i'm so stunned
Stunned, when i see you walking by
Stunned, like a deer caught in headlights i'm
Stunned, when i try to step to you
Stunned, i just don't know what to do i'm
Stunned, shorty i'm
Stunned, baby i'm
Stunned, girl you knock me off my feet i'm
Stunned, baby i'm
Stunned, sister i'm
Stunned, anybody can see
i'm so stunned
GAWSH, i love that song. so cuuuuuute ! :3
anyways, back to the knitting.
TTYL bro/s

'tree'; wow well NAHHHH. psh :L
amy; CHEESE! :L
fernwood womens fitness club. like, WOW =O LOL.
HOT water = MY kinda water ;)
security; ooh snap.
LOL then lucy and michelle FINALLY came. so me and amy decided to full go paparazzi-gone-stalker on them HAHAA LOL. she took heaps of pics of them walking the ramp-thingy and i video recorded them LOL (H). maybe i'll upload it sometime. maybe.
LOL. so after all that window shopping (LOLOL xD) me & amy went down into Borders to get some GLORIA JEAAAANS! =9 we left lucy & michelle in Sandy Bay (cos there was a 'sale' & they wanted to check it out --"). LOL. i got an iced chocolate (with WHIPPED CREAM. ahem. LOL) & amy got iced white chocolate i think ? LOL. yeahh. then michelle & lucy met us there (with food), after we got our drinks so me & amy went back up to the food court to get (YOU GUESSED IT!) FOOD =9. i got suuuushi (YUM YUM YUM. that was like, the main reason i went hahah) & amy got a .... cheese naan ? LOL, it was actually really nice =999. LOL. i was gonna get maccas chips too, but like, they were still selling breakfast T_T so i got chips from oporto's (Y). but it took like, 5 minutes to cook, & after it was done, we had to full run to the station, (michelle and lucy were like, 20m in front of us, WALKING) & we STILL missed the train ==". LOL. i was full running with a bag of chips in one hand & sushi in the other :L :L.
yeahhh, we missed the train so we were like, 15 minutes late to school :L we only JUST missed it, so we were just sitting there at mac station, eating.
LOL i want some now =9
LOL OMG, the train trip back to school was like, THE FUNNIEST THING EVER!! i swear man. LOL. then; SCHOOL. ughh. wilson made me & lucy c get a late note, but like, its so pointless cos he like, left it there @ the dance studio anyways, and amy picked it up LOL.
random shot; LOL ooh. chips! well, thats what i call them :P
THEN; TODAYYYY - which meant HOCKEY!
i'll like, put up the piccos/vids laterrrrr. cbb.
thats pretty much all, so BYE!

MONDAY: uhhhh what happened on monday again ? OH. that was the day we had sport science prac. thats pretty much all i can remember.. so yeahhh. NEXXXT. LOL.
TUESDAY: um... hmmm.. tuesday ? uhh. oh yeah, we had double ag that day. but then like, mccord talked for 1 period (actually, MORE that 1 period. T_T), so yeahhh. gay much ? x_x. man i miss 8DAI1 sooooooo much. that class was SO MUCH FREAKEN FUNNN =/ lol. OH & then we had jap tutor-thingy. we finished early at like, 3:30 (Y)(Y). LOL i really needed to pee, but like, the girls toilets were locked (T___T") so me & amy went in the guys toilets..LOL. the cleaner-janitor guy saw us in there cos he was like cleaning the toilets & after, (when i was done peeing thank God lol) he goes "i think you've got the wrong toilets" :L .. the guys toilets are so different from the chicks's... girls toilets are better LOL. the doors are like, really short, so like, you could look over at the next guy's thingy when youre peeing (if your a guy LOL) HAHAHAA.
WEDNESDAY: uh. rollcall; boring. PE theory; boring. maths; boring. then science; mehh. LOL THEN THEN THEN ... HOCKEYYYY! ^^"" LOL. i loveeeee hockey. its like, awesome. when you play you like, release all your anger/stress & just forget about everything else for a while.. lol.. xD versed ingleburn.. (we played them before; like, the 1st match we ever played. SIX-NIL PWNAGE. we won btw LOL) yeahhh. we were really shitty first half, i swear. at halftime we were down 2-1 o___o" like WTF. then, 2nd half we got better (Y) (Y) WE WON 6-3! (H). we're still undefeated. ^^. FOR NOW.
THURSDAY: uhh. cant really remember anything but science; LOL it was pretty funny i guess :L cos brendan & lucy were having some not-swearing bet or something, & then in science brendan said dumbass. it went something like:
brendan: "ass isnt a swear word..."
*everyone starts all saying ass isnt a swear word* (dude, like, its not.. o_o")
javery: "lucy, ass isnt a swear word, cos if it were a swear word, then YOU'D be a swear word."
LIKE, LOLOLOL!! it took me like, a while to get that, but when i actually got that, it was so LAUGHOUTLOUD :L :L
OMG. LAST BIATHLON EVERRRRRRRR. LOL YAY! :L. couldnt swim, & i was like, dreading going school cos ann said the people in N/R/E had sport detention if they couldnt swim... & yeahh, i couldn't. LOL. but like, we didnt have sport detention. so yeahhh GJGJ (Y). LOL. me & jannice like, walked it :L. then ... english. wrapped books. lameeeee. but better than work LOL. then we had science ... which was boringggggg as usual. LOL we did some experiment thing & our class broke like, a gazillion crucible pots (or however you then.. maths. man, arriola so gayyyyy. goshh T___T then geo. watched some video thing. i like, fell sorta asleep. then. hometime! LOLOL. uhh. just watched footy .... omg dogs lost --" SIGHHHH. oh well.. we still OWNED tigers! LOL (H) :D
yepppp. that was my week .. yeahhhh. BYE.

so over you
i'm, i'm so over you
i'm, i'm so over you
i'm, i'm so over you
when you left me, baby
i just didn't see it coming, no
should've waited longer
could've worked it out
i know it eat you up inside
now when you call on the phone
telling me
you mean to me
you still love me
i can't believe it
you're unbelievable
'cause i never really knew it was in it
but i should've seen it from the beginning
when i used to be so independent
then all i did was think of you
girl, you know what i could've showed you
i'm gonna keep my head high on my shoulders
i'm better off now that it's over
and i'm not gonna think of you'cause i'm so over you
i'm so over you
i'm so over you
yes, i'm so over you
i'm, i'm so over you
i'm, i'm so over you, yesi should've known better
should've seen right through
it was all about the chase
baby, i'm a little wiser
because of girls like you
i learned from my mistakes
now i can go out every night
enjoy myself without the fights
and no more, no more sleepless nights, yeah
'cause i never knew it was in it
but i should've seen it from the beginning
when i used to be so independent
then all i did was think of you
girl, you know what i could've showed you
gonna keep my head high on my shoulders
i'm better off now that it's over
and i'm not gonna think of youi used to want to know
why'd you go and break my heart
like we never met, my babe, at all
time has made me wise
i know i didn't believe it when they told me
that i would get over you'cause i never really knew it was in it
but i should've seen it from the beginning
when i used to be so independent
then all i did was think of you
girl, you know what i could've showed you
gonna keep my head high on my shoulders
i'm better off now that it's over
when i used to be so independent
then all i did was think of you
girl, you know what i could've showed you
gonna keep my head high on my shoulders
i'm better off now that it's over
and i'm not gonna think of you'cause i never really knew it was in it
but i should've seen it from the beginning
when i used to be so independent
then all i did was think of yougirl, you know what i could've showed you
i'm gonna keep my head high on my shoulders
i'm better off now that it's over
and i'm not gonna think of you
'cause i'm better off now that it's over
and i'm not gonna think of you'cause i'm so over you
i'm so over you
i'm so over you
yes, i'm so over you
i'm so over you
i'm so over you
yes, i'm so OVER YOU.
Labels: miscellaneous, stuff, tunes