i dont usually blog DAILY, but i am THAT bored right now. --"
i was sleeping before, but mehh. i woke up. (obviously LOL)
i added a SMILE! box over there somewhere -->
cause i was bored.
& yeahh.
i'll put like, a lame joke/pun/pick-up line/piccy/whatevers lame-but-funny in there everyday :) FOR YOU'S :) SO YOU CAN SMILE. & for me too i guess :L
ionno. i just have a lotta lame stuff in my head, that i wanna share with you LOL :P
still really bored.
OMG YESSSS. footy in like, 45 mins.
dogs vs tigers. DOGGIES FTW! (Y) (Y)
hmmm. bored bored bored.
k i'm just gonna go now. LOL
Labels: bored

hmm monday was easter right ?
so tuesday then:
uhh what happened on tuesday again ? can't remember.. hmm .. well tuesday was boring, nm happened, & i cant remember anyways (LOL bad memory >_>) so yeahh.
it was.. mehh.. bad start, good end lol. had rollcall first, boringgggg. i was reading my penny dreadful thingymabobby & its so Zzzzzzzzz LOL --" thennn .. maths. i was kinda really pissed at that time, about something i think only larry knows (or maybe michelle/lucy/ann too?). lol.. yeah.. & then had geo. boringgg. did questions. MAN I SWEAR I THOUGHT FLAMINGOS COULDNT FLY! >.< LOL. but they can. so... damn. :L then we had.. science ? boring. then luch. me & jenny were like, hanging upside-downish on the green table/seats LOL. it was funnn. then.. HOCKEY! lol we had a bye so were at school training & shit. we versed yr8 guys LOL. some guy called brendan was defending & i was attacking. he was pretty good LOL.
BIATHLON UGH. BUT BUT, i improved my time! PB PB! by 2 secs lol :P then after we had that thingy how you go with someone of the opposite sex. i was with michelle. ROFL. we got less than 10mins! (LOL 9:59 :P) but afterwards, i was so DEAD x_x i was so tireddddd for the rest of the day xD.
was mufti day! LOL. had.. english first. watched the end of stagecoach. that was like, the only lesson that i actually WATCHED/payed attention to the movie LOL. its so lame. ==" & the storylines like, uber shitty --" why couldnt we watch shanghai noon ? LOL >_>" then.. sport science. which was gayyyy. had theory. LOL somehow reminds me, I'M 4TH IN FANTASY YEAAAH! LOL. just let me enjoy that before ann totally ANNIHILATES (LOLOL, ANN-ihilates :L) my team with her uber pro one lol >.< . then we had ag. which was pretty boring. LOL @ mccord when he said that thing about males breeding with...males LOL! .. then we had science. which was ok i guess ? LOL @ jeffrey. he was an electron yeah ? and brendan was a proton. & he goes to brendan, "we're attracted, yeah?" LOLOLOL! i so LOLLED at that :L. then.. lunch.. which was funny. LOL @ that funny thing we were laughing at michelle/ann! (LOL, AT THE MOVIES :L. LOLOLOL @ THE SPAGHETTI! :L:L) LOL its an insider joke, so yeahh.. :L. then we had music. had to set up tables & shit for yr12 half yearlies. lol whatta workout i swear! --" then we had.. history. so boring, as usual. (i hate metua T_T) someone like, burnt a jumper outside in a bin or something. i could like, smell it & it was gross. LOL amy was like, "smells like burnt.... toast? *smells more* " :L
LOL yeah. that was my week. now i'm like, mega uber bored. so yeahhh. i might go watch tv lol :P. BYE.
joke of the day :) -
Q. Why did the maths book go emo?
A. Because it had too many PROBLEMS!
HAHAHAHAHAH thats good stuff :L
Labels: schooool

thx to everyone for the bday greetings in the form of sms's, msn nicks, tagboard comments (T_T lucy) & just yeah, 'happy bday's' on msn LOL. THANKS :D LOVE YOU'S !
umm. i'm bored. i'll name you all :D. umm. i got sms's from michelle, shiri & aashana in the morning, so i guess they were the first ones to wish me hbd, if you dont count people saying 'happy bday for tomorrow' on wednesday LOL :L. um & then .. zul, steven, lucy h, javery, larry, rosa, brendan, annie, lucy t, jannice, ann, charlie (! ROFL), vivian, mw, char, kelvin & otherssss (sorry if you did & i forgot ? :S) on msn. LOL. THX AGAIN (Y).
from the parentals: (lol, the mock didnt come with, it was mine before xD)
from the best people in the world (aka, the friends <3):

my sister was supposed to give me money for clothes $$ (so i stop stealing hers hahaa.) but i dont think she will LOL :L maybe she'll just shout me when we go shopping ? i hope so xD
Labels: fun, miscellaneous

umm. monday was.. ionno. oh yeah, AASHY'S BDAY ! lol she's 3 days older than me :L hmm. ionno. the day was going okay i guess. i found out something at recess. something not so good. but i convinced myself not to let it ruin my day. we had a party thingo at lunch. went high on coke & ruffles (haha ROFFLES :L) with michelle. laughed about shit-puns (crime shit investigation. so you think you can shit HAHAA. :L) i was seriously on a MEGA high. but then that mega high turned mega lowwwww. got piffy (lol @ that word michelle) after school. it continued to today lol.
tuesday/today. VIVI'S BDAY ! hmmm. apart from that, it was a bit.. mehh. i was yeah, pretty piffy. acually, waaay more than just piffy. i was pissed. yeah. i held myself together through maths, but near the end of geo/ at recess/ sport science, i kinda just fell freaking apart. i know i'm overreacting just a bit michelle/larry, but mehh. i can't help it right now. i'm still so angry bout it. i reaaaaally need to calm down. omg yes. hockey tomorrow. i can't wait. i have a LOT of stress/pissed-off ness/ anger to releaseee.
Labels: miscellaneous, schooool, stuff

oh, and no need to worry larry. what i said on friday; (lunch --walking back from toilets) i wont ever be depressing about that stupid ..reason that i told you. :D. its all good now. (well i hope so anyways..)
yeahhh thats all i wanted to say. so BYEE.
Labels: miscellaneous, stuff

then we went to some cricket museum thingy-place. it was so .. strange... there was like, 'ghosts' talking rofl. it was pretty awesome though. even though it was obvious that they were just like, projections or something. ....it was pretty creepy actually.. o_o" then the tour was finished .. ? ionno. can't really remember the rest. :L :L
after that we like walked to some place near fox studios. sir was like, " okay guys , you have an hour to eat. so go. " & then he like, disappeared off somewhere. :L to meet someone ;) LOL. kiddinggggg. well actually he might've been for all i know :L lol yeah. omg there was some shop that sold wrangler jeans for $25! if i'd known that before, i woulda brought more money T_T umm. lol. Lovesac. :L hahahahaa. lol ok moving onnnnn. thirded (if thats even a word. XD) a footlong chicken subway (obviously haha) at subway. it was yummyyyyyyyy. oh & steven shouted me & brendan (even though brendan changed teams. the shithead T_T") drinks cos the dragons suck shit haha. GOOD JOB RABBITOHS (Y) :DD lol Mmmm iced chocolate. omg i want one now =9. and OMG. stevens honey chicken. so unhealthily YUMMY. =999999. OMG. i want some of that too now ><>_>). lol there was this big chessboard. omg i'd love to play people chess one day. :L lol so random.
then we ... left ?
fun fun fun.
it was awesome! :)
anns boyfriend. ROFLLL! hahah. :L thats a good one (Y) LOL.
and on another note, new dress. 8) so cute. ^^ 8 bucks! :D got it ages ago. just thought i'd share that with you :LLabels: fun, schooool, threads