so yeah, i got to school @ like, 8-10 ish ? and like no-one was there. so i waited like, 15 minutes (boredddddddom, much ?) yeah, then peoples finally came! :L lol annie was like, full macquarie MILLIONAIRE drag queen-ish :L LOL oh and annie bought like, 4 green glittery bowler hats so annie, me, ann & michelle all had green bowler hats x) lol we so OTT XD. OMG , and THAT BLING RING!! <33333
LMACQUARIE ! PSHHHHELL YEAH BRO ! psh, chelle's shirt's yellowish =="
LOL! drying our asses. we left all these wet, ass-patches on the road LOLOLOL.
randommmmm. shoes.
most of the day was spent walking around being bored. and hahaha somehow that reminds me (actually not really, i just remembered randomly haha) , MATTIE HAD HAT HAIR ! :L :L :L ROFLOLMAO ! . it was so boringgggg most of the day, but the end-free swim part was fun . haha jumped in fully-clothed. i told myself i wasnt gonna this year, but mehh. PEER PRESSURE. haha xD lol OH OH and after , when me and michelle and ann got out, we walked around all wet and dripping and stuff , so we went around hugging dry people. well it was me & michelle, ann was chickennnnnn (i bet she really wanted to hug SOMEONEEE ;) LOL ANN JKS JKS IF YOUR READING THIS!) lol. that was funnnn. i huggeded mattie pattie & even steven (LOL , the WIERD LOOKS ON THEIR FACES WHEN I RAN UP TO THEM WITH OUTSTRETCHED DRIPPING WET ARMS WAS PRICELESS BRO!! :DD) and michelle hugged jeffrey and victor (LOL it was SOOOOO funny cos after she hugged victor , she kept complaining for like 20 minutes cos she smelt like victor (lynxxx LOL !) :L:L:L
yeahh , the rest of the day was boringggggg, & not worth mentioning.
anywaysssss how was my day you ask ? :L okay maybe not. but i'll tell you anyways cause i love you's so much xDDD. I went with my mum & olderest sister to shopss LOL. cos i needed to go get a folder/ some new binder books for school. (cos we have waaaaaaaay too many freaken textbooks and yeahh. me back can't cope ._." my day was spent writing shit from old Geography, Sport Science, History and PE books to new binder books T___T ew much ? ) lol.
new threads from random shops here & there:
ooh grey shorts ! <3
LOVE the colour.
Yellowwww is happy colour :) tightrope. 3 bucks. LOL i knowww i'm cheap :P
back to basics. prettyyy.
Pinky-ish. Cuteeee. from valleygirl ^^
awesome, ayee ? :L :L :L
lol i finallyyyyy bothered uploading pics ROFL :DD

lol yeahh thats all, so BYE! :D
ohh & before i go, EW CRAP DAMN BI-ATHLON ON FRIDAY.
Labels: gay, miscellaneous, schooool